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Foundation - Underpinning

jasont  4 | 8
2 Sep 2023   #1
Hi everybody, my family and I have bought a house in Poland for renovation. I plan to do a lot of the work myself due to having a joinery business in the U.K. (and to help save money!) The property is 1970 and all looks good. Some cosmetic cracks but nothing severe. We are on a hillside in Malopolska. I believe the foundations should be underpinned and would prefer to do it anyway to prolong the life of the building and will be doing myself. However I would like some guided support and blueprints to depth etc. In the U.K. you would approach a structural engineer but we are struggling to find anybody here who can draw plans up. Are we looking at the wrong profession, who should we approach for plans, guidance etc? Any guidance/advice would be appreciated. Thank you. Jason
Tlum  12 | 303
23 Jul 2024   #2
How did you buy the property? I'd ask the realtor who sold you or just go to your Gmina and ask about the right person / referrals to do the tests.
Atch  22 | 4299
24 Jul 2024   #3
You may be able to find somebody at the link below. It's the Malopolska association of civil engineers. I see that some of them do inspections of structures:

What plans or blueprints are you expecting to get??

Home / Real Estate / Foundation - Underpinning

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