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Krakow is better than Prague

17 Nov 2020   #1
I regret going to Prague and losing several months working there when I could have gone to Krakow. Prague sure is a beautiful place, but on a smaller scale, Krakow is very similar. Maybe the air is more polluted in winter but I get the feeling locals are friendlier. Krakow seems by far the better place with more to see and better food. My frustration is that actually the job ad was listed for the Warsaw office, yet in a bait-and-switch move it turned to be about Prague. What I learned is that you have to go with what you like!

I don't know why I put this here, I guess I needed to vent. Cheers for wrong decisions!
pawian  226 | 27509
18 Nov 2020   #2
was listed for the Warsaw office, yet in a bait-and-switch move it turned to be about Prague.

There is also Prague in Warsaw.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
19 Nov 2020   #3
Must have been Prague side of Warsaw, the eastern side. Czech Prague isn't the only one in the world ;)
pawian  226 | 27509
25 Aug 2023   #4
Krakow seems by far the better place

Not really. It isn`t a too safe city. Two days ago the police issued an arrest warrant for this 22 yo resident of Krakow. Just look at him. Typical lowlife criminal. Very dangerous!!

  • 14.jpg
Alien  25 | 6399
25 Aug 2023   #5
Did I read that correctly that he has to go to jail for two days for swearing in a public place. O kur...a.
Paulina  19 | 4464
25 Aug 2023   #6
@Alien, yes, you read correctly lol

the police issued an arrest warrant for this 22 yo

Actually, the court did. The guy "turned himself in" already - he paid the fine:
pawian  226 | 27509
25 Aug 2023   #7
The guy "turned himself in" already

That`s good, Until he was at large, I would never visit Krakow - the city of violence and crime where such villains swear in public places where decent citizens go for walks with familes.
Novichok  4 | 8508
25 Aug 2023   #8
Is there a list of prohibited words in Poland?
pawian  226 | 27509
25 Aug 2023   #9
prohibited words

Yes, there is but we won`t make it public coz they are prohibited.
jon357  72 | 23483
25 Aug 2023   #10
Actually, the court did.

I thought 'wulgaryzmy w ulicach" was just an administrative fine?
Paulina  19 | 4464
25 Aug 2023   #11
@jon357, yes, but according to the article the guy didn't pay the fine, so it was turned into 2 days in jail. He paid the fine eventually and so he didn't have to go to jail.

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