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Ukraine, Belarus, Russia in EU in 2030?

johnny reb  49 | 7927
7 Nov 2021   #61
jon, I have to agree as we are seeing communism here in the U.S.A. also.
obama's agenda is a prime example.
George Soros, Marxist, obama, Socialism, PiS, Liberals, all the same cup of tea.
jon357  72 | 23483
7 Nov 2021   #62
Looks like he's misunderstood, probably deliberately.

Having said that, extreme politics/economics (including free-market capitalism) always produces an equal and opposite reaction.

Right now, China is the danger, Russia is it's unpredictable cousin and Belarus a pawn.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
7 Nov 2021   #63
Actually some countries that are huge like China are probably only governable by systems like communism that have huge populations. And that is an example of a country who did it successfully and is taking over the world markets as well as really becoming the top global player maybe in the next 20-30 yrs replacing America.

"The economic and social history of communism has been total disaster and even when a communist dominated society breaks free the damage lasts for decades."

But are you blaming the actual system of communism or those countries culture and socioeconomic status at the time they tried implementing it responsible for the states the way they turned out?
jon357  72 | 23483
7 Nov 2021   #64
becoming the top global player maybe in the next 20-30 yrs replacing America.

They already have in a lot of ways. And this has a big effect on their neighbour Russia which has ambitions of its own and is sat on a lot of rare earth metals that China needs.
mafketis  38 | 11142
7 Nov 2021   #65
Russia hasn't moved beyond resource extraction... it has tremendous human capital but is stymied under the regressive corruption of the Putin regime.
Novichok  4 | 8485
8 Nov 2021   #66
Under the universal rule that is true of all systems: me, my family, my buddies, my party, and - if I still have five minutes left - my country.

Too cynical?
johnny reb  49 | 7927
13 Nov 2021   #67
Doesn't it seem to you that the time came ultimately to make economic unification of Europe complete?

No, just the opposite, Socialism doesn't work.

Long live Europe with no borders!

Russian propaganda at it's best.
jon357  72 | 23483
13 Nov 2021   #68

War will certainly come this decade, maybe inn the next couple of years or so. The build up period is happening right now. Whether they'll use tactical weapons or larger ones remains to be seen. Different countries have very different arsensls.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
13 Nov 2021   #69
War will certainly come this decade

I agree.And I think it will come sooner.
Things look pretty bad and once again poor Poland is in the heart of it.
Novichok  4 | 8485
13 Nov 2021   #70
Wars are good for purging the uninvited. It's hard to do it when nobody is shooting.
jon357  72 | 23483
13 Nov 2021   #71
Things look pretty bad

There seem to be three prognoses that are being reported. Today's Telegraph had elements of all three in their reporting. One is that Putin is testing the water for something over the next 3 years or so, one that it will be resolved diplomatically and one that something will happen soon. IMO, the first and last are more likely than the second.
AntV  3 | 670
1 Mar 2022   #72
Well, looks like the EU has a new member.

From Foxnews:

The European Union accepts Ukraine's application, will start 'special admission': report

The EU has accepted Ukraine's application and has commenced a special admission procedure to integrate the country, Eastern European media has reported.

The EU will also look to switch Ukraine over to its power grid in the coming weeks, further integrating the country into the European structure.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
1 Mar 2022   #73
The EU has accepted Ukraine's application

This will prove to be interesting....
Crow  154 | 9535
2 Mar 2022   #74
What is there interesting? EU is Vatican and Germany. Drang Nach Osten is the eternal aim.
pawian  226 | 27475
4 Mar 2022   #75
Apart from the unspeakable tragedy that is happening in Ukraine right now, we can also see an incredible phenomenon - the birth of the modern Ukrainian nation. Before the RuSS invasion it had been divided and conflicted. Today, its integrity is being forged anew under the RuSS barbaric carpet shelling. With their heroic determination, Ukrainians will win the war sooner or later, RuSS barbarians will be forced to withdraw. Destroyed cities and villages will be rebuilt with funds confiscated from invaders. Yes, Ukrainians will mourn thousands of the victims of Russian savagery. . However, it is the sacrifice that will keep them together as one unified nation for the next decades, if not centuries.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
4 Mar 2022   #76
EU is Vatican and Germany

I am no fan of The EU but it is good for poor countries.
Serbia should apply to join but they are too poor and evil to be accepted.


Great post @pawian!
Ukraine will win in the end and Russia will lose.
But the final result may well be many years away.
OP Vlad1234  16 | 883
5 Mar 2022   #77
Before the RuSS invasion it had been divided and conflicted.

