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Stock Market and Trading Talk

johnny reb  49 | 8094
22 Mar 2020   #1
to keep diverse well-stocked portfolio instead of focusing on one company ?

You are still in Investing 101.

Why didn`t you listen to them?

They were listening to me and you should have too when I posted three weeks ago, BEFORE they started to tank, that I sold most all of them and started buying short.

Google that to keep busy.

Besides, take advantage of bottoms now and invest.

If that is your strategy then I admire your confidence and lack of experience if you think they have hit bottom.
My experience tells me that they are going to go lower yet and will not even think of taking advantage for at least a month if not longer.

This virus is just starting to hit on this side of the pond plus with all the people out of work.......things are going to get a whole lot worse before they get any better.

If you want lessons in trading pawian start a thread on it.
In fact I will even be nice enough to offer you a suggestion for a long term investment that you may do very well in.

Here is a tip for you, I am watching the stock DT very closely and even bought a 200 shares @$18.62 per share on Tuesday when the market was tanking.

It is a German telecommunications company (which is going to always be there) and by revenue the largest telecommunications provider in Europe.
The company operates several subsidiaries worldwide, including the mobile communications brand T-Mobile.
In my opinion it is a good buy right now as you will see if you click on the 'MONTH. space on the chart I will provide that it is on it's way up even in hard times.

It was at $36 plus just a month ago and dropped to $17 in change for a low.
If it goes back up to $36 (and it will eventually) I will make $3400 plus on my 200 shares. (A months vacation in Poland)
If this drops below $20 it is a very good buy IMO.
There is your second tip and lesson on investing in the market, the first when I suggested everyone to buy TESLA.
My pleasure to share with you. ;-)
pawian  226 | 27583
22 Mar 2020   #2
BEFORE they started to tank, that I sold most all of them and started buying short.


If that is your strategy then I admire your confidence and lack of experience if you think they have hit bottom.

Sorry, I used a mental shortcut on you and hence the misunderstanding. I didn`t say you should buy today or tomorrow. I meant you should wait for real bottoms and then invest.

My pleasure to share with you. ;-)

Thanks, that was interesting to read about DT. However, what if the share price remains flat at around 18 for a longer time, like even years? I read somewhere DT was planning to cut their dividends to shareholders, that might be a little cold shower for them.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 547
22 Mar 2020   #3
Double barrel means twins. He engages in a relationship and expects twins from it?

Not really, check, it says 12Ga side by side Savage!!. Will change 200Lbs deer into hamburger, instantly::))
OP johnny reb  49 | 8094
22 Mar 2020   #4
what if the share price remains flat at around 18 for a longer time, like even years?

What if ? (Just hide and watch it)
What is the difference if you have your money in a minus paying interest bank account ?
If there was a stock out there that was a guarantee we would all be millionaires.
You are the one that was preaching diversity.
Why do you think they call it the Wall Street Casino ?

It was at $36 plus just a month ago and dropped to $17 in change for a low.

In my humble opinion that makes a company of such importance to Europe one heck of a buy.
I have been wrong before though.
It's not like I invested the whole family Piggy bank into it.
No guts no glory.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 547
23 Mar 2020   #5
Johnny my guts not so glorious, so far over $ 50.000 in the hole, Not to worry, markets will recover
OP johnny reb  49 | 8094
23 Mar 2020   #6
Ouch !
Do you trade yourself or do you have a broker ?
Oh they will recover quickly.
There is a lot of money sitting on the side line right now.
I am patiently waiting.
This virus thing is just starting and going to get a lot worse.
Stocks are going to go even lower yet.
Cash will be king in three months from now.
I want to get in on ground level this time because I am old and I know it will be my last chance to make any serious money in the market.

It would be nice to visit Poland in style before I die.
I wanna take Ziemowit and dolno out for a big steak and beer.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 547
23 Mar 2020   #7
Dolno, anytime, Ziem, I am not so sure I am afraid he might attack my person with a huge dictionary Pawian would be interesting, be careful though, and have the stun gun ready. Iron good companion visiting historical and religious places of interest Dirk to have fun. Hey, Cargo Pants may be of interest, Kaprys, of course, the visit of your dreams, Muf, Spike? Did I forget anybody? US residents not included Oh Milo, if he is visiting Poland at the time

Kill the market and have loads of fun

Ouch !Do you trade yourself or do you have a broker ?

