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Going to Medical School in Poland (University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn / and others)

SlodkaAgatka88  1 | 3
29 Oct 2010   #1
Can anyone tell me about the Medical School in Olsztyn, Poland? I am very interested in attending. Is this school worth attending? You can write back in English or Polish, I understand both. Thanks!
pgtx  29 | 3094
29 Oct 2010   #2
are you talking about the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn?

it's a pretty young school...
pgtx  29 | 3094
29 Oct 2010   #4
if you read in Polish, go to this forum... you find there people who know that school...

and this will help you too...

good luck!
OP SlodkaAgatka88  1 | 3
29 Oct 2010   #5
Thanks! Just checked it out. Didn't really find out anything. I would like to know the experience of the students attending who are not from Poland but from the United States, other places in Europe or from India.
PennBoy  76 | 2429
29 Oct 2010   #6
Akademia Medyczna (Academy of Medical Sciences) Poznan University supposedly the best one in the country.
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589
29 Oct 2010   #7
I would like to know the experience of the students attending who are not from Poland but from the United States, other places in Europe or from India.

I don't think they have an English Divison, so probably there are very few students from abroad.

However, in some universities in PL you can study medicine in English. Good quality and much cheaper than in the US.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
30 Oct 2010   #8
Akademia Medyczna (Academy of Medical Sciences) Poznan University supposedly the best one in the country.

Ahaahahaa. Not a chance.

It's one of the best in terms of giving Americans an easy ride for their cash, and for diverting all their resources into foreign students - but it's not the best in the country, that's for certain.
OP SlodkaAgatka88  1 | 3
30 Oct 2010   #9
I read on the website that UWM in Olsztyn has Medical School in English.
bydgoszczanin  - | 14
30 Oct 2010   #10
Maybe call or mail Uni?

Żołnierska str. 14 C
10-561 Olsztyn
Tel. 89 524 61 01
Fax 89 524 61 14
17 Dec 2010   #11
Merged: Which is the best medical college in Poland

I'm a medical student and this summer I will make professional exchange with other students.
I already chosen the country (Poland) and now I have to choose the town that I want to go to.
I'm really hesitating between Warsaw, Wroklaw and Krakow.
which one you advise me to choose?
If you have other alternative tell me.
sobieski  106 | 2111
17 Dec 2010   #12
Which country are you from?
ShawnH  8 | 1488
18 Dec 2010   #13
Go to Białystok.
frd  7 | 1379
18 Dec 2010   #14
It all depends on the focus of your study, for instance for cardiology you'd want to go to Silesia ( there's a medical academy and heart diseases centre ) ...

Different regions excel in different areas..
Trevek  25 | 1699
18 Dec 2010   #15
Olsztyn has one too. You're in the lake district... great place for the summer.
18 Dec 2010   #16
I can't choose any town I want, I have to choose between:
- Bialystok
- Bydgoszcz
- Gdansk
- Katowice
- Krakow
- Lodz
- Lublin
- Poznan
- Szczecin
- Warszawa
- Wroclaw

I want a foreign friendly town with good medical training sessions.
18 Dec 2010   #17
I want a foreign friendly town with good medical training sessions.

so not Białystok...
19 Dec 2010   #18
any way there is no places available for this town.
Any other suggestions?
wani  1 | 3
9 Aug 2011   #19
Merged: medical studies in medical university of warsaw

hye guys...i'm from country somewhere in asia. I planned to pursue my studies in medical university of warsaw. Is it a good medical school? how about the lecturer and the practical.. I wonder whether the system in that uni suit my job later in my country.
LwowskaKrakow  28 | 431
9 Aug 2011   #20
You should come to pursue your medical studies in Krakow, very renowned Medical Institute with courses in English and the oldest medical school in Poland:Jagiellonian medical school

I heard that many foreign students /non Polish attend the college ,maybe some members of PF could you give their feed back about the one in Warsaw + Krakow medical colleges
Sai28Baba  - | 3
17 Aug 2011   #21
Hello everyone, I'm coming from usa to study medicine at the Medical University of Lublin. Can anyone tell me about that university :) Thanks.
jooasia  - | 4
14 Sep 2011   #22
I know that the one in Krakow is good, like someone mentioned above, and my friend recently started medical school in Poznan but then transferred to one in Warsaw since she has more family/friends there. I'm also considering going to medical school in Poland like her; it's way cheaper than med school in America, you don't have to deal with undergrad bullshit like you do her in the US, and I know plenty of people who have become very successful doctors after going to med school in Poland (my dad being an example!). Alot of people say that it's extremely difficult/near impossible for a foreign trained doctor to get all of the good fellowships in the US (like dermatology and radiology), but if you're in no rush to start working/don't need to, you can wait a year or two and they'll most likely take you if your scores are good enough/you've got past experience with another specialization/internship. Either that, or you can transfer to a US med school during your 5th/6th year and graduate from there, thus putting you in the same position as all of the other Americans. (also, I've looked online and people say it's ridiculously hard to get transferred too.... but we know some friends who managed to do it)

Anyway, I kind of rambled and started talking about something completely different than you asked for, but I figured I'd throw my 2 cents in anyway. The majority of the schools are pretty good, but some of them are geared more so towards certain specializations so you should always take that into account. When cities are concerned, I always hear awesome things about Krakow.
pawian  226 | 27571
14 Sep 2011   #23
which one you advise me to choose?


