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Let us have Slavic Christian Church

Crow  155 | 9710
28 Nov 2021   #1
Let us.

It is proved that neither Constantinople, neither Rome or Protestant London aren`t true Christian centers, neither they promote real Christianity. It is them who exposed us Slavs to false ways that manipulated even Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself. Plus we Slavs have preserved even specifics from pre-Christian time and we deserve to have our own path of Christianity.

So, let us have Slavic Christian Church where there is no papacy, Pope, Patriarch of Constantinople, Protestantism, etc. Only sum of Slavic Christian Churches with unique local specifics as in time of our oldest ancestors.

Let us be spiritually independent. Let us live in content with nature and natural laws. Slavic Christian Church.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
28 Nov 2021   #2
let us have Slavic Christian Church

Someone already beat you to it.

johnny reb  49 | 8003
28 Nov 2021   #3
It's quite ironic that there is a For Sale sign in front of it.
Maybe this is Pastor Crow's calling and he could turn the place around with his Christian wisdom.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
28 Nov 2021   #4
Yep, as a test of his commitment to his beliefs I hope he puts his entire life savings into it and takes out huge loans to cover the rest. It's an opportunity waiting to happen for him.
OP Crow  155 | 9710
28 Nov 2021   #5
People, I assure you, if I am rich like Gates or Soros, I would invest in it. I assure you. I would be certainly killed by the numerous opposition but, well, I would be one day venerated as martyr and saint.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
28 Nov 2021   #6
I assure you, if I am rich like Gates or Soros, I would invest in it. I assure you. I would

O ye of little faith.

Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself

Who lived an austere life and chastised the money lenders.

So why do you call others to follow Jesus while you personally prefer to be like Gates and Soros?
OP Crow  155 | 9710
28 Nov 2021   #7
God forbid, to put cross on myself. I only said where would I invest, among other things, if I am rich as they are. I am I, they are they.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
28 Nov 2021   #8
I am I

Exactly, that's why YOU need to set the example and follow the life of Christ.

they are they.

Exactly, that's why YOU need to set the example and not follow the life of Soros.

johnny reb  49 | 8003
28 Nov 2021   #9
Is that top picture really you, St. Crow ?
Poloniusz  5 | 969
28 Nov 2021   #10
It could be and it should be. Christ spread his message just fine without the internet. He even made due riding on a donkey when he wasn't walking. Varjú can too.
OP Crow  155 | 9710
28 Nov 2021   #11
Exactly, that's why YOU need to set the example and follow the life of Christ.

Listen. If I live long enough when I am really old, I think to roam into the woods and deleted (literally, even foundations of houses are removed by ustashe after they exterminated populace) villages, towns and graves of my ancestors of back in past Serb Krajina in today`s Croatia (Lika region) no matter it still is Croatia or if its liberated in the meantime and merged with Serbia.

If local Vatican`s fanatics (if it is still Croatia) kill me it wouldn`t matter. I would join to my ancestors satisfied, in any case.

Is that top picture really you, St. Crow ?

No, I`m not that blond, neither I am dark as Jesus on that picture above the man. If you love Jesus you would certainly love St. me.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
30 Nov 2021   #12
If you love Jesus you would certainly love St. me.

No if's about me loving Jesus as He is my best friend.
I already like you but I would never love you.
I would love to sit and break bread over a big bottle of wine with you however.
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
30 Nov 2021   #13
@johnny reb
Seems love is very misunderstood in america

Christs love is for all humanity, not slavs only. Which makes a slavic church pure nonsense. I wish you well crow, but your hatred towards the church which God has gifted us only reminds me of your stuborness and hostility. I wish you well, if my communication with you however only worsen I decided to cut it. As I don't want to pain myself with having anything to do with your damnation. Jesus Christ is the saviour, not me nor J_R
johnny reb  49 | 8003
30 Nov 2021   #14
Seems love is very misunderstood in america

Have you ever been here to see how wrong you actually are ?
Hell, America feeds and protects half the world.
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
30 Nov 2021   #15
@johnny reb
I was subtly hinting at your behaviour towards Crow, especially saying you would never love him. As from what I know, you live in U.S.A, which your reaction seems to confirm it.

And no, I have not been to america. Yet rumours has it there is a great voluntery culture over there. I have yet to consider it Christian if it's main purpose is to post about it on instagram however.
Joker  2 | 2455
30 Nov 2021   #16
I`m not that blond, neither I am dark as Jesus o

Crow, I knew you were capable of turning over a new leaf!