Bout, and he is doing worst than me. OUCH!! Do you remember the experiment involving monkey throwing the darts at the list of stocks, at random, and highly recommended stockbroker, choosing the stock from the same menu as the monkey? Monkey won, hands down.

Where is Pawian when I need him?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8094
24 Mar 2020   #8
Today, just one week later DT is presently at $25.65.

Thanks, that was interesting to read about DT. However, what if the share price remains flat

pawian.......what can I say.......if you would have taken my suggestion and bought 200 shares like I did you would now be $1400 richer in one week.

I agree however, the stock market is not a place for Nervous Nellies like you.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8094
24 Mar 2020   #9
Time for my nap.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
24 Mar 2020   #10
I wanna take Ziemowit and dolno out for a big steak and beer.

My pleasure. I am flattered that you are not forgetting about me in those difficult times :-)

I am old and I know it will be my last chance to make any serious money in the market.

Please keep in mind that Warren Buffett who is 90 now still invests long-term.

I admire your confidence and lack of experience if you think they have hit bottom.

The present time on the stock markets is a classic "black swan" event. I don't think I've ever witnessed a swan arriving to the market which would be more black than this present one. Neither have you, Johnny? Inexperienced investors should keep themselves as far away from the stock exchange now as they can. Simply don't try to catch falling knives, Pawian
OP johnny reb  49 | 8094
6 Apr 2020   #11
This announcement of this new vaccine made the stock market jump up over a 1000 points today.

I am in pretty good shape but still on shaky ground as the looting will start this summer and could wreck it all.
Trumps should give orders to shoot to kill the looters right from the get go.
cms neuf  1 | 1918
7 Apr 2020   #12
At which point the looters will start taking their own firearms with them.

Will make a good movie though.

Funny how you guys never lose on real estate or stocks. You must all be smarter than me :)
OP johnny reb  49 | 8094
7 Apr 2020   #13
At which point the looters will start taking their own firearms with them.

At that point Marshal law will be put in place.
Anyone brandishing a firearm in public will be shot dead on the spot by the authorities.

You must all be smarter than me

That is because some of us have been investing day in and day out for forty years.
You eventually learn how to put the odds in your favor.
In the last two days I would be ashamed to tell you what I have made from what I bought a month ago when the 'nervous nellies' were dumping their stock left and right and I was buying at bargain prices.

Have you taken note what the market has done in the last couple of days ?

Funny how you guys never lose on real estate or stocks.

I have never lost on real estate but have lost many times on different stocks.
I am done giving suggestions here because all I do is get mocked.
I stuck my neck out and suggest you buy Tesla a couple of years ago and got laughed at.
If you would have listened and taken my advise you could retire now in Poland modestly.
Just two weeks ago I suggested DT Communications in Germany in the first post of this thread @ $18 per share.
Today it opened at $23 per share but has been slipping a bit since.
So if you would have jumped on say 500 shares @ $18 and sold at the open today at $23 you would have made $2500 in a two week period.

But who listens to me.
I will be holding my DT until it increases to over $30+ per share projecting to double my investment.
It may take six months, a year, two years but it will get there which is a hell of a lot better then having my money in a bank at a negative interest rate.

Would any one here like to give us a suggestion on what they think may be a hot stock ?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
7 Apr 2020   #14
At least in Poland, there were bargains to be had about 3 weeks ago. I snapped up PKNOrlen at 48.99PLN (now 64.90), Lotos at 43.33 (now 63.53) and PGNiG at 2.902 (now 3.542) - all of them were terribly undervalued, and being up 33% overall isn't bad at all.

