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Positive British views of the EU reached a historic high in 2020

Bratwurst Boy 9 | 11884
19 Nov 2020 #1
Majority of EU population feel good about bloc, study finds

In the UK, 60% of respondents have a favourable view, the highest on record

...funny that!

Somehow that doesn't look like as if the Brexit had been the first Domino to end the EU...

That made me curious and I googled other polls....

Brexit poll finds record majority of British people think leaving the EU was a mistake

....When those who said they didn't know are excluded, the poll found 57% said it was wrong compared with just 43% who said it was right.

This is the highest level of support for "wrong" ever recorded by YouGov as well as its biggest lead over those saying it was right to leave....
(Fieldwork: 11th - 12th November 2020)

Novichok 5 | 7804
19 Nov 2020 #2
I can make any poll to show what I want. One poll showed that 40% of respondents at an American university would like to abolish the 1st Amendment.

It's all where you do it and how you ask the question.
OP Bratwurst Boy 9 | 11884
19 Nov 2020 #3
You can say the same about the Brexit referendum....
Novichok 5 | 7804
19 Nov 2020 #4
Not really. That referendum was offered to everybody, not just the nuts with degrees.
OP Bratwurst Boy 9 | 11884
19 Nov 2020 #5
Yes, really!

Remember the red NHS Bus with the NHS lie on it? And the countless other lies like border control, independence and what not?

Seriously worded with facts and realistic consequences for Britain it wouldn't had stood a chance...
Novichok 5 | 7804
19 Nov 2020 #6
Then you are making my point.
OP Bratwurst Boy 9 | 11884
19 Nov 2020 #7
Well....the YouGov poll started with the same question in 2016...with the same wording...and the numbers are still changing, as are the opinions.

The link to the long term survey:

Field work dates: 1 August 2016 - 12 November 2020
Data from: Great Britain, United Kingdom
Results from: 160 polls

Novichok 5 | 7804
19 Nov 2020 #8
That does not negate the fact that poll organizers manipulate and mislead to obtain the desired outcome.
Example: Are you afraid of dying a horrible death from global warming? Every kid on the globe will say yes.
Conclusion: They all want us to quit burning fossils ASAP.
OP Bratwurst Boy 9 | 11884
19 Nov 2020 #9
Then YouGov would have worded the question like that: "Are you afraid of dying a horrible death outside the EU?"

But they didn' was an easy "right or wrong" question!
Novichok 5 | 7804
19 Nov 2020 #10
Besides the polls, there is a barrage of unrelenting propaganda coming from the globalist outlets like the BBC and the Guardian. So, even if the poll wording is neutral, the lies skew the results. Just as they try with global warming, and now with that "pandemic" with the mortality rate under .01%. That last one is accomplished by the lies of omission and the clever use of "with" vs "from" or "of".
OP Bratwurst Boy 9 | 11884
19 Nov 2020 #11 matter the poll methodology and the result, as long as you don't like the outcome it is skewed?

Convenient! :)
Novichok 5 | 7804
19 Nov 2020 #12
No. I claim that every poll has a pollster and every pollster has the payer and that every poll payer wants the results to his liking. If manipulating the poll words is impossible, the organizers will resort to every underhanded trick imaginable. It's also a safe assumption that all governments lie all the time by commission or omission.

Yours included.
OP Bratwurst Boy 9 | 11884
19 Nov 2020 #13
But you know the truth...right? You are smarter than the rest and can't be fooled! :)
Novichok 5 | 7804
19 Nov 2020 #14
I never said that. Please don't speak for me.
OP Bratwurst Boy 9 | 11884
19 Nov 2020 #15
Why? You sound as if everybody else is to dumb to get the polls....easy to be manipulated by them leftists and/or globalists and/or media...but not you!
Ironside 50 | 12345
20 Nov 2020 #16

It was a close call, So it can easily swing this way or the other. I wouldn't put much trust in all those poll as 3-4% that or this way are within a static error.
Tacitus 2 | 1255
21 Nov 2020 #17
Well, time is going to favour those who opppsed Brexit, since those who voted for leave were disproportionally older than the Remainers. Even without it becoming clear how bad of an idea Brexit truly is, one could expect to see support for Brexit drop as the Brexiteers die out.

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