Mów w języku w jakim Cię matka urodziła, skurvysynu. Ha!! :):):
I recently posted a longish message in Polish number 248; for some mysterious reason, you didn't even try to answer; comprehension difficulty, or some other reason? To show my accommodating nature, I will repost the message in English, just for you. I conclude, as the Kalakut you dislike messages in Polish
So ok, no more Polish, and I hope there will be no more Skurwysynow.Here is the English version:
Well, my dear "friend", we are forced to admit the truth. Our unique relationship is what it is; there is no point in denying it, just as I don't see a reasonable reason for repeating previous mistakes
Of course, the temptation is there and will be there forever, like a thorn irritating my heart. My archive is surprisingly short and contains only your posts,
the most malicious, wild, vindictive, harmful fantasies ever created by a sick mind. Nonetheless, I see no point in teasing innocent onlookers, making them vomit and return their meals. In the end, this is between you and me. Instead, I am reminded of Pawian, a funny, perfectly normal individual who is enamored by my poetry. We'll never return to the good old days, but we can exchange friendly banter and laugh at each other.