Tallink (on the Tallinn Stock Exchange) is worth a punt. They're nominally a transport (shipping) company, but they have huge interests outside shipping. They own hotels, restaurants, all sorts - yet the stock is pretty much traded on the transportation side of the business. Shares are down about 30-40%, yet the fundamentals are solid. I'd buy them myself, but I use my bank's trading platform and it doesn't have foreign stocks.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
7 Apr 2020   #15
I snapped up PKNOrlen

Still can't get any of their hand sanitizer
OP johnny reb  49 | 8094
7 Apr 2020   #16
Good man delph,
taking a small risk on an under valued stock often pays off like it has for you.
NOW the tricky part, when do you dump them and move onto the next bargain ?
I tend to get greedy and hold on to long before I pull the plug on them.
I also use trading charts delph, do you have companies that sell trading charts in Poland ?
I would be naked trading without them.
They tell you when to buy and when to sell stocks and are usually some what accurate.
Those are for day trading mostly where sometimes you buy and sell it within two hours.
Other times when a stock is tanking I jump in and buy short and sell it after a day or two.

Still can't get any of their hand sanitizer

All the distillery's here have switched over to making hand sanitizers which are better (stronger) than the original store bought ones.
I went in last week and bought a gallon of hand sanitizer for $24 and spent another $24 on a fifth of their home made Tequila.
I have poured off the gallon into all my friends small pump bottles and still have enough to last me my life time.
Tlum  12 | 309
18 Apr 2020   #17
In 2016/17, I was all for Trump, but now it is clear that he works for the Fed and the corporations. He stole 2 trillion dollars (could go up to 4 trillion) from our future. When Obama stole 0.8 trillion, all "republicans" were outraged. Now Trump destroyed not only the Stock Market (it is now a casino run by the fed), but the US dollar too. For one $1000 check sent to a US family, he prints and gives away $100000000 to one corporation. "One dollar for you, 1 billion of dollars for me."

Rubio was right about him being a con man. Since the day he let Bannon go, he's been a pathetic loser and embarrassment to the US working class. I don't know how people can still defend him at this point.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 547
18 Apr 2020   #18
When Obama stole 0.8 trillion, a

You could not pick a better username, not in the hundred years, maybe if you try Balwan, but anyways you say 0.8 trillion. Last time I checked, it was more than all of the previous presidents combined, which comes to about 9 trillion

One dollar for you, 1 billion of dollars for me."

The idiotic statement does not require an answer, but this post is so stupid I will make an exception.
First I received $1200, so did my wife, and millions of other Americans received the same if they got direct deposit if not Check will be in the mail shortly

So millions upon millions receiving $ 1200 hundred equals one dollar according to your calculations New math graduate, well I take it back, you flunk even the New Math

As far as borrowing 2 trillion, what do you think he should have done? Besides, money was appropriated by the democrat congress.
Let's assume, for the sake of argument, Trump used his veto power, you and despicable people like you would rip him to shreds no doubt about it.
Tlum  12 | 309
19 Apr 2020   #19
I talk about the bailouts (Obama's was 800 billions = 0.8 trillion). But you're right about Trump's debt, which is 2 times as much as the Zero. Trump is the version 2.0 of Obama in destruction of the US economy.

If johnny_reb is honest (and he, unlike you, appears to understand the stock market), he will have to admit the unprecedented scale of the Fed's (now Trump = Fed) intervention and destruction of the stock market, taxpayer's savings, and US dollar.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 547
19 Apr 2020   #20
If johnny_reb is honest (and he, unlike you, appears to understand the stock market),

Oh really, and what makes you think I don't and you do? ::))

I talk about the bailouts (Obama's was 800 billions = 0.8 trillion).

So, according to your "calculations," Obama's borrowing at least 1 trillion,year after year in the budget overruns, we should forget because of what?
Oh, now, I know. With the help of liberal to the core, dishonest press, lobotomized sheep's, helped Obama with an excuse, they called insanely, destructive spending

QUANTITATIVE EASING and every liberal understood, Shazam !, no budget overruns were happening, just trillion dollars quantitative easing.
Two trillion dollars is not Trump's doings it is catastrophe made in China

One more thing If you think, Johnny can be bought by shamelessly kissing his a*rs You obviously don't know Johnny
OP johnny reb  49 | 8094
19 Apr 2020   #21
You still Bitchin' Bout Trump.
Ain't you S'posed to be a Canadian already ?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8094
19 Apr 2020   #22
I was all for Trump, but now it is clear that he works for the Fed

Five banks control the economy, Citigroup, JPMorgan, Morgan Stanley, Bank of America, and Goldman Sachs.
Those same five banks as of December 31, 2019 were sitting on astronomical levels of highly combustible derivatives: in notional (face amount) of derivatives, JPMorgan Chase held $46.4 trillion; Citigroup held $40.8 trillion; Goldman Sachs Group had $39.6 trillion; Morgan Stanley sat on $32.5 trillion while Bank of America held $30.4 trillion.

