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Serbia`s free trade agreament with China, great chance for Polish business

Crow  155 | 9700
8 May 2024   #1
Please spread the word. This is the great business opportunity for Polish business, from Poland and Polonia. We Serbians love Poles and we can provide this chance for Poland, too. Same as we did for reexport of Polish apples to Russia and Belarus. Now this is the even bigger business opportunity. Business chance of the century. Poles should establish joint business companies with Serbians, with a seat in Serbia and only sky is limit because demands of Chines market are literally unlimited.

China implements free trade agreement with Serbia as it expands influence in Europe



China and Serbia have announced they are implementing a new free trade agreement at the beginning of July, deepening the economic and political ties

Vučić said the deal "will guarantee a future" for Serbia, cancelling tariffs on almost 95% of the country's exports to China

What would Brussels, France, Germany... give to have such an agreement with China? Belgrade can.
jon357  72 | 23654
9 May 2024   #2
This is the great business opportunity

There's enough plastic tat from China (probably made by slave labour) floating around already without anyone needing more.
Alien  26 | 6528
9 May 2024   #3
Belgrade can.

You know that if Serbia joins the EU, it will have to break the bilateral agreement with China.
Joker  2 | 2447
10 May 2024   #4
You know that if Serbia joins the EU

Perhaps, they can join NATO as well!

  • 3d5bf9f63bf45217a73e.jpg
Ironside  51 | 13087
10 May 2024   #5
Poland doesn't need Serbia to deal with China. Thank you!
Torq  10 | 1237
10 May 2024   #6
Poland doesn't need Serbia

What? Poland doesn't need Racowie??? You better spit out those words, dobri brate. *puts cross on himself*
Was it Vatican that made you say that? Or are you a German homosexual from Brussels wearing a NATO uniform?
Ironside  51 | 13087
10 May 2024   #7
What? Poland doesn't need Racowie?

Come on don't be oversensitive. We don't need Serbia to make deals with other courties.
Other than that Poland needs Serbia very much - it is a great country to visit, drink a beer or two shot some locally made weapons, and walk around Danube in a mild weather. Serbians by large have no issue with Poles and that is nice too.
OP Crow  155 | 9700
10 May 2024   #8
Poland doesn't need Serbia to deal with China.

Serbia is already a hub for Polish business in the region. You think wise Poles won`t use this opportunity to profit even more? You desire Polish business only via the EU instructions? As if you don`t see brate how is Brussels mentally limited and harmful for Poland.

Was it Vatican that made you say that?

Iron? No, brat is no papal fanatic. If I know him well he would tomorrow opt for Polish national Catholic Church. Then, we combine that with Serbian Orthodox Church into the Sarmatian Christian Church. That is my dream, frankly to admit.
Torq  10 | 1237
10 May 2024   #9
Sarmatian Christian Church

It even sounds cool! It would be the best Christian denomination ever. :)
Ironside  51 | 13087
10 May 2024   #10
It even sounds cool!

doesn't matter being cool or not. Would it be all right to burn a-holes for the sacrilegious offense? If so I'm all for it.


As if you don`t see brate how is Brussels mentally limited and harmful for Poland.

Is doesn't mean that Berglard is a solution to that.
OP Crow  155 | 9700
26 May 2024   #11
No need for any further comment, really. World changed.

Taiwan is a province of China, says UN spokesperson

OP Crow  155 | 9700
22 Jun 2024   #12
So how I heard, Polish president Duda travels to China. What a display of out of box thinking.
wslipach  8 | 96
23 Jun 2024   #13
Please spread the word. This is the great business opportunity for Polish business, from Poland and Polonia.

Yeah, but it will never happen under the current government, the current **** government already, after 6 months has driven Poland into a deficit of 53 billion PLN (about 16 billion Euro). Forget about business with this government , Polish GDP will again start to plummet , just like it was prior to 2015 when Tusk ruled, he rules again, Poland is getting poorer.
OP Crow  155 | 9700
23 Jun 2024   #14

Who knows, maybe Tusk still surprise us in positive sense.
OP Crow  155 | 9700
26 Jun 2024   #15
Indeed. Duda traveled to China. See, it was good for Poland and, in strategic sense, makes Poland closer to Serbia and Hungary.

China's Xi Welcomes Polish President Duda to Beijing

Polish President Andrzej Duda holds talks with Chinese President | Latest English News | WION

Good, Goooood.

Its clear that China looks warmer on Slavic countries then on countries of the western Europe.
Ironside  51 | 13087
26 Jun 2024   #16
Duda traveled to China. See, it was good for Poland

Don't know if that is good. But an option is welcome.
OP Crow  155 | 9700
26 Jun 2024   #17
Poland must have maneuverable space for the moment when EU and NATO collapse. This way or another, Poland is part of Slavic civilization and Chinese knows this. Its the other question how will we Slavs organize. Chinese will leave that to us.

See, Poland will follow Chinese Belt and road initiative and, that will bring Poland to Hungary and Serbia. There, with us, Poland needs to be to survive as Poland.
OP Crow  155 | 9700
28 Jun 2024   #18
H.E. Rafał Paweł Perl, Ambassador Of Poland To Serbia

Poland has become Serbia's 9th biggest economic partner. Energy solutions, ...

