Jack Danials honey bourbon
Disgusting stuff, sure to have you well on your way to diabetes.
1) I loved cigarettes, but sadly can't smoke them anymore. In the beginning, it was unfiltered Lucky Strikes and Chesterfields. Then for the longest time - until I quit - Marlboro Reds. Nothing better than rolling out of your tent in the morning, pulling a cold can of beer from the cooler, taking an electrifying morning sip, chased by a mouthful of sweetly acid smoke. No coffee can compare.
2) Fishing. When I fish, I fish. Last time was a month ago when I rented a house at a lake upstate. I probably fished 16-18 hrs a day. It's like crack to me. After each fish I tell myself, "just one more"...
3) Women. All kinds of women.
4) Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgement Day.
5) Drinking alone. I hate drunk people, and cannot talk to them. I enjoy being drunk myself - very much.
6) Scuba diving. No cell phones, no emails, no one speaking, just the sound of the bubbles exiting your regulator. Plus fish, I love fish. I love to eat them, but I also love to look at them. Scuba is when I am most at peace.
7) Debating my family.
8) Being home alone.
9) Going to favorite museums alone.
10) Saunas