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75 Years of Israel and the War - part 3

Alien  26 | 6527
19 Oct 2024   #151
The foreign minister of one of the NATO countries offered official condolences to Hamas over the death of their leader and called him a martyr. I wonder if they will build monuments to him? 🤔
Novichok  4 | 8677
19 Oct 2024   #152
A genius (man) meets a moron (woman)...This is the outcome:

The stupider, the louder...
johnny reb  49 | 8003
19 Oct 2024   #153
This is the outcome:

Would you expecct anything different coming from a Woke woman, Novi ?
Woke women think with their feelings and men think with the facts.
Why don't these women ever talk about the burning of Israeli babies alive or gang banging the Israeli's ten year old daughters ?
These sub human animals only know hateful violence so that is how you deal with them.
Maybe next time they will think twice before they invade their neighbors country.
pawian  226 | 27817
19 Oct 2024   #154
The last stand of Nazi israelis is whining that decent people who call them Nazis are anti-semitic.
What??? Where and when did i ever mention that Jews are Nazis??? Of course not.
It is Israelis who are Nazis.

  • 59ccfab348165432e6d1.jpg
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
19 Oct 2024   #155 won't see any Jews/Israelis with Nazi-signs....but Arabs....especially Palis:

  • OldPaliNazis.jpg

  • NewPaliNazis.jpg
Lyzko  44 | 9723
19 Oct 2024   #156
The Jews, the Israelis, are no worse than anyone else,
but certainly no better!

So much for the Chosen People, Holier than Thou BS.
pawian  226 | 27817
19 Oct 2024   #157
Israelis with Nazi-signs

They don`t need to display any signs. It is enough that their actions cry Nazi at max volume.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
19 Oct 2024   #158
It is enough that their actions cry Nazi at maximum level.

So....defending your people against baby killers and kidnappers who break into your homes to rape and maim is now equal to genocide?

You know Pawi, recently it has become ridiculous....everybody and their grandmom can now (and often enough is) being called a Nazi...even if it is only a political opponent!
Remember Putin calling the ukrainian gov Nazis and justifying his invasion with wanting to liberate them?

Maybe we should end is kind of a worthless insult now! (Contrary to real proof like pictures!)
pawian  226 | 27817
19 Oct 2024   #159
defending your people

By bombing hospitals and schools???
It is Nazi Israelis who occupy West Bank and other Palestinian territories. Arabs have full right to fight for what they lost.

Maybe we should end that

You can end it if you want. I won`t coz I don`t want. Decent beings need to exert constant pressure on Nazi Israel to stop genocide and start negotations. Caliing them Nazis in a public place is one of the ways.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
19 Oct 2024   #160
Arabs have full right to fight for what they lost.

They would have better chances if they would go for peace with more bombing...trusted with souvereignity and independence....they should try it some time!
Novichok  4 | 8677
19 Oct 2024   #161
Let's ease off with that Nazi pedal.

Nobody was hanged for being a Nazi. Nobody was punished - and properly so - for being in the German army and killing the enemy.

Some were executed for war crimes.

If "Nazi" stands for patriotism and hate of migrants, sign me in...
Barney  19 | 1755
19 Oct 2024   #162
defending your people against baby killers

This conflict didnt start last October, Israel is using it as an excuse to punish all Palestinians and their actions have, In the view of the ICJ, very probably met the definition of genocide.

The Nazi label is appropriate because the Israeli government have used the same arguments and similar methods the Germans used in the 1930s and 1940. It's not about some undergraduate calling his housemate a nazi because he ate his food in the fridge. It's about the systematic destruction of Palestinian society and people. The first step as always is to deny a people their very existence which the Israeli government have done and then some.

Of course they are using their own laws to do this which mirrors history
Novichok  4 | 8677
19 Oct 2024   #163
It's about the systematic destruction of Palestinian society and people.

In 2005, Israel did some major ethnic cleansing in Gaza so you may have point...

Oops..sorry...Israelis ethnically cleansed...Israelis...Fvck...almost forgot...and let Gazans elect their own democratic government.

Unfortunately, Gazan promptly elected...drum roll...a fascist mob aka Hamas...

Hamas, as is their habit, started sending them rockets to Israel to remind Israelis how stupid they were to leave Gaza.

Then came 10/7...