Just a random guess...
mische  1 | 14
14 Sep 2011   #24
2010 ranking:

1. Warszawa (Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny)
2. Kraków (Collegium Medicum Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego)
3. £ódź (Uniwersytet Medyczny w £odzi)
4. Poznań (Uniwersytet Medyczny im. Karola Marcinkowskiego w Poznaniu)
5. Katowice (Śląski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Katowicach)
6. Gdańsk (Gdański Uniwersytet Medyczny)
7. Wrocław (Akademia Medyczna im. Piastów Śląskich we Wrocławiu)
8. Białystok (Uniwersytet Medyczny w Białymstoku)
9. Lublin (Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie)
10. Szczecin (Pomorska Akademia Medyczna w Szczecinie)
loc_kanika  - | 19
12 Oct 2011   #25
Def. the Pomorska Akademia Medyczna

check your campus out!
hythorn  3 | 580
12 Oct 2011   #26
first off, I am not trolling
I have heard some disturbing information which I wish to share with foreign medical students

I am starting to hear stories that the Polish medical universities have begun to dumb down their English language
courses as attracting foreign students is good business for them

They appear to be more concerned in getting the 9 thousand euros yearly tuition fee than providing
a robust course

as a result I know of one American student whose student loan company would not cover the cost of the
tuition fees as they would not recognise the course

another student from Taiwan had to sit the board exam back home and failed spectacularly having
done rather well in the Polish university

I have spoken to Polish medical students who have confirmed that the tests that the foreign students sit
and the ones that Polish students sit are vastly different, with the tests for Polish students being much harder

I would hate for someone to spend six years at a Polish medical university then fail their board exam back home

of course if you are European you have nothing to worry about or at least at the moment you don't
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
12 Oct 2011   #27
I am starting to hear stories that the Polish medical universities have begun to dumb down their English language courses

Begun? They've been doing it for countless years. I know several lecturers at the medical university in Poznan - and all of them "dumb down" their courses. It's not a big secret - most of the American students simply wouldn't pass if they were expected to study on the same basis as Polish students. One of the lecturers even openly admits that a 5 for an American student is a 3 for a Polish student. They just pay far too much money -

They appear to be more concerned in getting the 9 thousand euros yearly tuition fee than providing a robust course

9000 euro? It's more than that - last time I checked, it was around 12,500 euro in Poznan.

It's not a secret at all that the Americans in particular have it far easier. I was told one very amusing story about one spoiled bastard actually handing a mobile phone to a lecturer - and she had to speak to his parents, who were upset that he had failed. The same lecturer has also been offered bribes on countless occasions by American students.
hythorn  3 | 580
12 Oct 2011   #28
9000 euro? It's more than that - last time I checked, it was around 12,500 euro in Poznan.

in fairness it was nine grand for a dentist
I presumed that students who wanted to be doctors would have paid around the same amount
thanks for the correction

the Polish students also complain that the foreign students get the freshest stiffs come dissection time
and that the identification of body parts exam was a complete joke, as the foreigners were
given a far easier test than the Poles

I do not think that this is petty jealousy on behalf of the Polish students
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
12 Oct 2011   #29
I do not think that this is petty jealousy on behalf of the Polish students

No, it's definitely not. I've seen the behaviour of the American students with my own eyes - rude, obnoxious and totally despicable. They tend to think that Poland owes them a living, and I've seen one jackass (who must have been in his 4th/5th year) being absolutely rude to some shop assistant because he didn't understand what she was saying (and she was asking for change!).

The Asian students on the other hand tend to be far better and respectful - I know several who learnt Polish fluently.

At the same time, we can be thankful that the vast majority of them will clear off back to America to botch things there.
BBman  - | 343
12 Oct 2011   #30
I think all of these polish medical universities are scams. I am somewhat familiar with the school in Krakow as one of my cousins studied there (i spent quite a bit of time there while he was studying and i was living in PL). Most of the international students were from either sweden or norway - close to 100% of these students were failures who couldn't get into any medical schools in their home countries so their parents paid for them to go to Poland. When they graduate they go home to work as MDs. Money buys everything.

I wonder if this is the case in western europe too.

I know several lecturers at the medical university in Poznan

I doubt this very much. You are starting to sound like harry with your "i know everyone" posts.

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