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75 Years of Israel and the War - part 2

OP Novichok  5 | 7686
8 Sep 2024 #931
This example shows that it can be done.

Better than moon landing...I can watch it over and over...Love it...
pawian  220 | 24946
10 Sep 2024 #932
hate Jews?

No, why?? I love Jews, especially Polish ones.
However, I reject Nazi Israelis and their genocidal gov.

I hope this explanation helps.

I have just read an article about growing anti Israel sentiment in the world.

BB, you probably wish those Nazis quick demise if you support and advocate their genocide on Arabs so persistently.
Will they go to hell?

Firstly, they will again travel across the desert like in the Biblical times, after Israel is struck with a few nukes by furious Arabs. And everybody will remain silent, thinking they brought it down on themselves by themselves.
OP Novichok  5 | 7686
10 Sep 2024 #933
Memo to Israel haters: Answer these two question or get lost:

1. Does Israel have a right to exist?
2. What specifically should Israel do to prevent another 10/7?

A clue: The US gave Japan H, N, and 3,000,000 dead Japs to prevent another PH. Israel has ways to go to match this great American achievement.
pawian  220 | 24946
10 Sep 2024 #934
a right to exist?

Of course.

should Israel do

Start negotiations before it is too late.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11928
10 Sep 2024 #935
I reject Nazi Israelis and their genocidal gov.

To compare them properly they should be alot more efficient in destroying the Arabs....there would be no Hamas no longer and no kidnapping, torturing and killing of Israeli hostages.

As it is Israel is anything but Nazi and genocidal...or this massacre would be long over! To the contrary, many say Israel is still much to nice....the main reason that Pali problem still exists and persists! They for sure have the means to go the full nine yards....
pawian  220 | 24946
10 Sep 2024 #936
more efficient in destroying the Arabs

Don`t you know that history repeats itself as a parody of the past? What Nazi Israelis are doing is only a fraction of what Germans did but still enough to call them Nazis if we are doing it in 2024 when people are so much smarter than in 1940s.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11928
10 Sep 2024 #937
....that comparison fits the Arabs better, don't you think?

Israelis defend their country and their people, there would be no war if the Palis would let it be. As it is the Palis, and all muslims supporting them, won't stop till they have reached their often declared goal, a "JUDENREIN" Middle East...the destruction of Israel and all Jews living in it.

And you demand from the Jews that they stop defending themselves, lay down and show their belly? Trust their self-declared arch enemy?

The last time they did it 6 Million of them got murdered and the jewish part of Europe was nearly totally wonder they say: "NEVER AGAIN!" Yes, they are alot smarter than back then...they have learned that bitter, brutal lesson!
Alien  22 | 5494
11 Sep 2024 #938
As it is the Palis, and all muslims supporting them,

So it looks like a holy war to the death.
Ironside  50 | 12477
11 Sep 2024 #939
The last time they did it 6 Million of them got murdered

That was long time ago, shouldn't they get it over? Alas it can be justification for any of it.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11928
11 Sep 2024 #940
That was long time ago, shouldn't they get it over?

Poles won't get neither, so why should the Jews?

PS: Half of this team isn't even german.....
Ironside  50 | 12477
11 Sep 2024 #941
Poles won't get neither, so why should the Jews?

But we have been constantly told since 1989 that we should get over it and not play a victim card and so on. Also, we don't bomb Berlin daily because Germany failed to pay compensation for destroying and robbing property both private and public outside combat.
Somehow Jews even those whose family has little to do with the Holocaust are constantly using that victim card, hell it is even a tactic of the Israeli state to milk it for all they can. People like you never said it getting old. Why do you think what Germans did to Poles is less horrifying and vile than what they did to Jews?
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11928
11 Sep 2024 #942
Why do you think what Germans did to Poles is less horrifying...

That wasn't the problem, Iron. But rather that you demand from Jews to "get over it", but can't imagine to do the same....nobody can/won't actually!

because Germany failed to pay compensation....

