Морозко, Mrazik movie (video)
I found this movie, that i had loved as a child in Russia. The name of the movie is Морозко (Morozko) but in Polish its called Mrazik. Its amazing to hear the translation from Russian to Polish :) I'm posting it for anyone who is interested, it is a fairly long movie and it is very VERY old. Below I'll post the link for the Polish version, and below that link i'll post the link for the origonal Russian version. Enjoy :)
Польский (Polish): youtube.com/watch?v=88mPDb61Mes
Note: the polish one still has the starting and ending credits written in Russian, but the language spoken in the movie itself is Polish.
I found this movie, that i had loved as a child in Russia. The name of the movie is Морозко (Morozko) but in Polish its called Mrazik. Its amazing to hear the translation from Russian to Polish :) I'm posting it for anyone who is interested, it is a fairly long movie and it is very VERY old. Below I'll post the link for the Polish version, and below that link i'll post the link for the origonal Russian version. Enjoy :)
Польский (Polish): youtube.com/watch?v=88mPDb61Mes
Note: the polish one still has the starting and ending credits written in Russian, but the language spoken in the movie itself is Polish.