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Your best memory after visiting Poland

pgtx  29 | 3094
1 Apr 2010   #1
What is your best memory after your visit in Poland?
Something you would like to experience once again while visiting the country.
deepdown  - | 2
1 Apr 2010   #2
What is your best memory after your visit in Poland?

Sitting on the banks of the Wisla waiting for the sun to come up after eating Zapikanka's from Plac Nowy (The best in Krakow).
1 Apr 2010   #3
I like walking around old part of Rakowicki cemetery. Half of my family is buried there but I like to walk aimlessly and for example check all those graves of real-life people who were characters in "Wesele" (The Wedding) of Stanisław Wyspiański. Or another time I would go and check graves of all "Młoda Polska" writers ...weird hobby, I know. I like the atmosphere and smell of that place.

Or I can sit and watch Wyspiański's (again!) stained-glass window "God the father the creator" in the Franciscan church

  • WitraeStanisawaWys.jpg
OP pgtx  29 | 3094
1 Apr 2010   #4
very interesting because i like to do it too... but i like cmentarz Podgórski, my family is mostly buried there... i like to discover forgotten graves and leave a candle... and it has to be at dusk :)
Olly  1 | 13
1 Apr 2010   #5
Just being in Poland alays blows my mins and makes me think how different the culture is to UK!!
mtwyman  - | 2
1 Apr 2010   #6
I live in Maryland (borders Washington D.C.) and am half Black(Black, Irish, Cherokee) and Half White (Polish). My favorite memory was visiting poland for the first time and sitting on a bus. I was speaking in English to a friend that didn't speak polish and a little girl was sitting across from me saying in polish to her mother, "Wow! Is that english mama? I want to speak english to! He looks so neat, wow, can we move to America?!"

I thought it was adorable and it let me know that the poland that my mom left behind was no longer a place that reflected communism and solidarity, but a place growing and expanding and becoming a country that mirrored the values and ways of other top countries in the world.

  • in case you're wondering what my odd mix looks like! This is me.
RonWest  3 | 120
1 Apr 2010   #7
Visiting friends in Piła and enjoying a bottle of vodka eating Goshia's incredible food!!!!!!
1 Apr 2010   #8
I have visted Poland every winter for the last seven years. Undeniably, my best memory is being with Agnieszka. Ahhhh, sweet, sweet, adorable, wonderful Agnieszka. No question, she is my best memory.

However, if you want something about Poland itself, I'd have to go with the wieliczka salt mine. That was extremely cool! Also, seeing Auschwitz, while not exactly fun, was extremely powerful, and something I'll always remember.

Oh, another great memory was the time I was out walking by myself with my guitar, and got beckoned into a small shop, where they were having a birthday party, and wanted me to play for them. I ended up playing quite a long time for them, while they plied me with vodka and orange juice, and, despite the language barrier, we had dandy old time!

But the best memories are all of my Agnieszka. ;)
3 Apr 2010   #9
i went few times to Wroclaw,and really i can not hide that its very nice city,most people were kind with me(like stranger) and helpful,then the family who i visited in Wroclaw moved to live in other town near Wroclaw,then i visited them in that town,i went with my friend in nice place(rinek)there we crossed a woman with her husband she has about 50 years old,,she looked very bad to me and to my polish friends with some movements with her lips and her eyes,my polish friend saw that and her face changed colour,then we back to the friends house and almost three days i stayed in the house until i left back,,i think now i will not go anymore there

in Wroclaw i like the grand place,shopping and the station where i ate much ice cream
king polkagamon
3 Apr 2010   #10
My best memory is when I was caressing tender polish legs.For some reason when I think about Poland long shaped legs come to my mind.
Nathan  18 | 1349
3 Apr 2010   #11
we crossed a woman with her hasbend she has about 50 years old,,she looked very bad to me and to my polish friends with some movements with her lips and her eyes

Was she an alien?

i think now i will not go anymore there

Good idea. Sometimes, they take you away.

in case you're wondering what my odd mix looks like! This is me

I was wondering and wow, you are very sexy and enormously attractive :)

For some reason when I think about Poland long shaped legs come to my mind

Yummy, nothing to add.
z_darius  14 | 3960
4 Apr 2010   #12
I don't think he meant chicken thighs.
Nathan  18 | 1349
5 Apr 2010   #13
I would eat either ;)
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427
5 Apr 2010   #14
My best memory is when I was caressing tender polish legs.

you mean polished legs of the table?
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
5 Apr 2010   #15
It was when I was very little, it dark and late and I was near "Grób nieznanego żołńierza"
There was a parade I remember while sitting on my fathers shoulders, the mix of darkness and soldiers parading made me remember it for all eternity.

