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Are Masters in Poland free of charge for EE citizens? (English)

22 Jan 2014   #1
Are Masters in Poland free of charge for EE citizens?
I am talking about masters in english,not in polish.As i know Poland has public universities and free-of-charge for polish citizens.Is it the same for EE citizens for masters in english(in public universities)?

Thank you so much.
Monitor  13 | 1810
22 Jan 2014   #2
Masters and Bachelors in Poland are free of charge in Public universities (except of extramural or evening studies) for all EU citizens when taught in Polish. I am afraid there are no free English studies (with few exceptions).
1 Nov 2024   #3
During the last decade, a lot of positive changes happened in Poland. Now many colleges and universities offer free studies in English for EU citizens (not EE citizens as I don't know what it means). The choices are still not great, but in the big cities you should find programs you're interested in available in English.
Atch  22 | 4299
2 Nov 2024   #4
EEA is European Economic Area which includes European countries that don't belong to the EU but have special links/mutual recognition for trade purposes. Switzerland doesn't belong to either but is treated as if it does to all intents and purposes.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
2 Nov 2024   #5
Why again would someone want to study in Poland in English of all things??
The converse would be equally moronic, studying abroad in a language not
in the student's native tongue, moreover taught by a non-native of that language!
It's the blind leading the blind.
Atch  22 | 4299
2 Nov 2024   #6
Why again would someone want to study in Poland in English of all things??

Because a lot of the international students are from outside the EU and think that studying in a European country is a way in on a more permanent basis. Poland is one of the cheapest options for them. And there are also students who don't have the academic results to get into university in their own country but can get accepted in Poland.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
3 Nov 2024   #7
@Atch, as I've stated on previous occasions, if the professor(s) are native UK speakers, for instance,
who teach the course in English to other English native speaking students, where's the problem?

However, I could scarcely imagine a Greek native speaker sitting in a lecture/seminar room and listening to
a Polish, German or French native speaker with all the second, even third language interference which such
entails, lecturing or discussing in their semi-fluent English.

This is the stuff of lowbrow comedy, Abbot & Costello meets the Marx Bros.LOL

I recall a brief incident where a German professor visited our school in Manhattan to give a seminar on
new ESL teaching techniques. We all arrived for the seminar, all of us English native speakers, to find the
professor writing various learning tips on the board: "Scheduled learning is going in front of all."
The words are English, yet the sense was incomprehensible to our group. I suggested to the speaker, being
a second language English speaker, that perhaps he meant "Systematic study is of primary importance."
when the fellow snapped at me "Ahemm, you obviously don't understand what I mean, but in English, we
say "Scheduled learning"!

Obviously he was translating almost word for word from his native German " Vor allem planmaessiges Studium
ist ganz wichtig".But arrogance on this level I never encountered in my entire career.

Home / Study / Are Masters in Poland free of charge for EE citizens? (English)

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