After 2014 they were united mostly by EU dreams and expectations. Sadly, many of them still sincerely believe that EU will accept Ukraine quite soon. And that after that they will live "like in EU". Some Ukrainian politicians continue to fool people in that way right now... I think without that propaganda very few Ukrainians would resist Russia willingly (with exception of Western Ukraine).
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
5 Mar 2022   #78
I think without that propaganda very few Ukrainians would resist Russia willingly

Maybe before the invasion!

But every destroyed home and killed civilian will made the number rise up who hate you and who want to be free Ukrainians rather than living under russian occupation....

Putin lost Ukraine already! Trying to keep it will impoverish Russia....
pawian  226 | 27475
5 Mar 2022   #79
Putin lost Ukraine already! Trying to keep it will impoverish Russia....

mafketis  38 | 11142
5 Mar 2022   #80
very few Ukrainians would resist Russia willingly

A Russian speaking Ukrainian told me that Russians (even intelligent and well-meaning ones) just don't understand that Ukrainians don't like them very much and don't find Russian social life very appealing (Russians are obedient and passive while Ukrainians..... are neither).

This doesn't necessarily extend to interpersonal relations (this person was happily married to a Russian) but at the macro-level Ukraine has a very different history from Russia (related to different geographic and other factors) and Ukrainians, even if they only speak Russian, have no intention of joining any Russian led configuration.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
5 Mar 2022   #81
the birth of the modern Ukrainian nation.

Yes, that is a game changer.

A Russian speaking Ukrainian told me that Russians (even intelligent and well-meaning ones) just don't understand

I'm not supprised they don't, that was out of the blue. Putin's blunder can be understood.

by EU dreams and expectations

I doubt it. I think they don't want Russian barbaria anymore. Brothers my foot.
Ukrainie origin and history starts with Poland and GDL.
OP Vlad1234  16 | 883
10 Mar 2022   #82
I wonder if some extensive law enforcement cooperation is possible between European countries. Could such things as European police, European courts and European prosecutors be created in large numbers in those European countries which want to become EU members? For example if some Moldovan citizen suspects that a corrupted judge or police act not in his favour, he could just fill a complaint to EU court or EU police division in his own country. Obviously such EU divisions need to have all the legal power to do investigations, arests and court decisions and their power should prevail over national institutions.
Alien  25 | 6397
5 Apr 2022   #83
Ukraine in EU 2030
Belarus in Russia 2030. 🌍
pawian  226 | 27475
6 Apr 2022   #84
Belarus in Russia 2030.

No, don`t be such a pessimist. When RuSSists get impoverished enough, they won`t be able to control Belarus any longer - it is going to rise and fight for its freedom like Ukraine. And RuSSist savages will be helpless.
Alien  25 | 6397
9 Apr 2022   #85
God grant it to be so.
johnny reb  49 | 7927
8 May 2024   #86
Why can't Russia ever do anything honestly? It's just lie and spy all the time.

Poland's Prime Minister Tusk today called for a special meeting of the secret services to discuss alleged Russian and Belarusian infiltration after a Polish judge who had access to sensitive state information defected to Belarus.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
8 May 2024   #87
@johnny reb
It's dangerous, it will give enough legitimacy to have larger control over the judiciary by the state. Which would make PiS a laughingstock (Their whole shebang is about judiciary, their name being Law&Justice as a name).

If Tusk get's control or atleast supervision by his own men or loyalists in the intelligence agencies. It would give impression of handling commie judges better then PiS.

It would also be a opening in the future to shift the balance of power between parlament, government and judiciary.

As you being an American, I shouldn't have to tell you more now... Should I?
Ironside  50 | 12946
8 May 2024   #88
If Tusk get's control

He can do sh't. Did PiS give the impression that they rule badly? Wait for Tusk shenanigans to emerge he doesn't know how to rule in the first place, Policies? lol

All he got is propaganda.
Robin1988  10 | 68
25 May 2024   #89
Poland's Prime Minister Tusk today called for a special meeting of the secret services to discuss alleged Russian and Belarusian infiltration after a Polish judge who had access to sensitive state information defected to Belarus.

lol thats so low, and sorry to say stereotypical
Bobko  27 | 2079
26 Dec 2024   #90
Lukashenko said today, that Putin is handing him over 10 "Oreshnik"/Hazel missiles.

This is the same MRBM used against Dnipropetrovsk recently.

How does that feel Poles? Now even Potato Fuhrer has a more exotic weapon than anything you possess.


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