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Opinions on best Universities in Poland for BioChemistry for foreign students

Caroline9  2 | 4
18 Dec 2024   #1
Looking for my daughter for options, she is looking to study BioChemistry (British Citizen) - doesn't speak much polish but will be learning. Where would be good university option in Poland for this with English speaking course? Long term as a family we are looking to relocate to Poland and have a house in Poland, so would be good if daughter can get into Polish life culturally and have future career options in Poland.
18 Dec 2024   #2
I read that the Jagiellonian University in Krakow is one of the best in Poland offering the BioChemistry degree. It's probably the best place to study too (unless she prefers a high life in Warsaw).
Lyzko  44 | 9723
18 Dec 2024   #3
If your daughter intends to study in Poland without even a basic knowledge of the
language, do make certain that her professor(s) speak(s) English as a native language, if
you possibly can!

I studied English Lit. for one semester in college here in the States with a visiting prof. from Italy
and, albeit without knowing a word of Italian at the time, found his lectures rather difficult to
understand because of his decided Italian accent, not to mention occasionally mangled
syntax. He of course blamed any misunderstandings on us, his students, rather than on his
less than perfect English.

Just imagine were my native language one other than English, studying in a second language
with a professor whose language of instruction wasn't my mother tongue either.
Novichok  4 | 8681
18 Dec 2024   #4
...because of his decided Italian accent, not to mention occasionally...

Hey, professor..."decided" or "decidedly"?

Two different things...
Lyzko  44 | 9723
19 Dec 2024   #5
Thanks, novi! Merely a typo, that's all.
The professor in question did though have a decidedly decided Italian accent in EnglishLOL
OP Caroline9  2 | 4
20 Dec 2024   #6
Yes I was looking at English speaking courses to study BioChemistry, her polish will only be basic - not enough to learn a degree! There is University - International European in Poznan, but can't find that much info on it and whether it is actually any good or internationally accredited

I had a look at Jaguelonian - Krakow - however courses are in Polish

Otherwise Plan A is stick to studies in UK whilst continuing to learn Polish and move at later stage but would really like her to get involved in Polish life beforehand

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