Some of them don't look too bad. Better than female basketball players anyway. Atleast it's still mostly swedish unlike the French and other w European soccer teams. Then again it's probably because it's a women's team. For how progressively clown sweden is I'm surprised they don't have a bunch of trannies or tried to ban calling it a women's team.
Can you imagine a bunch of ninjas playing soccer? Lol they'd have burka jersies and would take breaks to pray. Maybe that's what awaits UK, France, Germany, Sweden, etc
Also, why do lesbians look like guys?
Depends on the lesbian. There's the 'lipstick lesbian' thats feminine and the butch one who's the man. I remember once we remodeled some lesbian couples condo and the dudes kept referring to them as mama and tata - mom and dad.
Never underestimate the physicality of what we call football and you call soccer.
What physicality? Dude gets barely touched and he's on the field crying like a *****. Every single game.
I mean I guess you have to be a good runner and have a lot of stamina.
Only redeeming thing about soccer is all the hools who make the game more fun. Without them it'd be even worse than watching golf. Although if there were some golf hooligans......