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Russophiles can no longer defend their beloved Russians.

Miloslaw  22 | 5217
5 Oct 2018   #1
I'm sure some idiots will post on here and claim Russia's innocence.
But this is not is common knowledge,but Russia is pushing so hard that various governments have decided to call them out.
The information is extremely detailed and shows Russia's guilt beyond doubt....more interestingly it shows
their total incompetence. ...laughable really...some people on here have claimed that Poland should forge stronger links with our "Russian Slav Brothers",firstly,most Russians are not Slavs.Secondly,why would Poland want to forge closer links to a corrupt,gangster government that has always mistreated Poles?Thirdly,why would Poland want closer links to a failing economy that has a leader who is rapidly losing support and respect in his own country.And lastly,why would Poland want closer ties to a state that has such a useless,incompetent, idiotic and frankly stupid secret service???
Crow  155 | 9712
5 Oct 2018   #2
Miroslawe dobri brate you are crazy as Tesla`s electricity
Vlad1234  16 | 883
5 Oct 2018   #3
firstly,most Russians are not Slavs

And who?
OP Miloslaw  22 | 5217
5 Oct 2018   #4
Most of you are Asians....
Crow  155 | 9712
5 Oct 2018   #5
Who would say that for brat Miroslaw. As if we Slavs don`t have enough problems and divisions but now one needs openly to promote sh** on internet.
OP Miloslaw  22 | 5217
5 Oct 2018   #6
"Miroslawe dobri brate you are crazy as Tesla`s electricity"

That famous Austrian American was very talented.....born in what is now known as Croatia.....great scientist,terible business man..
Crow  155 | 9712
5 Oct 2018   #7
I am surprised and insulted by your performance
OP Miloslaw  22 | 5217
5 Oct 2018   #8
I have been on here long enough for you to know that puerile,childish and obscene insults wash over me fact,all insults must try harder and actually form an argument for your case,whatever that may be,but of course,you can't.....the evidence is now overwhelming.....Russians are only friends for Russians....and even then,only the ones that support their gangster a good Slav and give up when you know you have lost....
Crow  155 | 9712
5 Oct 2018   #9
No, Russians aren`t lambs but to use BBC article against them is equal to madness. Didn`t you heard how venerable US pan Trump speaks negatively of BBC? After all, as if you aren`t aware of all BBC lies against Serbians? Don`t you see that BBC have ugly agenda? Altogether with complete UK?

Man, Brits are greatest urinators of Poland ever and you using them against fellow Slavs. Who have Brits for friends, don`t need enemies
OP Miloslaw  22 | 5217
5 Oct 2018   #10
You do not posess enough knowledge.
The BBC if anything,has a slightly left wing bias,but they are reporting news from across the world that condemns Russia.....too much evidence that even their left wing liberal stance can no longer ignore.

No,the last thing Poland and the rest of Central Europe needs is closer ties to The Russian Mafia State.....
Crow  155 | 9712
5 Oct 2018   #11
You now defend BBC?

Tell me brate, why do you humiliates yourself like this?
OP Miloslaw  22 | 5217
5 Oct 2018   #12
The point is lost on I said,insufficient knowledge......I am not defending The BBC,I know many people who work there and can tell you that they have a liberal left wing bias......but even with that,they cannot ignore the sheer weight of evidence against Russia.....please stop burying your sorry Slav Serbian head in the sand man!
Crow  155 | 9712
5 Oct 2018   #13
We don`t need BBC articles. Its news media house with absolutely ruined reputation. What we need is better and more efficient UN so that great powers aren`t excluded from international law. And we need international order, respect of sovereignty of states. Exactly as noble brat Jan Lopuszanski of Polish right wing Catholics said in Polish parliament, while defended Serbians when started NATO bombing back in 1999. Citation: ``If, today, NATO's putative right to be a judge of other nations and their governments and to enforce these decisions by way of violence is recognized, this right may tomorrow be directed against any nation in the world, Poland included.``
OP Miloslaw  22 | 5217
5 Oct 2018   #14
More defence of Russian stupidity......give up're wasting your time......
Crow  155 | 9712
5 Oct 2018   #15
Listen. In my part of the world now is 22:52 hours exactly. Good night
OP Miloslaw  22 | 5217
5 Oct 2018   #16
Nice way to give up on an argument you have lost.....:-)
I am only 1 hour behind you.....
Vlad1234  16 | 883
5 Oct 2018   #17
Most of you are Asians....

