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Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
30 Sep 2018   #1
Golf sucks. I don't even see how that's a sport. The only thing more boring than playing golf is watching golf.
johnny reb  46 | 7613
2 Jul 2019   #2
Women's World Cup: American Soccer Team Is 'So Arrogant' Even the French Want England to Win.
What a Hoot !
Joker  2 | 2211
2 Jul 2019   #3
Golf sucks. I don't even see how that's a sport.

The same goes for Soccer!

Its totally hilarious how the Women's Soccer teams are much tougher that the whimpy Mens teams.

You dont see the women falling down and pretending they are in agonizing pain by the slightest bump from an opponent. lol
Miloslaw  21 | 5027
2 Jul 2019   #4
True, but they don't play as hard.
Never underestimate the physicality of what we call football and you call soccer.
It used to be even tougher in my days when we played with a leather ball...... that smarts! :-)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
2 Jul 2019   #5
I would like to know what they will do next time when the US team will be all transgender "women". I mean persons with prostate glands and testicles who feel they are women. I do it whenever the men's restroom is full and I need to go real bad.

Maybe, finally, that idiocy will come to a screeching stop. If not, I will join girl scouts.

Also, why do lesbians look like guys? If the other chick is into what looks like a guy, why not get the real thing? I don't get it.
johnny reb  46 | 7613
2 Jul 2019   #6
I hope the U.S. plays Sweden as their players are easier to look at.
Have you googled "Sweden's Woman's Soccer Team" ?
(Not for children's viewing)
OP Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
3 Jul 2019   #7
Some of them don't look too bad. Better than female basketball players anyway. Atleast it's still mostly swedish unlike the French and other w European soccer teams. Then again it's probably because it's a women's team. For how progressively clown sweden is I'm surprised they don't have a bunch of trannies or tried to ban calling it a women's team.

Can you imagine a bunch of ninjas playing soccer? Lol they'd have burka jersies and would take breaks to pray. Maybe that's what awaits UK, France, Germany, Sweden, etc

Also, why do lesbians look like guys?

Depends on the lesbian. There's the 'lipstick lesbian' thats feminine and the butch one who's the man. I remember once we remodeled some lesbian couples condo and the dudes kept referring to them as mama and tata - mom and dad.

Never underestimate the physicality of what we call football and you call soccer.

What physicality? Dude gets barely touched and he's on the field crying like a *****. Every single game.

I mean I guess you have to be a good runner and have a lot of stamina.

Only redeeming thing about soccer is all the hools who make the game more fun. Without them it'd be even worse than watching golf. Although if there were some golf hooligans......
Joker  2 | 2211
3 Jul 2019   #8
barely touched and he's on the field crying like a *****. Every single game.

They should give them an academy award for the acting job. These guys ham it up for the camera more than professional wrestlers do!

Only redeeming thing about soccer is all the hools who make the game more fun

The game is so boring and redundant they feel compelled to get drunk destroy the stadium. lol
johnny reb  46 | 7613
3 Jul 2019   #9
Some of them don't look too bad.

We play the winner of the Sweden vs. Netherlands I think and when I googled the Netherlands my dog started howling.
Joker  2 | 2211
3 Jul 2019   #10
It used to be even tougher in my days when we played with a leather ball

Like an American football, a real football:)

What are your Soccer balls made out of now, some kind of cushy foam for the actors don't get hurt?
OP Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
3 Jul 2019   #11
It's ridiculous. They remind me of toddlers who like bump their head or scrape a knee, wait like one second to get a reaction, then start wailing. Man dudes who play football, rugby or any contact sports (the only real sports) will dislocate their knees or shoulders or get hit so hard they can't stand up and never do they make the same reaction. They'll give a thumbs up hobble away and not one second of faking injury which is the worst kind of attention seeking.

If I had to watch a bunch of dudes in knee high socks running around kicking a ball like a game if catch at best scoring a total of points that I count on one hand in the entire game id probably start burning the stadium too.

I think they should make the women teams wear bikinis or lingerie instead of jerseys. Kind of like the female football leagues in the us.
johnny reb  46 | 7613
7 Jul 2019   #12
United States beats the Netherlands 2-0 to win its fourth Women's World Cup title.
Can't beat them women made in the U.S.A.
Miloslaw  21 | 5027
7 Jul 2019   #13
dudes who play football, rugby or any contact sports (the only real sports

By football, I guess you mean that strange bastardized sport that we call American football.
That sport that has four fifteen minute quarters that make up a feeble hour of play.
And that stats say that, on average, their is only 11 minutes of actual playing time in that hour.
You have got to be kidding me..... what a joke!
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
8 Jul 2019   #14
And that stats say that, on average, their is only 11 minutes of actual playing time in that hour.

That's 18.3%. Just try to imagine going to an opera where the singers spend 11 minutes singing and 49 scratching their balls. Oops...Sorry, that's baseball.