You will get more compensation when you give the land back....or else that is alot more compensation than most german victims got. Can we agree on that?
Ironside  50 | 12477
11 Sep 2024 #943
You will get more compensation when you give the land back

You lost the land. Get over it. You lost it as a direct consequences of your policies. That land was gained by Prussia a rebelled Polish province who grew by the conquest and died by the sword. Can we agree on that?
You never punished people responsible for war crimes in Poland, for thievery and murder, ethnick cleaning for destroyed property.
Some compensation would be in order - don't you think? On top of losing territories to Poland. After all, you paid it to France.
You demand from Jews to "get over it", but can't imagine to do the same...

Oh, but we did. At least most of us, definitely I did,
It doesn't mean to forget. That is a different matter. Getting it over with is not the erasure of a bad memory but seeing the issue in a perspective and not blaming individual people today for what their grandpa did. It doesn't mean I'm not allowed to remind them what is what if they develop an 'attitude' if you know what i mean.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11928
11 Sep 2024 #944
You lost the land. Get over it.

It's not me starting with that again and again, heh:)....
Ironside  50 | 12477
11 Sep 2024 #945
It's not me starting with that again and again, heh:)....

you do what it comes to Israel. Duh!
OP Novichok  5 | 7686
11 Sep 2024 #946
BB, let me know if you need my help...
Ironside  50 | 12477
11 Sep 2024 #947
BB, let me know if you need my help...

F off, Who the hell are you? Mind your own business. BB and I know each other for a along time, there is no need for some stray to butt in!
OP Novichok  5 | 7686
11 Sep 2024 #948
You lost the land.

You never punished people responsible for war crimes in Poland, for thievery and murder, ethnick cleaning for destroyed property.

After all, you paid it to France.

There is a simple rule friends follow. They never use accusatory "you" unless it's obvious it's editorial or person-specific, azhole...

BB did nothing wrong to deserve your "you" crap - even if you know him well.

Since you made your "yous" public, I can comment all I want.
Ironside  50 | 12477
11 Sep 2024 #949
I can comment all I want.

You can also GFY and mind your own business.
You were commenting, you were interposing yourself by offering BB, help. As a dope like you would be of any help to anyone.
OP Novichok  5 | 7686
11 Sep 2024 #950
You can also GFY and mind your own business.

Write a letter to the administrator or sue me.
pawian  220 | 24946
11 Sep 2024 #951
sue me

Iron isn`t loyal to you although you always consider him your ally.
Alien  22 | 5494
13 Sep 2024 #952
isn`t loyal to you

Novi is looking for friends.🧸
pawian  220 | 24946
14 Sep 2024 #953
I can freely say what I want about Nazi Israelis coz the word fascist is also used in Polish mainstream media. Even by Poles of Jewish origin.
Alien  22 | 5494
16 hrs ago #954
Pager explosions in Lebanon. Who's behind It?
mafketis  38 | 10856
16 hrs ago #955
Who's behind It?

_ S R_ _ L

Wanna buy a vowel?
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11928
3 hrs ago #956
The Mossad is truly the BEST, isn't it!!!

Now they let the terrorists pager explode in their cool is that.....

....On 17 September 2024, around 15:30 local time, thousands of handheld pagers used by Hezbollah, a Lebanese political party and militant group, simultaneously exploded across Lebanon and Syria. At least nine were killed and over 2,750 wounded, including Hezbollah members and civilians. A Hezbollah official told the National News Agency that the incident was the organization's "biggest security breach yet".....

Imagine we in the West could do that too.....hacking the communications of these so called "sleepers" in our towns and cities...before they hurt and kidnap and kill...letting their nuts explode....

*bows to the Mossad*
Barney  17 | 1666
3 hrs ago #957
Does anyone know the name of the 10 year old girl murdered?
Alien  22 | 5494
2 hrs ago #958
The Mossad is truly the BEST, isn't it!!!

Indeed, a amazing daring action. But why now? After such an action there should be an attack on southern Lebanon. And nothing is happening there.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11928
2 hrs ago #959
But why now?

Maybe they didn't find a way to do it earlier? I imagine this hacking was super complicated....

There are pics and videos :)

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