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Public Supports Biological Perspective of Sex Gender

johnny reb  49 | 8003
30 Jun 2022   #1
Is woke gender ideology taking hold in Poland ?
Liberals continue to push it, but the people have become less accepting of this progressive dogma lately.
The public is more likely to support the biological perspective of sex and gender than the alternative.
The moral majority have had enough of indoctrinating five year old's that they are the opposite sex because mommy wanted a little girl instead of her little precious boy.

And to give a child medications to stop hormone development is criminal.
People are starting to speak out against this sick insanity.
It's a positive sign.
Hopefully, the trend continues.
Novichok  4 | 8677
30 Jun 2022   #2
people have become less accepting of this progressive dogma lately.

A correction...this progressive" insanity....

Back to my brilliant question nobody wants to touch...How many LGBT weirdos in percent are tolerable before the alarm goes off? My science says 2%.

My science also says that the weirdos themselves would be alarmed if that number got past 10% because (1) they would not be so special anymore and (2) something drastic would have to be done when the repro rate is already as low as Polish 1.4 or lower.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
30 Jun 2022   #3

Back to my brilliant question nobody wants to touch...

Yes as we see my new thread was moved to the back page for only a few to see.
They might as well close it right now like they have done with all the rest of the LBGT threads.
It seems to be a taboo subject here for some odd reason. :-/
Don't they have Liberal queers in Poland ?
Lyzko  44 | 9723
1 Jul 2022   #4
Society since the end of the 1950's has chosen to give vent to any and all prurient feelings of sexuality (including public masturbation, even group groping), culminating in full throttle LGBTQ as well as transgender exhibitionism which I find repulsive!

Forcing such unconventionality upon the junior set, usually lacking in developed judgement is to my mind unconscionable and lacking in proper taste.

While I do feel that all's "fair" in the bedroom or the bathroom, the same certainly cannot be said for the public domain.
AntV  3 | 670
1 Jul 2022   #5

Not that anyone would care an iota, but that is the first post of yours I completely agree with! :) At least I think it is--you have a peculiar way of expressing yourself. :)
Lyzko  44 | 9723
1 Jul 2022   #6
Not peculiar, AntV, literate.
I was born in 1960, however, to slightly older parents who were in their late 30's when they had me, rather than teenagers who got knocked up behind some cabbage patch somewhere in the boonies and started making babies right then and there!

Check out how folks in their thirties and forties expressed themselves by listening to early to mid-60's TV shows or prior black/white Hollywood movies and it'll also be a shock to your system because it sounds like English:-)
AntV  3 | 670
1 Jul 2022   #7
OK, I'm open to a compromise. Let's call it peculiar literacy. :)
Vincent  8 | 800
1 Jul 2022   #8
People are starting to speak out against this sick insanity.

Looks like the Canadian police didn't get the memo.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
1 Jul 2022   #9
.How many LGBT weirdos

My science says 2%

Yeah, between 1% and 1.5%.
Nothing ..... One or two people in a hundred!
I don't know why people are spending so much time and effort focussing on such a tiny minority.

Forcing such unconventionality upon the junior set, usually lacking in developed judgement is to my mind unconscionable and lacking in proper taste

jon357  72 | 23654
1 Jul 2022   #10
I don't know why people are spending so much time and effort

Most people don't.

Just weird ones online or people who hate themselves so much they have to look for traits in others to obsess over
Novichok  4 | 8677
1 Jul 2022   #11
and effort focussing on such a tiny minority.

Becaue that "tiny minority" commands more political power that it is entitled to based on numbers.
Do you have "pride month" because some "tiny minority" of weirdos needs a mental boost? We do. Somehow, nobody is planning pride month for the heteros who are absolutely essential to life. Or White Pride Month.

Mention either and let's see how long you will be employed.
jon357  72 | 23654
1 Jul 2022   #12
more political power

It's called winning.