Can you specify? Asia is a huge continent in which people of different races live. Such as Arabs, Turkish, Persians, Chines, Hindus, etc.
Many of them do not even look alike...
Can you post here photos of some famous Russians who look Asian?
jon357  72 | 23654
5 Oct 2018   #18
Nice way to give up on an argument you have lost

Exactly. Russia is laughed at by the whole world. Even Ukraine who they're invading with fake 'rebels' is holding off their invasion and laughing.

Soon they'll have no spies left, so many are being unmasked by easy investigation.
TheWizard  - | 217
6 Oct 2018   #19
The Ruskis are certainly hated here. Since downing of that plane with all those Australians on it over ukraine they are seen as the enemy again by most people which sort of died down after the cold war ended. The unmasking of their 2nd rate spies all the time has not helped their cause.
Crow  155 | 9712
6 Oct 2018   #20
Its not question that is Russia hated by many. It is. The question here, suitable question on Polish forum, would be - does most of those who hate Russians love Poles? The answer to the question is negative. Or in best case, they don`t like Poles and feel necessity to humiliates them.

So, one Brit or French, just for example, truly hates Russians and truly despise Poles. In its final extent, what is the difference?
jon357  72 | 23654
6 Oct 2018   #21
does most of those who hate Russians love Poles?

Here? Yes, certainly...
Crow  155 | 9712
6 Oct 2018   #22
Of course, you are good and sincere soul. Poles are happy to have your love but Russians yet to qualify.

In my world, normality is measured by how equally we love our Slavic brethren. Its because for Serbians, love for other Slavs coming from deep love, loyalty and devotion for Slavic (ie Sarmatian) civilization itself. Also, reality of life learned us Serbs that only equal love for all our Slavic sisters and brothers can bring us reward, be that reward in simple return of love or in some practical terms. Only being equal, we actually serve to our civilization.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
6 Oct 2018   #23
Also, reality of life learned us Serbs that only equal love for all our Slavic sisters and brothers can bring us reward

Are you a preacher?
My life is a lot simpler. The headcount is like this. Love - 7, like - 6. The rest - I couldn't care less.
Crow  155 | 9712
6 Oct 2018   #24
Not a preacher. Only pathetic sometimes. Kind of wicked artist. Sometimes.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
6 Oct 2018   #25
Only pathetic sometimes.

Pathetic is not an occupation.
OP Miloslaw  22 | 5217
6 Oct 2018   #26
Russians are not ethnically Slav......most of them are only culturally Slav....there is a big difference.
Russians are not Polish Serbs,yes,but not Russians....
Vlad1234  16 | 883
6 Oct 2018   #27
Ukrainians, Belarussians?
OP Miloslaw  22 | 5217
6 Oct 2018   #28
You are pathetic......just look at your most infamous leader.....Stalin....he was not a Slav....
TheWizard  - | 217
6 Oct 2018   #29
Yes stalin is certainly not what looks like a russian, put his pick next to an actual russian. He looks like a....foreigner. Hitler next to a typical german..i see a foreigner. Napoleon next to typical french of his time....f...g foreigner!
OP Miloslaw  22 | 5217
6 Oct 2018   #30
Napoleon was not truly French a Corsican,his roots were more Italian or Arabic...and Hitler was maybe an Austrian Jew......oh the sad irony...

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