And no, I have not been to america.

How about Toronto?

  • Cc_qPAo0N9IvgcfyJyhO.jpg
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
1 Dec 2021   #17
How about Toronto?

I haven't stepped a foot in any of the two american continents. Where did you get that picture from?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
1 Dec 2021   #18
I was subtly hinting at your behaviour towards Crow, especially saying you would never love him.

How judgmental of you.

but your hatred towards the church which God has gifted us only reminds me of your stuborness and hostility.

How judgmental of you

no, I have not been to america. rumours has it there is a great voluntery culture over there. I have yet to consider it Christian

Now you are basing your projected judgmental opinions on "rumors" ? :-(

1. Crow has always been my friend
2.your hint is just another Baiting judgmental opinion
3. I would never love Crow like I love Jesus Christ
Please go back and read post #12 again as you have interpreted it wrong for the sake of an argument and your own purity.
(Proverbs 10:10, a chattering fool comes to ruin)
Then we can compare your trolling sin (bearing false witness) of being judgmental to my sin of hostility when people project their frivolous judgmental opinions against me. :-)
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
1 Dec 2021   #19
I already like you but I would never love you.

How did I misinterpret it?
Miloslaw  22 | 5217
1 Dec 2021   #20
Oh dear.... Look at the Christians trying to out christianize each other.....hilarious!!!!!!

I am more Christian than you.....LOL!!!!


You both sound more like Muslims who always want to show that they are more religious than their neighbours.....

I thought that Christianity had different ideals.......maybe I was wrong.
Joker  2 | 2455
1 Dec 2021   #21
Where did you get that picture from?

Same place I found Black Santa:)

IVe actually seen the Black Jesus photo hanging up in their homes. Nobody really knows what he looked liked?

  • BlackSanta.jpg
johnny reb  49 | 8003
2 Dec 2021   #22
Look at the Christians trying to out christianize each other...

You are a very disturbed person, Coleslaw.

Nobody really knows what he looked liked?

What I have studied is that he most likely was a Black man.
OP Crow  155 | 9710
2 Dec 2021   #23
Jesus was Sarmatian and White. Its the another question why Gypsies from Greece and Italy rule us all. With all respect on Gypsies.
Joker  2 | 2455
2 Dec 2021   #24
Jesus was Sarmatian and White

You dont know that, nobody does....

Gypsies from Greece and Italy rule us all

Speak for yourself... Im sure glad I dont have to live in Europe!

No Gypsies or Serbs by me, so Im safe:) Haha
johnny reb  49 | 8003
2 Dec 2021   #25
According to Preacher Jim, Jesus was a jew.
The bones of jews which date back to the time of Jesus have similarities to the bones of contemporary Iraqi jews.
Jesus had honey olive skin, brown eyes and black hair.
As for the honey olive description, his skin was "a darker hue consistent with the skin tone of people of the Middle East".
Miloslaw  22 | 5217
2 Dec 2021   #26
@johnny reb

So what?
Why does his ethnicity or race matter?
Especially to a supposed follower like you?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
2 Dec 2021   #27
Has Punky gone to his bed yet so the adults can debate in peace ?

Jesus was Sarmatian and White.

I beg to differ with you on that one Crow.
Jesus was born a jew.
The Samaritans were not considered jews because of their religious apostasy, not because of any dilution in their jewish blood.
OP Crow  155 | 9710
3 Dec 2021   #28
I know what you mean. Some even say original name was Joshua.

But, if Netanyahu is right of Sarmatian (Slavic) and Jewish contacts at that time, its quite possible that child of Sarmatian nobles from Balkan was given into Jewish family (or father to child was a Sarmatian nobleman, if you understand me), for some reason (maybe to save him from Romans). That may be the reason why many foreign Kings came when Joshua was born (or introduced).

Then, when Joshua died, His cult spread faster exactly because of his origin (at that time most of Europe was still Sarmatian or aware of its Sarmatian origin).

Had to be important nobleman. No doubt dinarid then. Robust dominant male.

Sarmatians > Samaritans

You dont know that, nobody does....

Sure. One of many theories
Joker  2 | 2455
4 Dec 2021   #29
One of many theories

The way the world is turning we may all find out soon...........
OP Crow  155 | 9710
4 Dec 2021   #30
One of things post-Covid world will correct is historical scientific truth because general human progress suffer because of lies about past.

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