johnny reb 49 | 8094
22 Mar 2020 #1
to keep diverse well-stocked portfolio instead of focusing on one company ?
You are still in Investing 101.
Why didn`t you listen to them?
They were listening to me and you should have too when I posted three weeks ago, BEFORE they started to tank, that I sold most all of them and started buying short.
Google that to keep busy.
Besides, take advantage of bottoms now and invest.
If that is your strategy then I admire your confidence and lack of experience if you think they have hit bottom.
My experience tells me that they are going to go lower yet and will not even think of taking advantage for at least a month if not longer.
This virus is just starting to hit on this side of the pond plus with all the people out of work.......things are going to get a whole lot worse before they get any better.
If you want lessons in trading pawian start a thread on it.
In fact I will even be nice enough to offer you a suggestion for a long term investment that you may do very well in.
Here is a tip for you, I am watching the stock DT very closely and even bought a 200 shares @$18.62 per share on Tuesday when the market was tanking.
It is a German telecommunications company (which is going to always be there) and by revenue the largest telecommunications provider in Europe.
The company operates several subsidiaries worldwide, including the mobile communications brand T-Mobile.
In my opinion it is a good buy right now as you will see if you click on the 'MONTH. space on the chart I will provide that it is on it's way up even in hard times.
It was at $36 plus just a month ago and dropped to $17 in change for a low.
If it goes back up to $36 (and it will eventually) I will make $3400 plus on my 200 shares. (A months vacation in Poland)
If this drops below $20 it is a very good buy IMO.
There is your second tip and lesson on investing in the market, the first when I suggested everyone to buy TESLA.
My pleasure to share with you. ;-)