Polish-Serbian bilateral cooperation, I tend to reply that what we see from our perspective is constant progress.

quickly we are both closing the development gap on prosperous Western states and societies

OP Crow  155 | 9700
1 Jul 2024   #19
From today activates free trade agreement between China and Serbia.
Ironside  51 | 13087
2 Jul 2024   #20
Great so you ship your cats and dogs one way and get some rice and plastic toys in return. As a cherry on top, you can buy Chinese cars a little cheaper.
OP Crow  155 | 9700
2 Jul 2024   #21
It does not function that way crazy dobri brate. All western European countries compete to have as better conditions on Chinese market as possible. This agreement with China should give Serbia some strategic advantage. See, Poland will also profit because Poland engage in business with Serbia in a more sophisticated way then western Europe.

It would be like with Polish apples that were reexported to Russia via Serbia. Sure, Russia`s trade minister noticed that quantities of apples from Serbia exceed the size of the territory of Serbia and, fool as he was, protested, but, Putin gave middle finger to the trade minister.
OP Crow  155 | 9700
2 Jul 2024   #22
Poland doesn't need Serbia to deal with China. Thank you!

Why this tone?

Of course that Poland need Serbia on this one. Poland is part of the EU that is in general violent on China. So China can`t trust to Poland in entirety. Neither Poland can force Chinese decisions as western Europe can. See, there comes Serbia. Via Serbia, Poland achieving even better strategic position in China then western European countries. And what is Serbia to Poland, except we are kin? Serbia is historically traditional (for 1000 years) trustworthy partner to Poland. So Poland don`t need to beg. Via Serbia, Poland even bypass begging to Russia and China. For Serbia, in return, Poland will do what Poland can. If not now. One day. That is how this between Poland and Serbia function. Non is humiliated here. We Serbians had our moment of need when Ottomans invaded and Poland helped. We live maybe exactly because Poland wanted that we live. We never forget.
OP Crow  155 | 9700
2 Jul 2024   #23
Wise Polish Zabka. Main competitor in Serbia will be German Lidl. And Serbians will see Zabka as domestic brand. It means on Serbian market. Ever growing and ever more desirable market, with more and more money.


Polish chain Zabka to come to Serbia?

source |
Vesko Vukovic  1 | 260
5 Jul 2024   #24
Serbian fans in Germany chant Xi Jinping's name.

OP Crow  155 | 9700
5 Jul 2024   #25
See. Serbian spirit is the true spirit of the White Garden (during ice age what was Europe was Balkan and there was Lepenski Vir culture from where Whites re-popukated Europe after ice age)... You let me live my way, respect and I give you satisfaction. Stance of old civilizations and mature cultures. Even turn the complete things in to joke. High culture, obvious.

Look at that Chinese among Serbians. A happy man. Satisfied. Still, that every Serbian around him would prefer woman of his own White race. But wouldn`t vulgarize term White but show deep cultural background behind it.

Compering to Belgrade, Brussels sound such a stupendous. Utterly primitive. No wonder there were Zoo for presenting Black people in Belgian even 70 years in past.
OP Crow  155 | 9700
12 Jul 2024   #26
New chance for Polish business via Serbian connections >


Serbian president Vucic just signed free-trade agreement for agricultural products with Egypt. Unlimited export >
Alien  26 | 6528
12 Jul 2024   #27
with Egypt. Unlimited export

Will Egypt export sand to Serbia?
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
12 Jul 2024   #28
We Serbians love Poles and we can provide this chance for Poland, too

Log this very deeply into that very stupid Serbian brain of yours....Poles do not care about Serbs!In fact, you are non entities as far as Poles are concerned.
Only the USA and UK matter.

Why would Poland want closer ties with China?Poles are not idiots like Serbs.

Of course that Poland need Serbia on this one.

Poland will NEVER need Serbia for ANYTHING......dream on dreamer.......

Even turn the complete things in to joke.

You alone have turned this discussion into a joke!

Because you think Serbia matters....... it does not, never did and never will.......
OP Crow  155 | 9700
13 Jul 2024   #29

I see you are frustrated. It is my privilege as the old member of this forum to offer you space to complaint, in this magnanimous thread.

Will Egypt export sand to Serbia?

I wouldn`t know. This is mostly about them buying food and agricultural products from Serbia, exactly because they are full of send.
OP Crow  155 | 9700
13 Oct 2024   #30
New reason for Poland to be closer with Serbia

Serbia made a historical breakthrough with IG rating

most credible credit rating agencies Standard and Poor's (S&P) has just released its latest report on the review of Serbian economy,

- lower financing costs,
- greater access to international capital markets and
- increased investor confidence.

Serbia Wins First Ever Investment Rating as S&P Lifts Bonds


Now think twice before thinking that USA disapprove growth and strengthening of Serbia. On Serbia, USA, Russia and China agree. Its about new architecture of Europe, in a Multi-Polar world.

Home / Polonia / Serbia`s free trade agreament with China, great chance for Polish business

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