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Where are you from?

Miloslaw  20 | 5142
1 Sep 2021   #1
If you ask the average Brit where they are from they will invariably answer with a town or city.
Or if they come from a lesser known place will say "Close to" and then name a better known town or city.
Yanks are similar, but they have the advantage of well known and well defined states.
So they may answer like the Brits or say "Texas, USA".
Poles have one standard answer to this question, always delivered with a huge grin.... "I'm from Poland!".
I find this hilarious...... any views or comments out there?
Lyzko  44 | 9720
1 Sep 2021   #2
Many, perhaps most, of us Yanks tend to identify with their home state FIRST!
OP Miloslaw  20 | 5142
1 Sep 2021   #3
That's what I thought.
Lyzko  44 | 9720
1 Sep 2021   #4
Yep, spot on.
Joker  2 | 2395
2 Sep 2021   #5
I just say Chicago and most ppl know where it is.. I met some Japanese tourist in Florida and they said, " Ah Chicago, bang, bang". Some ppl still thing Al Capone still runs the city
Novichok  4 | 8608
2 Sep 2021   #6
"From" is where you were born. Where do you live is a lot more pertinent.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
2 Sep 2021   #7
Poles have one standard answer to this question, always delivered with a huge grin.... "I'm from Poland!".

If a Pole told a foreigner "I'm from Mazovia', most of them wouldn't know where Mazovia is.

If you were from Thailand, for example, and tell them "I'm from Chiang Mai", most people wouldn't even know Chiang Mai is a town and a province in Thailand.

That's why people usually say 'I'm from Poland" or " I'm from Thailand".
Novichok  4 | 8608
2 Sep 2021   #8
The latest fraud perpetrated by the ruling swamp is "Americans". As in "the Americans evacuated..."...with 90% of them not born in the US or ex anchor babies delivered here by fraud and for a benefit.

In the same manner, "Brit" lost all meaning by including any scum with a British passport on the way to Kabul to join ISIS. It's no longer Roger Moore.
Lyzko  44 | 9720
2 Sep 2021   #9
Add to that, Rich, one is considered "American" even if one's parents are from elsewhere! Being born here is sufficient.
Novichok  4 | 8608
2 Sep 2021   #10
Being born here is sufficient.

I wonder how many are 100% - that means exclusively and without any buts and howevers - loyal to the US.
Or those imported "Brits" to the UK.
Lyzko  44 | 9720
2 Sep 2021   #11
Well, I can only say that the US in this respect is waaayyyyy difference from Europe, at least from Germany:-)
There, if one is born in Germany itself, speaks no language other than German (apart of course from foreign languages learned in grade school), yet whose parents are from abroad and therefore not German citizens or nationals, those people from Germany as I described are NOT considered "Germans"!

This might though have changed over the past several years, but when I was last in Europe in the early '00's, this was still the case.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929
2 Sep 2021   #12
This might though have changed over the past several years,

Not's still hard to accept a headscarf Aishe or an islam-preacher-beard Ali with their Ramadan and Mosque-goings as Germans. Even as they are born here and speak perfekt German....many call them "Pass-Deutsche"...compared to the native "Kartoffeln" or "Almans"....*shrugs*

That is especially striking during the search for jobs and appartements....they have it much harder!

A majority still says in every survey that the Islam doesn't belong to Germany...its really a cultural thing....Poles and other Europeans for example had mostly been fully "germanized" after one generation...
Lyzko  44 | 9720
2 Sep 2021   #13
A solid point, but a tough call for German liberals!
Novichok  4 | 8608
2 Sep 2021   #14
.they have it much harder!


Not's still hard to accept a headscarf Aishe or an islam-preacher-beard Ali with their Ramadan

Good, again.

That's Darwin speaking to you from his grave.
Lyzko  44 | 9720
2 Sep 2021   #15
Hitler was a Darwinist who misunderstood Darwin as he did Nietzsche-:)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929
2 Sep 2021   #16
It's really a cultural thing I believe....on Twitter there is a turkish German active and quite popular who has done the impossible and became an infidel. As it is impossible to just "leave" Islam....there is no way to do that like you would leave a Church....and it is of course forbidden. But he did it, became an outspoken atheist....outed himself as gay and shows his stone age "brothers" daily the finger.

