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Random movies (not Polish) proposed by forum users

Rosyjska  2 | 10
22 Dec 2010   #1
Морозко, Mrazik movie (video)

I found this movie, that i had loved as a child in Russia. The name of the movie is Морозко (Morozko) but in Polish its called Mrazik. Its amazing to hear the translation from Russian to Polish :) I'm posting it for anyone who is interested, it is a fairly long movie and it is very VERY old. Below I'll post the link for the Polish version, and below that link i'll post the link for the origonal Russian version. Enjoy :)

Польский (Polish):

Note: the polish one still has the starting and ending credits written in Russian, but the language spoken in the movie itself is Polish.
Borrka  37 | 592
22 Dec 2010   #2
Mrazik is by no means Polish.
And more - my parents had a Soviet fridge "Morozko" LOL.
convex  20 | 3928
22 Dec 2010   #3
Thanks for that. It's interesting that lektor wasn't employed. When did lektor start showing up instead of dubbing/subtitles?
OP Rosyjska  2 | 10
22 Dec 2010   #4
Oh dear im sorry! I was told it was Polish haha. I guess i was wrong. My mistake! and LOL Soviet fridge!
What languge is the other one in than? I cant recognise to me it sounds like Polish... lol.

When did lektor start showing up instead of dubbing/subtitles?

And i'm not exactly sure.
mafketis  38 | 11137
22 Dec 2010   #5
The version you linked isn't Polish, it's Czech (or Slovak?)

While Polish film practice was influenced by Russia (lektor) Czechs being more influenced perhaps by Germany prefer dubbing (as do I).
OP Rosyjska  2 | 10
22 Dec 2010   #6
Yeah that was my mistake, i feel like an idiot now haha. But thank you anyway :)
convex  20 | 3928
22 Dec 2010   #7
While Polish film practice was influenced by Russia (lektor) Czechs being more influence perhaps by Germany prefer dubbing (as do I).

Is our good friend lektor also used in Russia?
mafketis  38 | 11137
22 Dec 2010   #8
It's from Russia.
OP Rosyjska  2 | 10
23 Dec 2010   #9
I played this movie for my daughter lastnight. (In Russian) She absloutely loved it. Which made me happy :)
Crow  154 | 9531
16 Apr 2015   #10
Merged: Polish custom worker in Serbian movie `Balkan Express`

a comedy and parody on WWII

These are the best scenes from the movie Balkan Express. Story is about `Balkan Express` music orchestra band, which members do have contacts with black market but are also patriots. Anyway, on these scenes they saving Polish custom worker who is hunted by Nazis, in occupied Serbia. Some members at first complaint why would they save a Pole (and risk to lose heads by the Germans), when is much more profitable to save life of English or American pilots. In any case, they taking Polish custom worker under their protection, while the Pole constantly drive them crazy because wants to join to resistance movement and to fight against Germans. So, they hold a Pole locked in basement, while he constantly escapes. At the end, Polish custom worker joined to `orchestra` in their black market activities. Finally, they all escapes to Casablanca.

Balkan Ekspres 2 - Najbolje scene 2 - Poljski carinik ! - Polish custom worker saved by Serbs during WWII
johnny reb  49 | 7926
2 Nov 2019   #11
The Irishman
This one is suppose to be a good one.
Very long but good.
"The Irishman," fabled director Martin Scorsese's new three and a half hour Mafia saga.
Coming out on Netflix on Nov. 27, 2019.
Joker  2 | 2374
2 Nov 2019   #12
The Irishman

Another DeNino movie about gangsters...yawn
I don't know if I can stomach him anymore.

If you have Netflix watch Dave Chappelle sticks and stones and you'll laugh your head off.

Do you remember Breaking Bad? They came out with the final movie called "El Camino" on Netflix about the aftermath of Jesse Pinkman.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
2 Nov 2019   #13
Dave Chappelle

He is brilliant!

Breaking Bad

What an awesome TV series!!!!!
Joker  2 | 2374
3 Nov 2019   #14
He is brilliant!