Get over it

Or just whine about it; it makes you look even more foolish.
Novichok  4 | 8677
2 Jul 2022   #13
Winning the race to the grave. Quoting:

Men who have sex with men (MSM) are a well-documented group at elevated risk for HIV infection. Indeed, estimates suggest that 9% to 27% of gay and bisexual men and MSM in the United States are currently living with HIV infection.

Trust me that in this race losing is good.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
2 Jul 2022   #14
Great post Lyzko
Meanwhile what is even more disgusting are these deranged tranny freaks.
Taylor Silverman, a competitive skateboarder, spoke out following 29-year-old transgender athlete Ricci Tres's recent tournament win against girls as young as ten. Silverman called out contest organizers for ignoring concerns from young female athletes.

First prize was $500 and a picture on the podium to have bragging rights.
You can't make this sht up.
Trust me, this would have never happened in the town I live in as the 'good old boys' would have convinced this freak to get on his bicycle and hit the road before the skate board competition even starts.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
5 Jul 2022   #15
Johnny, the entire problem is one of perspective and balance! We've lost a sense of standard and therefore rationalize unacceptable public behavior!!

This confirms my FIVE (5) coffin nails theory on the slow demise of the US: the rampant spread of suburbia since the end of the '50's, the Woodstock Era, the EST-movement of the '70's, Reaganism, and of course, the digital (anti-)revolution which threatens traditional literacy every day.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
5 Jul 2022   #16
I disagree Lyzko.
All this promoting LBGTFU started in the early 90's.
I refuse to tolerate it for a second like I do most other ilk nut cases.

the Woodstock Era, the EST-movement of the '70's, Reaganism,

I only wish we could have all those freedoms back again.
What a great president Reagan was.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
5 Jul 2022   #17
Every freedom must be reigned in somewhat, otherwise there's chaos.
Furthermore, anybody who blithely goes along with "You are where you are by exceptions!" a la Werner Erhard ought to have have their head examined.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
5 Jul 2022   #18
Exactly, freedoms like, my body my choice to kill B.S.
It needs to be reined in.
ie: Give them an inch, they want a mile.
Novichok  4 | 8677
5 Jul 2022   #19
a mile.

Or more...How many times did I ask PF mengeles to list all their abortion demands? One list, one time, and no more after that...
Lyzko  44 | 9723
5 Jul 2022   #20
How might "them" be, eh' Johnny?
The intelligent, right-thinking minority in this country?
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
5 Jul 2022   #21

Mate, can't you post in proper English?
I can't understand what you mean in half of your posts.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
5 Jul 2022   #22
Typos notwithstanding, you understand plenty of my posts! Sometimes spellcheck fails me too.

"Who" might... was what I meant, I simply mistyped.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
5 Jul 2022   #23
"Who" might... was what I meant

You can say whatever you want.
But incomprehensible is still inexcusable.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
5 Jul 2022   #24
Therefore comprehensible IS somehow excusable?
Your posts thus far are completely comprehensible, yet your ignorance scarcely can be excused now, can it!
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
6 Jul 2022   #25
How might "them" be, eh' Johnny?

That would be the fems, both male & female Liberals and of course the LBGTFUers.

yet your ignorance scarcely can be excused now, can it!

He is a piece of work isn't he.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
6 Jul 2022   #26
Is woke gender ideology taking hold in Poland ?

yes, this goverment signed all that EU asked for, it inlcudes woke nosense that you have in the USA, they haven't implemented anything as yet but that is a question of time unless Poland will leave the EU or EU crumble.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
6 Jul 2022   #27
Those marginalized groups were marginalized for far too long.
And yet the opposite, vilifying people merely because they are different is pretty horrible in its own way!
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
6 Jul 2022   #28
vilifying people

Stop doing it if you think it is wrong.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
6 Jul 2022   #29
??? Translate my English posts (back) into Polish and you'll understand them completely LOL
pawian  226 | 27817
1 Sep 2024   #30
I dream of changing my gender. If I do it in Poland, will it cost me less than in US?

Yes, it definitely will. But appointments for operations take a long time and if you are in a hurry, you`d better do it now.
Why is it your dream, btw? Do you feel alien to yourself now?

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