He is as popular with Germans and westernized Turks as he is hated by religious muslims. That makes him much easier acceptable in Germany than his enemies!

He has decided to go an unbelievably hard, stony and potentially dangerous way but he keeps going nonetheless...

What would Darwin say to that?
OP Miloslaw  20 | 5142
2 Sep 2021   #17
"Brit" lost all meaning by including any scum with a British passport

How is that any different from all the scum with American passports?
And please be honest here.... apart from the indigenous Indians, all Americans are immigrants.
In England it is rather different.
There are many people here who have been English long before they discovered and emigrated to your new British world.
Hey, it's not just the language that you inherited from the Brits....LOL!
Novichok  4 | 8608
2 Sep 2021   #18
How is that any different from all the scum with American passports?

As somebody said here a while back, Americans are mutts and anyone can be an American. Even me. Nothing to brag about.

Europe is different. I could never be French, German, or Italian. Or British. There is a certain class and exclusivity attached to these labels.

Then, the flood of Asian and black scum diminished the word "Brit" down to "American" and way below French or German.
At least, this is how I see it.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929
2 Sep 2021   #19
Europe is different. I could never be French, German, or Italian. Or British.

I wouldn't call it "class" but definitely exclusivity....the belief in the power of a passport is here not as high as it is not able to change your identity that much. If I , for example, would immigrate to Japan I would still be a German, never become a Japanese, japanese ID not withstanding.

But yes, with an USian ID I would probably become a real American...over night....mind boggling but true!
Novichok  4 | 8608
2 Sep 2021   #20
That's another thing we agree on...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929
2 Sep 2021   #21
More and more people in the EU have two or even three official ID's.....legally! That's crazy!
AntV  3 | 670
2 Sep 2021   #22
with an USian ID I would probably become a real American...over night....mind boggling but true!

You'd become a USian citizen, but not necessarily a USian. You have to assimilate to the USian way of life to become a USian-and that takes years, usually.

Same if I went to Germany, just because I get German citizenship doesn't make me German (even though most of my people come from Germany). To become German, I'd have to allow the German culture and way of life seep into my soul and accept it as part of me.

My wife has been here in USia for 16 years, and just recently she says she's felt USian.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929
2 Sep 2021   #23
(even though most of my people come from Germany)

True? :)

Serious question: If there was such a survey in the US as in Germany recently...what do you think would the majority say, does the Islam belong to the US?
Lyzko  44 | 9720
2 Sep 2021   #24
What do Laschet, Baerbock or Scholz have to say, more to the point.
AntV  3 | 670
2 Sep 2021   #25
True? :)

Yes. From what I can tell 3/4 of my people come from Germany. Mostly Bavaria and Alsace-Lorain. According to the Germans at my parish church my surname is Bavarian.

If there was such a survey in the US...what do you think would the majority say, does the Islam belong to the US?

I'd guess less than 5% and growing.

I'm curious, now, BB, I'll look and see if I can find any data.
AntV  3 | 670
3 Sep 2021   #26
@Bratwurst Boy

I misread your question before. I think most USians would say Muslims make up 10-15% of the population.

However, only 1% of population is Muslim.

They are increasing though, and the median age of Muslims in USia is 33, aka breeding age.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929
3 Sep 2021   #27
There is again a misunderstanding :)

The question in that survey was loaded, because it wasn't about demographic stats but more about the feeling/opinion about muslims and their in: Of course belongs Christianity to Germany.....but does Islam?

Merkel thinks so, but two thirds of the Germans don't! Only 5% agree fully (survey from 2021).
Lyzko  44 | 9720
3 Sep 2021   #28
Merkel's out of touch!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929
3 Sep 2021   #29
Well, as a Chancellor of Germany you need to at least try to include ALL of your citizens....that makes for some curious word contortions from the top brass like:

"The Islam doesn't fit into Germany - but Muslims do"

Most people can agree with just doesn't make much sense!
Novichok  4 | 8608
3 Sep 2021   #30
"The Islam doesn't fit into Germany - but Muslims do"

Just curious...Do you Germans at least keep records where these a-holes came from in case you decide to go Hitler light on them and "ask" them to kindly get their Muslim asses out and back to the sh*itholes they came from?

I hope you can see the level and the intensity of my German patriotism from that run-on sentence above...

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