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Economical room by the month in Lublin?

Mark199  1 | 5
18 Jul 2017   #1
Hello, I'm looking for some help finding a room to rent under 500zl on a monthly basis, preferablely in Lubin but willing to try in any major city if my first choice cannot be fulfilled. I'm an older American gent that just needs a quiet and secure place close to the city center if possible. Lubin is my first choice as it appears to have a lower cost of living and quite a few students that might be interested in English tuition. I write "by the month" as I am not sure how long I will stay in Poland for any set period of time. Getting a little too old to endure another northern European winter. Thanks in advance for any tips. I have tried already but it seems what is offered gets snatched up fairly fast and communicating in English has presented a few difficulties.
cms  9 | 1253
18 Jul 2017   #2
You mean Lublin or Lubin ? lubin is quite small and a one company town. It's also I think the richest town in Poland per person (certainly used to be) on account of the high wages at the copper mine
18 Jul 2017   #3
Getting a little too old to endure another northern European winter.

Have you checked what the average temperatures are in Poland during the winter? You probably should.
please focus on the thread title
DominicB  - | 2706
18 Jul 2017   #4

I assume you are talking about Lublin. No, you won't be able to find even the smallest studio/bedsitter for that little, especially when fees and utilities are take into account. Not anywhere near the city center, or even in the city,

Even finding a room for that little will be a challenge, if not impossible, since you cannot speak Polish.

Also, as far as teaching English is concerned, that ship sailed long ago. It's practically impossible to break into that field now unless you are super-qualified and a natural businessman and aggressive self-promoter. Someone looking for a 500 PLN room probably does not have what it takes.

Also, the winters in Lublin can be quite harsh. Much harsher than anything in the UK.

Sorry, but based on what you have written in your post, you won't last long in Poland.
OP Mark199  1 | 5
19 Jul 2017   #5
Thanks for all the prompt replies. Yes it was Lublin I had my eye on. The link here suggests that cheapish places do exist.

There are a half a dozen places at 500 or less listed just in the last day or so. What I had in mind was, with the school holiday at prsent, to find some temporary situation what with the assumed surfiet of empty student rooms at the moment and take it from there.

As to my finding work, well I'll have to bow to local knowledge but having successfu!ly worked in many countries and always as a freelancer it is hard for me to believe there isn't something I could scrape together, not necessarily now but when school resumed. Anyway thanks again everyone.
Lyzko  45 | 9751
19 Jul 2017   #6
"English tuition"?
OP Mark199  1 | 5
19 Jul 2017   #7
And yes, after checking the climatic history of Poland, it is suprising for me to see C -3° is the lowest average temp. So there is that!
jon357  72 | 23517
19 Jul 2017   #8
There's certainly work in Lublin, though not always they best, and you'll need a tefl certificate or other teaching qualification to get anything other than the worst plus citizenship of Poland or another EU country to work legally. Doing private lessons is possible, though hard just to go in cold. Watch out for the tax office if you advertise; they sometimes do entrapment. This happened to a friend (from your country) in Lublin a few years ago.

There are also cheap rooms, though the price generally reflects the quality, and Poles don't generally like to rent by the month. Keep trying with Gumtree and if necessary get a Polish friend to interpret. Don't, just don't, look for one close to the start of the university term.

I'd also suggest looking at a slightly higher price - you'll find somewhere much better.

C -3°

Poland is bitterly cold and has long winters. Great in summer, however in winter it's often below freezing, and tin late winter the streets are often full of half defrosted brown slush with dog turds sticking out until March.
OP Mark199  1 | 5
19 Jul 2017   #9
@ jon
Thanks for the heads-up about the revenuers. Germany, over the recent years has cracked down on freelancers so it doesn't suprise me the Poles are doing likewise. Do you know what the penalty entailed?
19 Jul 2017   #10
Yes it was Lublin I had my eye on.

I know Lublin quite well, much much better than I know Lubin. Unfortunately it would be off-topic for me to tell you about that city in a thread about Lubin. Perhaps you could start a thread about it and leave this one for discussion about Lubin? I really wouldn't recommend living in Lubin.
DominicB  - | 2706
19 Jul 2017   #11
Perhaps you could start a thread about it and leave this one for discussion about Lubin?

Perhaps the administrator will be so kind as to change the title of the thread, as "Lubin" is a typo, and the OP wants to know about Lublin.
DominicB  - | 2706
19 Jul 2017   #12
Do you know what the penalty entailed?

If you are found working or staying in Poland without permission, you will be deported back to your home country at your expense, and will be forbidden from entering any country in the Schengen zone for one year. You may lose your visa-waiver status, and will have to apply for a visa to enter the Schengen zone after your year is up. However, since you are in the database as already having been deported, it is unlikely that a visa will ever be granted, so it works out to a long-term, if not lifetime ban from the EU, as well as from any other country that uses the database.

If the US embassy pays for your return, they will confiscate your passport and not reissue another one until you have paid them back in full the cost of returning you to the US.

If Poland decides that you owe them taxes, they have the right to detain, convict and even imprison you for tax evasion, or to detain you until you pay off your tax bill and fines. They can even confiscate all your belongings and whatever you have in your pockets or bank account. That will earn you a criminal record and a place on the dreaded Interpol database, which means that you will probably never be allowed to travel outside of your home country ever again.
19 Jul 2017   #13
"Lubin" is a typo, and the OP wants to know about Lublin.

The clear instruction was "please focus on the thread title" and the title is about Lubin, so we have to focus on Lubin. Not that there is much in Lubin to focus on other than KGHM. Even Lubin's football team has taken the name of that company.
jon357  72 | 23517
19 Jul 2017   #14
you will be deported back to your home country at your expense, and will be forbidden from entering any country in the Schengen zone for one year.

This does not happen to Americans in Poland.

they have the right to detain,

My friend in that situation was just asked to declare how much she had earned.
DominicB  - | 2706
19 Jul 2017   #15
This does not happen to Americans in Poland.

It sure does, especially to lawbreakers, meaning those who work without a permit and evade taxation. We used to have an American poster here who was deported and banned for overstaying and working.
mafketis  38 | 11199
19 Jul 2017   #16
My friend in that situation was just asked to declare how much she had earned.

That's probably how they would usually handle it most of the time. Especially if the person just started paying up. On the other hand they do have the right to do everything Dominic described (the more a person challenged them the more likely that is to happen I imagine).
OP Mark199  1 | 5
19 Jul 2017   #17
Again, thanking everyone for all their contributions.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
19 Jul 2017   #18
This is very kind of you, Mark, but you have failed to explained whether it was Lubin or Lublin.
OP Mark199  1 | 5
19 Jul 2017   #19
Thanks for all the prompt replies. Yes it was Lublin I had my eye on.
Edyta Beck  - | 3
25 May 2020   #20
moved from

Hi,How much can a flat for one person cost in Lublin?
jon357  72 | 23517
25 May 2020   #21
The ads on Gumtree say 1500 to 2000 for a two room flat, 1000 to 1500 for a 1 room flat. You may find some for less or for more depending on the condition of the flat, the size of the room(s) and the area.

Remember that all advertised flat prices in Poland are 'for negotiation' and the actual price to pay is 100 or 200 lower.
Edyta Beck  - | 3
25 May 2020   #22
Thank you,are utilities extra and what are they?
jon357  72 | 23517
25 May 2020   #23
Depends on the flat (for example how the heating's billed). Usually several hundred for water/gas/electric, internet and heating, especially in winter.

Home / Real Estate / Economical room by the month in Lublin?
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