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Pop A Cork - Wine

Alien  26 | 6528
13 Apr 2024   #271
the kind you'd expect to get at a banquet a few hundred years ago :)

A very accurate description of this wine.
Alien  26 | 6528
16 Apr 2024   #272
End of the bottle, there was a lot of wine stone at the bottom. Unfortunately, it was my fault because I didn't pour the wine into the decanter. .....but I couldn't because I knew we would be drinking this wine for 3 days. A wine stone does not mean that the wine is bad, quite the opposite. The wine simply matures for years in the bottle. Fortunately, most of it stayed inside on the bottle's edges.
Atch  22 | 4299
17 Apr 2024   #273
there was a lot of wine stone at the bottom.

The term you want is 'sediment'. During the winemaking process it's known as 'lees'. Cheers! :)
jon357  72 | 23654
17 Apr 2024   #274
A wine stone does not mean that the wine is bad, quite the opposite.

For some wines, like a nice crisp Muscadet, it's desirable.


Muscadet sur lie ;-)
Alien  26 | 6528
17 Apr 2024   #275
The term you want is 'sediment

Thank you, Cheers!🍷
Alien  26 | 6528
19 Apr 2024   #276
it's desirable.

You're right, although it can be annoying. I once had so much sediment in Vau Vintage Port in small bottles 1999 that it covered about 1/8 of the bottle, which does not change the fact that the wine was delicious until the last bottle.
Alien  26 | 6528
2 Jun 2024   #277
Champagne for a birthday, that's obvious. Since everyone came by car this time and couldn't drink much, one bottle was enough. This time the choice fell on the rather rare Bollinger Rose champagne. I have written about champagnes many times, they are a great example of how you can turn a failure into an incredible success. Bollinger is quite difficult to buy because it is not available in most stores, which is a pity because it is the famous champagne of James Bond, the most famous alcoholic in history. However, he drank Bollinger only with women .... as he had just talked to them. But let's leave James alone and let him sober up. Rose champagne, and this was it, is always something special. Theoretically, the European Union allows the production of rose wine by mixing red and white wine, but the French, at least in champagne, do not do this. Traditional production from selected grapes is so expensive that, for example, the above champagne costs as much as 20 Euro more per bottle than its white version. Is it worth it? I liked the champagne, better than others, and so did others because we quickly saw the bottom of the bottle. And the bottle also has an individual look, special to Bollinger. Last week was a very successful evening.
Atch  22 | 4299
10 Jun 2024   #278
Can't beat a bottle of Bolli :) That's was our wedding champagne, Bollinger Special Cuvée. It's a very nice, affordable champagne, far nicer in my non-expert opinion than Tattinger or Moët & Chandon.

Was it your birthday Alien?
Alien  26 | 6528
10 Jun 2024   #279
Was it your birthday Alien?

Yes, ma'am, we were supposed to go to the Chinese, but they didn't want to, so there was a small party at home.
jon357  72 | 23654
10 Jun 2024   #280
Champagne for a birthday, that's obvious

Sounds like you had a good day. Was it a round number?

the above champagne costs

I tend to favour blancs de blanc, the very dry ones however yes, depth is a good thing.

I tend to buy more economical Champagne and have only had Dom Perignon a couple of times when Emirates bumped me from business to first and it was certainly memorable.

Have you tried the sparking wines from Sussex and Hampshire? More champagne than champagne and a benefit of climate change. The French o longer like them in bl8 d tastings with Champagne since they usually win.
Alien  26 | 6528
10 Jun 2024   #281
Dom Perignon a couple of times

It's as if you wrote: I usually buy a Dacia or a Skoda and I only bought a Bentley a couple of times.
Atch  22 | 4299
11 Jun 2024   #282
Yes, ma'am

Many Happy Returns :)

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jon357  72 | 23654
11 Jun 2024   #283
Yes, many happy returns. All that champagne suggests it was a birthday with a zero in the number.....

I only bought a Bentley a couple of times.

It was free. If I was paying it would be Cava from Biedronka.
Atch  22 | 4299
11 Jun 2024   #284
All that champagne suggests it was a birthday with a zero in the number.....