Another one was when I was with 2 of my friends at a Pizza hut in Warsaw where we met a very nice waiter, we gave him a huge tip :)
Eurola  4 | 1898
5 Apr 2010   #16
and am half Black(Black, Irish, Cherokee) and Half White (Polish).

I don't think the irish would appreciate to be included in the half black part...
Anyway, a quite interesting combination with a handsome result. I'm glad to hear you went to visit Poland.
OP pgtx  29 | 3094
5 Apr 2010   #17
I don't think the irish would appreciate to be included in the half black part...

huh? what now...?
that's given to him, not chosen by him...
SeanBM  34 | 5781
5 Apr 2010   #18
I don't think the irish would appreciate to be included in the half black part...

Never heard of the Black Irish? :)
Siobhanxxx  - | 2
12 Aug 2011   #19
My best memory.....Is the people!.....SO nice. The friendly , welcoming environment i will not forget :) x
beckski  12 | 1609
13 Aug 2011   #20
Exactly one year ago from today, I met my beloved Great Aunt Janka. At age 92, she is the eldest of my relatives. Meeting her was truly an honorable experience. I will cherish the beautiful memories for the rest of my life :)
rybnik  18 | 1444
13 Aug 2011   #21
The last time I visited was back in 1989. It was either late spring or early summer. The weather was great - sunny. A few things from that trip are etched in my memory: the German border guards were smiling (Cottbus) and bid us "sierokej drogi"; the strawberries being sold on the Zielona Gora roadside - they were big and sweet and plentiful; and the ice cream. I don't know why exactly I've remembered the ice cream but I do and I remember smiling a lot......(which is HUGE for me).
11 Jan 2012   #22
Mine was Praga district in Warsaw - old, great atmosphere, full off artistic places, a little bit dangerous...and nice hostel I've stayed in - Oki Doki in city center
valpomike  11 | 194
11 Jan 2012   #23
Several things make Poland a great place to visit, I find in my visits.

1. The great people, who all are there to help, whenever you need, even if they don't know you.
2. The care these great people take in a try to make you happy.
3. The great food, found all over Poland.
4. The great places to visit.
5. The great looking women, all over.
6. The exchange rate, from our U.S. money, and what you can buy, at a low price.
7. The safe feeling you have, even walking the streets.
8. You don't need to be able to speak Polish, to get around.

I would, if I did not have family here, in the U.S. move there now, for good.
I look forward to my next visit, to Poland.

rybnik  18 | 1444
12 Jan 2012   #24
It was the summer of '78 and the place was Kraków's Wisła. A group of us took a riverboat ride up-river. The destination: a monestary. The sky was a deep blue and the temp warm ,dry and very comfortable. We set off from the foot of Wawel Castle. One of the girls was playing guitar - Cat Stevens' "Father and Son" I recall. The water was placid. There was no river traffic to speak of. We were it! Five minutes into our trip cold Okocims(back then they were delicious) materialized and we pounced.

Forty-five minutes later we arrived at our destination. All I remember is that the monestary was well-protected by trees and very old. The other is the sound of a bird I never knew existed. I heretofore thought it was a mere fabrication - a bajka.

While waiting on the riverbank for the others I heard the call of a cukoo bird! That sound has been etched into my accoustic memory forever. It was a perfect moment: the sun, the QUIET, the beer and...."cukoo, cukoo".

I'd love to take my daughter there.
urszula  1 | 253
12 Jan 2012   #25
The destination: a monestary

Was that the kameduly monestery in Bielany or the monastery in Tyniec?
My trip to Poland 4 months ago took us to Zakopane, walking up and down the Krupowki, with a very interesting market, with lots of things to see. Took a ride on a tratwa down the Dunajec. They picked us up from our house and drove us to the launching spot, later they drove us around the Zakopane area visitng old castles and a wooden church. The spływ on the Dunajec was beautiful. The guides were telling jokes and legends the whole time, weather was perfect and we came home with unforgettable memories. And about a 1000 pictures.
rybnik  18 | 1444
12 Jan 2012   #26
Was that the kameduly monestery in Bielany or the monastery in Tyniec?

I don't remember :(
gumishu  15 | 6228
12 Jan 2012   #27
Forty-five minutes later we arrived at our destination

I guess it would take a lot longer to get to Tyniec by rowing boat
pawian  226 | 27453
22 Apr 2021   #28
What is your best memory after your visit in Poland?

The statue of Jesus in Świebodzin - the highest in the world.

Ziemowit  14 | 3936
23 Apr 2021   #29
I think there were plans to mount a GPS transmitter on Jesus' head, but they abandoned the idea after a flash of criticism.
Alien  25 | 6392
5 Apr 2022   #30
Jasna Gora and the Monastery in Częstochowa.

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