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Kielce and the area - amazing Polish Pocket Knives live there

Paulina  19 | 4515
7 May 2024   #91
I've decided to "move" the discussion about "Wesoła Kafka" here from this thread:

but do they have good cakes like in the old days

I don't recall them having many cakes back then... 🤔 On the other hand, we were ordering mainly coffee there (we were just poor students xD), so I'm not sure... I do remember that on special occasions (like our birthdays) we would order cheesecake with ice cream and raspberry sauce and that was tasty :) Also, a hot apple pie with ice cream :) I think that cheesecake is still the speciality of that café and it's apparently still good (as is coffee).

"Wesoła Kafka" is a cult café in Kielce already these days, btw, and they've opened two other places - at Karczówka and in the botanical garden. The decor is nothing like in the original café at Wesoła street though.

This is what we would order during uni times: latte macchiato + cheesecake (first photo) and apple pie (second photo) :)):

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Paulina  19 | 4515
7 May 2024   #92
For very good homemade-like cakes (and good coffee too) you can visit another Kielce's cult café - "Cztery Pory Roku" :) They have their own confectionery in another part of the city and I'm guessing that's where they're getting their cakes from. They also have all kinds of desserts and ice cream (their pączki are not so great though, apparently ;)).

Some photos of their stuff :):

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Paulina  19 | 4515
7 May 2024   #93
And the prices are affordable too :)

More of their stuff:

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Alien  25 | 6476
7 May 2024   #94
I'm about to gain weight just by looking at it. 😋🤗
Paulina  19 | 4515
7 May 2024   #95
Haha... :D Yeah, look at that wuzetka... and the nut cake... ;O 🤤

More photos :):

1. Staff with faworki (angel wings) :)
2. Staff and the owner with St. Martin's croissants.
3. The interior.
4. The exterior - their ogródek kawiarniany has a view on the Kielce's main promenade (the café is located on the Sienkiewicz Street).

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Lenka  5 | 3544
7 May 2024   #96
I'm about to gain weight just by looking at it. 😋🤗

Same here😃
johnny reb  49 | 8003
7 May 2024   #97
Give me three of those croissants and a pot of coffee and they would magically disappear.
If the girl sitting by herself left her purse in an empty chair like that on the public streets of Chicago or New York......she would be looking at buying a new one within ten minutes.
gumishu  15 | 6228
7 May 2024   #98
and they would magically disappear.

Johnny the Magician ;)
Feniks  2 | 837
7 May 2024   #99
@ Paulina.

I love the cafe interiors you posted on the other thread :)

I really dislike coffee chains such as Starbucks as the coffee isn't very good. I much prefer independent coffee shops and I go out for coffee and cake quite often:)

Those cakes look amazing btw :)
Paulina  19 | 4515
7 May 2024   #100
@Feniks, I'm glad you like them :)))
jon357  72 | 23595
7 May 2024   #101
I really dislike coffee chains such as Starbucks as the coffee isn't very good

Same here. Those look smart though.

I tend to like the old-fashioned ones, not changed much from the PRL era however in Warsaw most I've gone now. There's just a few left. My favourite is the one that has donate just saying "Bar Kawowy" close to Metro Ratusz just by "Gruba Kaśka". It's in an 70s concrete pavilion unchanged for half a century and has a nice atmosphere.

I like places like that. In Kielce I've eaten a few times in a basement cafe under the market. Hearty food and of the past.

There's a newish chain in northern England (an Ulster firm, a lot of the staff have NI accents) called Bob & Bert's. They aren't fancy like that (some are in shipping precincts) but the coffee is top notch and the food is amazing. A different menu from most. A Polish version would be really popular..
Feniks  2 | 837
8 May 2024   #102
I tend to like the old-fashioned ones, not changed much from the PRL era

I haven't seen many of those to be honest although I've been in some very nice cafes in Poland. I've been to a couple of milk bars but that's not quite the same thing.

I did have coffee in Restauracja Stylowa in Nowa Huta once.

Bob & Bert's.

I've heard of them. There's none in my area though :(
jon357  72 | 23595
9 May 2024   #103
milk bars but that's not quite the same thing.

There's the new generation of milk bars (a logical evolution) and there's also so ethical g else that you see in a few places. Sort of two-in-one or three-in-one places. One kitchen and a milk bar and one or two better places all adjacent. I used to live near one. The prices and appearance differed; milk bars have a subsidy and in Warsaw they usually accept food stamps, there was one with high tables, cheap set meals and beer next to it where people often just went for a drink, and there was a third with tablecloths and waitresses.

Restauracja Stylowa in Nowa Huta once.

There are a few nice ones there, good atmosphere and very traditional.

I've heard of them. There's none in my area though

Hopefully they'll open one. They really are good.
Paulina  19 | 4515
14 Jul 2024   #104
Last night there was the wildest storm I've probably seen in Kielce in my life. Earlier I left windows open to air the rooms at night and I had to close them quickly, because hail, leaves and small pieces of tree branches were falling into the rooms through the windows :O The wind was really strong. Since the morning I've been hearing fire trucks sirens throughout the day. Unfortunately the hail broke one of the windows in my father's car :/

Photos from the article:

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Alien  25 | 6476
14 Jul 2024   #105
Unfortunately the hail broke one of the windows in my father's car :/

The insurance company should pay.

Home / Travel / Kielce and the area - amazing Polish Pocket Knives live there

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