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Poland in Central Asia

Bobko  27 | 2215
7 Feb 2023   #1
Starting a new thread for discussion of all things Polish in Central Asia.

In the Wikipedia entry for "Poles in Kazakhstan", it is written that:

The first Pole to travel to the territory which today makes up Kazakhstan was probably Benedict of Poland, sent as part of the delegation of Pope Innocent IV to the Khagan Güyük of the Mongol Empire.

We know also, that through Stalin's deportations many Poles ended up living throughout Central Asia in the 20th century - leaving a strong mark on the region and its peoples.

Today, Poland does a surprising amount of business in the region. This article seems to suggest that trade with the region is up significantly (a little suspicious given that these are known corridors for reexport to Russia).

Again, in Kazakhstan - a Polish company is the number one supplier of pharmaceutical products to the market. It's called PolPharma, and there they operate under the Santos brand.

A further interesting fact, is that apples - for which Poland is quite famous - originate from Kazakhstan. The former capital there is called Alma-Ata, which means "Father of Apples".

Please share your knowledge of all things Polish relating to the five "Stans" (let's throw Azerbaijan in there as well). As you can see in the map below, they are closer than one may think!

  • 793B8822760E48A1B.png
Alien  26 | 6528
7 Feb 2023   #2
I would say, better Poland in Central Asia than Central Asia in Poland.
OP Bobko  27 | 2215
7 Feb 2023   #3

And why is that? I'm hopeful it won't be something racist.

If you don't want any Central Asia in Poland, it doesn't mean other people in Poland are so insular minded. They are extremely hard working people, espousing perhaps the most secular version of Islam. Even Turkey seems Islamist in comparison. No hijabs, no beards - just normal citizens of the modern world. A large portion of their population, in some cases, is white. They also produce a lot of energy, which Poland is hungry for. In addition to energy, they produce the entire periodic table of elements. Seems something Poland might need, no?
Alien  26 | 6528
7 Feb 2023   #4
I am not racist, it was just a comment referring to the title of the thread.
Novichok  4 | 8682
7 Feb 2023   #5
I am not racist,

Yes, you are if your instinct of self-preservation is still operational. Even Jessie Jackson is a racist. He said so...
pawian  226 | 27817
7 Feb 2023   #6
it was just a comment referring to the title of the thread.

Yes, a very good comment.

Bobko, you made a mistake writing Poland in the thread`s name. There wasn`t any Poland in Central Asia. You are Out of Place, Out of Time.

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