So, stupid, give me your best idea what Israel should do to prevent another one...
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
19 Oct 2024   #164
The first step as always is to deny a people their very existence which the Israeli government have done and then some.

Which is what the Muslims have always said and continue to say about Israel and Jews......


Are you a bit of a moron or what?
pawian  226 | 27817
19 Oct 2024   #165
a bit

Yes, you have a brain like a rat`s which is a bit of a standard human brain. But I wouldn`t brag of it if I were you cos it is a disgrace. Don`t you realise it? What is your pathetic education? Sewer primary school??
Barney  19 | 1755
19 Oct 2024   #166
the Muslims

Really! And you call me a moron.

Go post another stairway to heaven video or revert to your default position and put your foot in yet again. The Muslims, what kind of talk is that? It really is difficult to believe that you are as stupid as you present yourself but I'll have to take your words for what they are.
pawian  226 | 27817
19 Oct 2024   #167
you are as stupid as you present yourself

Yes, his latest activity here clearly shows he has adopted a derange mood. AmaSSing!
Barney  19 | 1755
19 Oct 2024   #168
I think that he has a view on world affairs he didn't form himself and doesn't know how to make a fist of an argument to defend what is in effect someone else's ideas.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
20 Oct 2024   #169
So, stupid, give me your best idea what Israel should do to prevent another one...

Looks like you stumped Stupid, Novi.
You are a damn genius.
pawian  226 | 27817
21 Oct 2024   #170
You are a damn penis

Correction! You meant penis, of course. Typo can happen to anyone.

Nazi Israelis openly adopt Nazi final solutions for Arabs.

Several hundred people attended the conference, organized by far-right parties and settler groups. "I'm going to say something that not everyone here is ready to admit, but I am ready and I know many of you are too: conquer, throw out, resettle, and I'm not talking about one area of ​​the Gaza Strip, but every inch of this land," said Sima Hasson, representing the right-wing group The Mothers' Parade.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
22 Oct 2024   #171
Half a billion dollars in Hezbollah bunker

Wow....the nutters not only lose their heads but also their monies, heh:)

What a sum! According to the Israeli military, $500 million in cash and gold are in a Hezbollah bunker under a hospital in Beirut.....

....The perfidious approach, according to Hagari, is that the mullahs send suitcases full of money and gold by plane to Lebanon and then to the Iranian embassy there. From there, the suitcases go straight into the hands of Hezbollah terrorists . Hezbollah has also opened factories in Lebanon, Syria, Yemen and Turkey. ....

I hope they get them next!
Novichok  4 | 8677
22 Oct 2024   #172
$500 million in cash and gold are in a Hezbollah bunker under a hospital in Beirut.....

You know...Healthcare is expensive. Smart Hamas...

A good line from Douglas Murray: Israel is the only country that is not allowed to win a war.


You can't put out 80% of fire.

Alien  26 | 6527
22 Oct 2024   #173
Israel is the only country that is not allowed to win a war.

Why not? Israel is just winning the war
pawian  226 | 27817
23 Oct 2024   #174
And losing its future......
Novichok  4 | 8677
23 Oct 2024   #175
I feel sorry for Israelis. How do you deal with the people who want you gone or dead as they chant "Death to Israel"?

I am really curious...
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
23 Oct 2024   #176
Why not? Israel is just winning the war


And losing its future......

Utter bollox from the ape as usual! The ape that supports Muslim Terrorists rather than democratic Jews in Israel.
Apeman, you disgust me!
Barney  19 | 1755
23 Oct 2024   #177
democratic Jews in Israel

Zionism is an evil ethnocratic ideology the very antithesis of democracy.
Ironside  51 | 13083
23 Oct 2024   #178

It is sad to witness that some clever and educated people are brainwashed by decades of propaganda and can't see the wood from trees nor can see the difference between right and wrong.
Those countries which resort to such tactics distorting the line that divides right from wrong will surely pay the price sooner or later
pawian  226 | 27817
24 Oct 2024   #179
Apeman, you disgust me!

I earnestly hope I do, Ratso. My utter pleasure! hahahaha
Novichok  4 | 8677
25 Oct 2024   #180
Zionism is an evil ethnocratic ideology the very antithesis of democracy.

Spot on. This is why Arabs cannot vote or be elected to Knesset.

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