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Things We Love

Atch  22 | 4299
11 Jun 2023   #1
Bet this thread won't see much input! Anyway, here we go:

Secondhand bookshops - sadly in decline these days.
Tea from a bone china cup.
The sound of wind roaring iin the chimney, especially on a winter's evening.
Lenka  5 | 3528
11 Jun 2023   #2
Yupee! Another great thread. Thanks Atch.

Nice Earl Grey with lemon on a autumn/ winter afternoon
Alien  25 | 6392
11 Jun 2023   #3
Nice Earl Grey with lemon on a autumn/ winter

Nice Earl Grey with lemon for a round year
OP Atch  22 | 4299
11 Jun 2023   #4
The smell of laundry fresh from the washing line.
In fact everything laundry related except ironing!

  • 6022a7d5f190d8ae7ecf.jpg
Lenka  5 | 3528
11 Jun 2023   #5
Nice Earl Grey with lemon for a round year

Of course but in autumn/winter it gets elevated to another level!

In fact everything laundry related except ironing!

I think I hate folding the most and sorting. Ironing with a nice music or nice show and I can crack on. And it makes me feel like an adult :)
Alien  25 | 6392
11 Jun 2023   #6
Things We Love

Paulina  19 | 4458
11 Jun 2023   #7
@Atch, I was thinking about making such thread :))

Looking at and making art, art materials, interior design, fresh air, rain, spring, wind rustling the leafs of trees, trees blooming, birds singing, sitting by a bonfire and eating a still sizzling sausage, looking at starlit sky, stargazing, watching sunset and sunrise, the scent of hay and elderflower in the air, reading books in peace and quiet, eating ice cream in a park on a nice day, taking photos, snow sparkling in the light, holding and petting a puppy or a kitten, Christmas trees, sipping champagne and watching fireworks on New Year's Eve, sitting by the window and looking at the view when travelling by train, the sound the train is making (tuck-tuck--tuck-tuck--tuck-tuck) - that's from the top of my head :)


lol :)))
jon357  72 | 23482
11 Jun 2023   #8
Lying in bed on a rainy morning knowing I don't have to get up and listening to the raindrops hitting the skylight.
Ironside  50 | 12941
11 Jun 2023   #9
Being alive.
Novichok  4 | 8478
11 Jun 2023   #10
That's a low standard that means everything.
Lenka  5 | 3528
11 Jun 2023   #11
Talking to kids. Really like the way they see the world.
Paulina  19 | 4458
11 Jun 2023   #12
Kids laughing - it always makes me smile :)
jon357  72 | 23482
11 Jun 2023   #13
Stray cats squeaking and purring and being grateful that you've brought them a tin of tuna and some leftover meat.
johnny reb  49 | 7926
12 Jun 2023   #14
Three fingers of Jack Danials honey bourbon, neat, before dinner.
Joker  2 | 2374
12 Jun 2023   #15
Only a W.C.Fields type of drunk measures with their fingers. Do you have a big red nose as well? You critize me for having a few beers yet youre the booze hound. 😆
johnny reb  49 | 7926
12 Jun 2023   #16
Oh no, no, no !
I only have an occasional social drink while your habit is daily.
Plus I don't come on the P.F. drunk to pick fights like you do.
See the difference.
Bobko  27 | 2079
12 Jun 2023   #17
Jack Danials honey bourbon

Disgusting stuff, sure to have you well on your way to diabetes.

1) I loved cigarettes, but sadly can't smoke them anymore. In the beginning, it was unfiltered Lucky Strikes and Chesterfields. Then for the longest time - until I quit - Marlboro Reds. Nothing better than rolling out of your tent in the morning, pulling a cold can of beer from the cooler, taking an electrifying morning sip, chased by a mouthful of sweetly acid smoke. No coffee can compare.

2) Fishing. When I fish, I fish. Last time was a month ago when I rented a house at a lake upstate. I probably fished 16-18 hrs a day. It's like crack to me. After each fish I tell myself, "just one more"...

3) Women. All kinds of women.

4) Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgement Day.

5) Drinking alone. I hate drunk people, and cannot talk to them. I enjoy being drunk myself - very much.

6) Scuba diving. No cell phones, no emails, no one speaking, just the sound of the bubbles exiting your regulator. Plus fish, I love fish. I love to eat them, but I also love to look at them. Scuba is when I am most at peace.

7) Debating my family.

8) Being home alone.

9) Going to favorite museums alone.

10) Saunas
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
12 Jun 2023   #18
I enjoy being drunk myself - very much.

8) Being home alone.

9) Going to favorite museums alone.

signs of a loner with no friends,a very dangerous thing for someone in NYC with all those lonely loonies.I hope dont possess any firearm

3) Women. All kinds of women.@Bobko:So you also mean Men who claim to be women or people/women like jon357???
No wonder you were throwing kisses at each other and being bummy chummy:).
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
12 Jun 2023   #19
No wonder you were throwing kisses at each other and being bummy chummy:).

Like I said Deepak, you are a useless and pathetic troll......try to find another avenue to explore your "talents",trolling is not one of them.....
OP Atch  22 | 4299
13 Jun 2023   #20
Back to things we love:


@Paulina, I like your list :)) We have quite a lot in common!
amiga500  5 | 1492
13 Jun 2023   #21
throwing a shrimp on the barbie.
johnny reb  49 | 7926
14 Jun 2023   #22
A non controlling woman that smiles a lot and often softly laughs out loud.
Alien  25 | 6392
14 Jun 2023   #23
non controlling woman

They only sell them in stores. They're called Barbies or something like that.
Alien  25 | 6392
21 Jun 2023   #24
23 posts in "Things we Love" and 275 posts in "Things we hate".
It seems that PF is full of malcontents, i.e. people dissatisfied and complaining about everything. Optimists are clearly missing.
Novichok  4 | 8478
21 Jun 2023   #25
23 posts in "Things we Love" and 275 posts in "Things we hate".

For the same reason why reporters cover the earthquakes that happened and don't say anything about those that didn't.

I love LGBTQ+ pride month. I hate that I am not included as if I, a white hetero, had no reason to be proud. Maybe if I get AIDS...somehow...

BTW, if LGBTQ+ is all about diversity and inclusion I want an H in that string somewhere...Or N...
OP Atch  22 | 4299
22 Jun 2023   #26
23 posts in "Things we Love" and 275 posts in "Things we hate".

It's one of those 'I told you so' moments Alien. I predicted that interest would be limited. I'll come to the rescue:

Polish Easter. Here is a pic of my own table as I was laying it, couldn't get white eggs :(

Bobko  27 | 2079
22 Jun 2023   #27
I'll come to the rescue:

I'll do what I can to help.

Things I love, list #2:

1) People that know how to enjoy a meal in silence
2) People that can hear, as well as also be heard.
3) Kind people
4) Good fathers
5) Good mothers
OP Atch  22 | 4299
22 Jun 2023   #28
People that know how to enjoy a meal in silence

Come to Ireland.
Bobko  27 | 2079
22 Jun 2023   #29

This is nice.
Lenka  5 | 3528
22 Jun 2023   #30
People that know how to enjoy a meal in silence

I like to eat on my own as a treat but eating with people I like talking and laughter.

I love sitting outside on a warm sunny day with people around. It may be a bench at a playground or beer garden with people having fun.



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