And then those bodies. Just line them up and ask them to remove the tops. A cringe worthy moment you will never forget.
johnny reb  46 | 7613
8 Jul 2019   #15
their is only 11 minutes of actual playing time in that hour.

(You are parroting the debate on this forum from a few years back Milo.)
Yup and every play every player is being hit by another player to knock them on the ground in those 11 minutes while your football players can go a whole game without being hit at all.

Then consider that our football players weigh over 300#'s (140kg each) and can run 40 meters faster then your football players can.
If one of your football players took a single hit from one of these giants it would likely kill them.
Completely different sport Milo.
Many of our football player running backs, defensive backs and ends could play your football but none of your football players could play our football.

So yes, you are correct, what a joke is right.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
8 Jul 2019   #16

'Equal pay, equal pay!' Megan Rapinoe praises fans for booing FIFA's president and demanding gender equality in soccer after USWNT's historic fourth World Cup win

Memo to the stupid: You are paid equal percentage. Shut up and go away.
johnny reb  46 | 7613
8 Jul 2019   #17
Come on Rich, you know that 30 million is not enough.
Could the pay difference have anything to do with the women's team brought in less revenue than the men's team did ?
So the revenue the women brought in and the percentage the women got was the same percentage as what the men were paid from the revenue they brought in.

Am I correct ?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
8 Jul 2019   #18
In a saner world, spot on, JR. In the Western padded room we live in, not even close! Things MUST be equal no matter what. At least for a while. Once that hurdle is behind, it's time to cough out some serious dough for the past inequalities if you are a woman or reparations if your skin pigment has some brown in it - even if you can't spell or place Africa on the map.

BTW, going to Florida for a week does not count. Actually, it's cultural misappropriation and, thus, racist. Very racist.
johnny reb  46 | 7613
8 Jul 2019   #19
The U.S. Woman's Soccar Team is riding high but for how long.
The Europeans are starting to dump a bunch of cash into their women teams too.
With seven European teams making the quarterfinals that progress is only going to accelerate.
Where does it stop ?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
8 Jul 2019   #20
The Europeans are starting to dump a bunch of cash into their women teams too.

The rules should not allow buying foreigners. If the team is known as the US team, all players should be born in the US.
BTW, what kind of bulls**t is this "England" thing? Do we call our team Ohio or Indiana?
Lenka  5 | 3484
8 Jul 2019   #21
What about double citizens? Or even triple? What rules would you put in place then?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
8 Jul 2019   #22
If you allow buying foreigners you may end up with Brazil playing Brazil.
Lenka  5 | 3484
8 Jul 2019   #23
You only daid about being born in certain country. Now we may easily have a kid that has Polish, British and American citizenship...What then? Would you accept that?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
8 Jul 2019   #24
Is there anything that is not clear in my post 22?
cms neuf  1 | 1752
8 Jul 2019   #25
Your team is not called Ohio but rahther Russia and they have underperformed for many years when it comes to football - even when the USSR were good it was mostly due to Ukrainian and Georgian players and they never gelled during tournaments.

No coincidence that football is one of the most difficult games in which to get an unfair advantage through drugs or bribing officials. Too much luck involved and underdogs always have a chance.

Of course the USSR and Russia have plenty of success when judges can be bunged some cash or weightlifters can be doped up to the eyeballs
Miloslaw  21 | 5027
8 Jul 2019   #26
(You are parroting the debate on this forum from a few years back Milo.)

I wasn't here a few years back.

Completely different sport Milo

I would argue that American Football is not even a sport, just a chance to get a couple of beers in and stuff your face.

If I go to a football match I get nearly 90 minutes of action.
Paying for 11 minutes of action in American Football seems like a raw deal to me..... and I don't care how big and fat they are....

they wouldn't last a minute playing rugby......The English, Welsh, Irish, Aussies and Kiwi's would flatten them LOL!!!!!
cms neuf  1 | 1752
8 Jul 2019   #27
Here's a radical thought - like millions of people i like both football and the American version (prefer college to NFL but will watch both)

Not really keen on rugby but it got much better after going professional
johnny reb  46 | 7613
9 Jul 2019   #28
prefer college

No doubt, college football is much better then Pro.

If I go to a football match I get nearly 90 minutes of action.

Yeah and a score of 1-0.
How exciting is that.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896
9 Jul 2019   #29
Yeah and a score of 1-0.

As far as scoring, one day somebody will explain to me what pervert created scoring in tennis. 15, 30, and 45, right? Noooo! It's 40. How about 1, 2, 3, and 4. Too simple?
Joker  2 | 2211
9 Jul 2019   #30
Since the USA women's soccer has done so well, they are thinking about getting a Mens team!

USA has never won the World Cup. The furthest they have progressed was in 1930 when Joe Biden was first elected as Senator.

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