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How can I see house prices on property search websites in Poland?

vreed  2 | -
4 Aug 2017   #1
I am looking for a polish website where I am able to search property's to get average house price by postcodes. Any one know of any websites like Zoopla for example that are based for polish postcodes?? Thank you
4 Aug 2017   #2
You can use otodom, it has resources at the bottom of individual listings showing average prices of offers on a city by city or region by region basis. Its not perfect but its free. Below is a link to ceny szybko, also quite useful for comparing rents/prices.
The information is only as accurate as what is put into the system, so take it with a pinch of salt and look at local offers and how long they have been listed for to gain an idea of true prices.
Ziutek  9 | 160
4 Aug 2017   #3
Is there a website such as the Land Registry in the UK, which lists sold house prices?
4 Aug 2017   #4
You can use the local city RCiWN which is government based or use a third party site such as In both cases you will need to pay.
Ziutek  9 | 160
4 Aug 2017   #5
Cool. Thanks
Mrs T  1 | 12
10 Aug 2017   #6
You could also look on the global sites eg I have just listed a Poland property on
irishkiddy  1 | 5
7 Apr 2021   #7

Property price Instagram pages

Are there any Insta pages like this for Polish property?
For example in Ireland we have @crazyhouseprices

Home / Real Estate / How can I see house prices on property search websites in Poland?
BoldItalic [quote]
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