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Social Media - who uses Facebook or similar?

jon357  72 | 23673
27 Aug 2018   #31
I heard that he died, if we are talking about the same person

Probably the same person. A shame if he has. I just googled him and didn't see any death notice. Nor did I see anything recent from him.

Great tool for law enforcement to monitor all the gremlins who have surrendered all their rights to privacy.

I know people who say the same, although it's easy enough for serious spooks etc to monitor someone anyway if they want to, social media or not. Human intelligence is still always preferable.

Several wrongly accused people have been found innocent in sexual offences cases because of things their false accuser has posted online (usually on Facebook) that make it clear the person they accused is innocent.

With social media it pays to be careful what you say anyway; keeping ones digital footprint clean is both common sense and important. I always check up on job applicants' facebook page/twitter feed and have thrown a few applications away due to things they've put online.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
27 Aug 2018   #32
I just googled him and didn't see any death notice.

Last time anyone saw him he had lost a lot of weight and was looking fragile.
Maybe he is in a hospital someplace.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
9 Jun 2019   #33
Trump uses twitter daily to bash the bias media.
Here is his todays tweet.
"If President Obama made the deals that I have made, both at the Border and for the Economy, the Corrupt Media would be hailing them as Incredible, & a National Holiday would be immediately declared,"
Lyzko  44 | 9730
10 Jun 2019   #34
Trump uses Twitter the way most of us regurgitate, spewing forth verbal diarroeha in a non-stop bout of bowel slinging free-for-all!! The putrid
stench of his rants pollutes bodies and souls alike.

Just ask yourself what Barry Goldwater, Ronald Reagan, John McCain would have said.
Once saw an old sci-fi film "The Shape of Things to Come" by William Cameron Menzies (1936), featuring a look at the post-modern
world, round about the dawn of our current century. It featured impressive precursors of cell phones, flat-screen TV sets, robots, all
sorts of neat stuff.

If people today spoke on their iPhones etc. the way those teens way back when did, even about innocuous stuff, I'd be a happy man:-)
pawian  226 | 27817
10 Jun 2019   #35
the Corrupt Media would be hailing them as Incredible, & a National Holiday would be immediately declared,"

I read somewhere that most American media are said to be of leftist stance. Is it true?

The putrid stench of his rants pollutes bodies and souls alike.

But I like his twits. He uses a very simple language, the one I already was able to understand when I was a high school student. :):)
Lyzko  44 | 9730
10 Jun 2019   #36
Indeed, paw! It's called watered down, dumbed-down English for the rank-and-file who've never read the NYT and who don't care too either:-) You're sure right about that one! Trump's a twit and his tweets are embarrassing:-)
johnny reb  49 | 8003
11 Jun 2019   #37
How hateful again Lyzko.

The putridstench of his rants pollutes bodies and souls alike.

Kind of like the rant you are on here, right.
The only difference is that your mind has been poisoned.

I read somewhere that most American media are said to be of leftist stance. Is it true?

Extremely true Pawian.
The bias media backed Oslama like 90% positive where as Trump they give 90% negative.
That is why Trump tweets is to expose the Left Opposition Parties corruption the Left bias media refuse to report on.
It just smokes the media's and their sheep.
Just look how upset and the meltdown Lyzko just had because of Trumps tweets.

Trump's a twit and his tweets are embarrassing

Only embarrassing to the Left because they can't refute what Trump tweets without getting hateful and nasty just like Lyzko did above.
These people are sick Pawian, really sick.
They want to destroy America anyway they can just like Osama did where as Trump loves America and is trying to do what is best for it and Make America Great Again.
Bluzeki  - | 30
11 Jun 2019   #38
dumbed-down English for the rank-and-file who've never read the NYT

No one should ever read the NYT, its a bunch of Liberal propaganda.
Its the same as CNN but in printed format.

The Dems hatred is reaching a fever pitch knowing they won't win in 2020

You know, Fartbook is in its death spiral also. Since their biggest customers ( snowflakes ) have moved on (think myspace) Its just a matter of time, like I predicted. Fartbook is mostly middle aged ppl and small businesses now. Now, with all the Big Brother propaganda from the left, its a total loser has been( think Joe Biden)
Velund  1 | 497
11 Jun 2019   #39
So, will it be fine to chase, say, Facebook employees for selectively "censoring" posts based on political views of posters?
cms neuf  2 | 1961
11 Jun 2019   #40
Facebook is a private company. Using Facebook is optional.

Not sure if someone can translate that into Russian to make that even more simple for you to understand.
Velund  1 | 497
11 Jun 2019   #41
Facebook is a private company. Using Facebook is optional.

FRS is private "company" as well. Can I avoid use of their "products"?

because hes a Democrat.

Democracy is a power of specially trained Democrats (from a good families, as well). ;)
longulf  - | 3
11 Jul 2019   #42

Well, Facebook is temporarily banning right wing nut jobs at the moment. Are you one of them?

That gave me a good chuckle, thanks. I hope people understand that facebook is a privately held company and them "censoring" you isn't violating some inherent right you have to share your opinion. I'm not saying it's right, but it is a product that you're using on the terms they define.
TheOther  6 | 3596
12 Jul 2019   #43
Yes. Please read post #6.
potato_chair  - | 1
6 Mar 2022   #44

What social media is this?

friend sent me a screen shot of what looks like some kind of social media or messaging app, could anyone identify it?

  • IMG_1942min.jpg
jon357  72 | 23673
14 Jun 2022   #45
facebook is a privately held company

Called Meta now. They also own other services. Is that sinister?

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