Guess what fella's, all five of them are tanking.
Take for example on February 14 of this year, Citigroup's share price closed at $78.79.
Yesterday it closed at $40.52, a decline of 48.5 percent in two months.
These five banks represented 83 percent of all derivatives held by the more than 5,000 Federally insured banks in the U.S.
Americans are paying a huge price for allowing these five banks to control it's economy.
cms neuf  1 | 1918
19 Apr 2020   #23
But pretty much every economy in the world has 5-6 major banks. It is the same here in Poland. I don't believe those derivative figures - the market value is obviously many times less than that.

At Christmas the economy was fine, Trump was happy at working his miracles, employment going up, GDP growth nice, investment quite good and most people were comparing that interest rates of 3 percent were too high. So whatever is happening now is a reflection of the chaotic response to the virus.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8094
20 Apr 2020   #24
But pretty much every economy in the world has 5-6 major banks.

But what other economy is sporting 200 Trillion in their five banks like those five banks in America ?

I don't believe those derivative figures -

Your opinion is just that until you can prove me wrong with credible sources.

most people were comparing that interest rates of 3 percent were too high

Please fill me in on what 3% interest rates you are talking about.
cms neuf  1 | 1918
20 Apr 2020   #25

The very first hit to googling it - as I said you are taking the notional value not the market value.

Poland obviously has a small derivatives market but it s dominated by 3 banks. - Pekao,, Citi and Santander with a few foreign banks also involved like HSBC and the French.

Interest rates were 2.5 percent not 3 but I remember Trump being upset that they were too high
OP johnny reb  49 | 8094
20 Apr 2020   #26
- as I said you are taking the notional value not the market value.

Correct - Determining the actual size of the derivatives market depends on what a person considers part of the market, and therefore, what figures go into the calculation. The larger estimates come from adding up the notional value of all available derivatives contracts.

most people were comparing that interest rates of 3 percent were too high.

Nope and not even 2.5%.
Mr Trump, was unimpressed with the Federal Reserve's 0.25 percentage point cut that took the federal funds target range to 2-2.25%.
Glad we got that straightened out.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8094
21 Apr 2020   #27
I suggested DT Communications in Germany in the first post of this thread @ $18 per share.

Today DT closed at $26.50, up $8 a share.
If you would have bought 500 shares like I suggested you would now have made $4000 in a month on a $9000 investment.
Will that be enough for a one month vacation in Poland ?

My next investment was last Friday when I bought 300 shares of PLMR at $56 per share.
My trading charts are showing very positive signs on this stock.
Plant Impact plc was founded in 2003 and is headquartered in Harpenden, the United Kingdom.
As of March 28, 2018, Plant Impact plc operates as a subsidiary of Croda Europe Limited.
Plant Impact plc, through its subsidiaries, develops and markets crop enhancement products to deliver yield and quality benefits for growers in the Americas, Europe, and internationally.

Anyone else got a suggestion to put their neck out on the line for a hot stock ?
Joker  2 | 2457
21 Apr 2020   #28
Will that be enough for a one month vacation in Poland ?

Then why haven't you ever been to Poland? Money just seemly flows thru your fingertips!
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
21 Apr 2020   #29
why haven't you ever been to Poland?

He has been busy making money in the US, that why he hasn't been to Poland yet!

Anyway, Johnny seems to deliver market tips for free. I admire him for that, though I don't think if anyone has managed to benefit from this. Actually, I still remember Harold and others of the Brit Bullies gang his sneering at his stock exchange.skills.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8094
21 Apr 2020   #30
Then why haven't you ever been to Poland?

I promise you that money is not the issue my friend.

Anyway, Johnny seems to deliver market tips for free.

And it is making some people very jealous because they lack their skills or don't have the funds to invest so therefore I am done trying to help people make some extra cash by punching buttons on their computer.

I mean I can't erase previous posts and they have all showed that I have made a modest amount of money on every single investment from Tesla to DT energy.

I am no magician but no one else can seem to give any stock tips here that consistently make money.

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