Absolutely, he tells it like it is and he's hilarious to boot!

I have a question...Would his regular TV show be permitted in the UK?


What an awesome TV series!!!!!

Check out the finale..El Camino:)
Ironside  50 | 12941
3 Nov 2019   #15
Good movie.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
3 Nov 2019   #16
Afraid the last "great" Russian film I saw was "Oblomov" based on a Gogol short story, I believe, way back in the late '80's:-)

"Nikita Magalov's "Slave of Love" came much later, but I only saw the trailersLOL
3 Nov 2019   #17
My personal favourite films are Jean de Florette and the sequel Manon des Sources. Excellent films.
mafketis  38 | 11137
3 Nov 2019   #18
Afraid the last "great" Russian film I saw was "Oblomov"

Unfinished piece for player piano (by the same director) is much, much better.

The greatest ever Russian movie, however, is Andrei Rubleev, a three hour plotless, black and white, fictionalized biography of a 15th century icon painter (almost nothing is known of his life)

It's really one of the crowning achievements of movie art and it's impossible to recommend it too highly (it works better in a theater than in a living room). The early violent sequences are harrowing, but the final sequence about a young bell-maker dealing with the unexpected death of his father is incredibly moving.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
16 Jan 2020   #19
moved from

This is not about music but it's close...
Did anybody watch The Irishman? I tried, got grossed out in the first 10 minutes and quit watching a minute later. Did I miss anything worth 3 hours and 40 minutes?
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
16 Jan 2020   #20
Did I miss anything

Yes. Yet another Scorcese masterpiece.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
16 Jan 2020   #21
Did anybody watch The Irishman?

It looks good but I can't spend nearly 4 hours sitting down to watch a movie...............
cms neuf  2 | 1834
16 Jan 2020   #22
Waiting for a really long flight before I tackle that - sure it's good but makes no sense to go with the wife and even less sense to sit alone in the cinema for four hours
johnny reb  49 | 7926
16 Jan 2020   #23
Yet another Scorcese masterpiece.

The movie went into the Golden Globes with five nominations and got snubbed.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
16 Jan 2020   #24
Maybe it's because I just ate that this meat at the beginning was really too much. Plus I hate De Niro. He pre-ruined it for me even before I clicked PLAY.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
16 Jan 2020   #25
Plus I hate De Niro

Really? Amazing. Do you like Tarantino films? They are the films with the artistic licence, and grat violence, which bores me, apart from Jackie Brown of course, his masterpiece (where De Niro should have got an Oscar nom, for playing a weak petty crim).

Scorcese tells it as it was ( minus the fact that Frank in all likelihood didn't kill Hoffa)
Atch  22 | 4299
16 Jan 2020   #26
Did anybody watch The Irishman?

Got through the first half hour - a giant yawn. Not to mention the weirdness of him playing his character's younger self about forty years previously! Sorry but even De Niro can't pull that off. If you want to see a true story film about an Irish American gansgter watch "Kill The Irishman".

Another film I would recommend is The Iceman with Michael Shannon, nice Polish connection there :)

And for another gangster option the French movies about Jacques Mesrine, the titles/parts thing can be a bit confusng, especially with the English titles being different to the French so here's the good old Wiki link for the details.
cms neuf  2 | 1834
16 Jan 2020   #27
I love Mystic River - generally I like those Boston gangster movies.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
16 Jan 2020   #28
The Departed. 😂
Joker  2 | 2374
16 Jan 2020   #29
Did anybody watch The Irishman? I

Its hard for me to watch anything with DiNiro anymore coz he turned into such a Libtard douche bag.

His best movies are Taxi Driver, Godfather or Raging Bull.

Hes a good one to watch Stanley Kubrick`s "A Clockwork Orange"

Viddy well, Droogies!
mafketis  38 | 11137
16 Jan 2020   #30
he turned into such a Libtard douche bag.

He turned into such a lazy actor.... has he done anything remotely good since Goodfellas? (where he was fourth in line in terms of performance)? Was he in Casino? If yes, was he any good?

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