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How do Polish students support themselves? Government suport for students in Poland?

dianaperazzo  3 | 6
27 Sep 2009   #1
How polish students support their financial needs?
- Parents?
- Scholarships?
- Part-time jobs?
- Full-time jobs?
- Summer jobs?
beckski  12 | 1609
27 Sep 2009   #2
How polish students support their financial needs?

In Poland or elsewhere?

In the U.S. what ever university may attend pretty much sums it up. For myself and family members, it was mostly financial aid and student loans, along with part-time jobs.
plk123  8 | 4119
27 Sep 2009   #3
In Poland or elsewhere?

see above and below

/ Work and Study in Poland /

beckski  12 | 1609
27 Sep 2009   #4
smart alec doggy, behave!
adyberlin  - | 2
4 Jan 2012   #6
Merged: Student support from government for a non-Polish?

I am not from Poland, so wanted to ask one general question.
One of my friend from Poland said, govt normally support polish student's with around 200Euro every month. Is it true? Because as in germany, its not like that.

sorry for my poor english and question if someone mind.
PWEI  3 | 612
4 Jan 2012   #7
govt normally support polish student's with around 200Euro every month. Is it true?

No. Not unless your father is a good mate of the Dean.
adyberlin  - | 2
4 Jan 2012   #8
Thanks PWEI, so normally what student gets? ( I didnt mean to hurt with my question's ) :)
sarahk  - | 18
5 Jan 2012   #9
From what I understand Polish students can apply for a type of Bafög (you are German, correct?), but school itself typically doesn't cost anything (for PL and EU citizens), just books and housing cost money. But, that also really depends on what school you go to, if it's public or not.
gumishu  15 | 6228
5 Jan 2012   #10
Thanks PWEI, so normally what student gets? ( I didnt mean to hurt with my question's ) :)

Polish students can receive 'stypendium' from the state-owned high schools - there is the 'stypendium' for low income family students (but the threshold is really low and most Polish students can't receive that type of the 'stypendium' - even if it is not restricted to Polish nationals you won't be coming below the income threshold (if you have a family who support you who live in Germany)

there is also another type of 'stypendium' which is an incentive for students to receive good grades - this is the 'stypendium za wyniki w nauce' - the threshold here is quite high (the scale of grades in Polish high schools is 2-5 and the usual threshold for receiving any money in the form of that stypendium is usually the average 4.5 (in some schools or faculties even higher) - the better the average of your grades the more money you can get but it is still not much (I'm not familiar with the present situation but you could get around 200 PLN for the best grades back in the end of the 90's )
16 Jan 2012   #11
I am a Polish student of MA course in Germany, can i get any financial help?? how does Bafoeg work and how to apply?
pawian  226 | 27817
15 May 2021   #12
How polish students support their financial needs?

One of my sons, a student, gets his parents` support (apartment utilities and grocery purchases ) and works part-time as a mall shop assistant.

Home / Study / How do Polish students support themselves? Government suport for students in Poland?

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