I have a great aul memory for people's personal business (or do I?) and I remember that Alien celebrated his sixtieth not that long ago (or he was soon to do so), so it's probably not a zero birthday. But our Alien is a bit of a bon viveur anyway so I'd say champers on the birthday is par for the course :)

Edit: just checked and it was two years ago and he had the same champagne!
Alien  26 | 6528
11 Jun 2024   #285
birthday with a zero in the number.....

probably not a zero birthday.

No, it wasn't a round birthday, and coming back to champagne, I drank Dom Perignon only once in my life, I think it was on my round birthday, and it was a gift for me which, of course, everyone drank quickly. Frustrated, I then bought another bottle myself, which I still keep in the wine cellar. There will be another opportunity. Thank you for the birthday wishes.
Atch  22 | 4299
11 Jun 2024   #286
just checked and it was two years ago

Correction, it was one year ago! He's still a little spring chicken :)
johnny reb  49 | 8003
11 Jun 2024   #287
So legally he is not even old enough to drink alcohol yet ?
Most likely still living home with Dad and Mom going to high school.
I will say that he is more mature and has more manners than many here.
jon357  72 | 23654
11 Jun 2024   #288
No, it wasn't a round birthday

Well happy birthday anyway.

coming back to champagne

Marks and Spencer branded champagnes are often surprisingly good. Sadly the M&S has gone from Warsaw. They were good for Sherrie's too; in Poland if you see it at all it's sweet sherry or maybe the driest, perhaps Tio Pepe in a specialist shop or big supermarket. M& S used to have the whole gamut so you could get excellent deeper ones. They Chas a good manzanilla and a Pało Cortado..

English sparkling wines are hard to get and they're good. A couple of the regions have identical chalky soil to Champagne and also climate change has made them as warm as Champagne was a century ago whereas Champagne itself is getting hotter. Perhaps some French wine regions in will end up licensing out their regional

names as Europe warms up.

Do you drink Sekt? I brought some back from Germany last time but it wasn't as good as I remember it. The is was a medium price supermarket brand.
Alien  26 | 6528
11 Jun 2024   #289
Do you drink Sekt?

Of course, sekt is very popular in Germany and cheap, costing from 3 Euros and up. I like, for example, Fürst von Metternich, it starts at €5.50.
Alien  26 | 6528
19 Jul 2024   #290
English sparkling wines are hard to get and they're good

Unfortunately, I've never seen it in stores.
But today I will write something about another rare wine that we will enjoy in the near future. The wine is called 'Veltlinske Zelene' and comes, as the name suggests, from the Czech Republic. The Czech Republic is absolutely unknown as a wine producer, but every time I go to Tesco in the Czech Republic, I am amazed at how many different Czech wines they have on offer. The shelves are literally bursting. This wine is from the late harvest, semi-sweet. The producer is the 'Pànù z Lipe' vineyard. It won the silver medal at the 'Weinparade' in Austria. Unfortunately, it does not say when. Oh, the vintage is 2017. Ok, that's it for now, I'll write the rest after the tasting.
Alien  26 | 6528
20 Jul 2024   #291
The wine is closed with a real cork, not a cap like its German counterparts. The taste differs from German spätlese in that it has a more fruity note. Properly chilled, it is perfect for drinking on a hot evening on a terrace by the sea. It's interesting, because the Czechs don't have any sea, but at least they have matching wine, and they also have a high seas fleet, but that's another story.
TheOther  6 | 3596
20 Jul 2024   #292
...not a cap like its German counterparts.

Screw caps on wine bottles? What kind of cheap booze are you drinking over there? It's almost like the wine casks we had in Oz long time ago. Aluminium bag filled with cheap wine, with a rubber valve and packed in a nice looking carton. Yuck! But perfect to get drunk quickly at parties...
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
20 Jul 2024   #293
Screw caps on wine bottles?

It's increasingly common in the UK.
Alien  26 | 6528
21 Jul 2024   #294
What kind of cheap booze are you drinking over there?

Germans, probably for ecological reasons, now put caps on even expensive wines. Recently I even saw ice wine with a cap. I didn't buy it.
TheOther  6 | 3596
21 Jul 2024   #295
Recently I even saw ice wine with a cap.

That's a sacrilege! The only "wine" that needs a loose screw cap is Federweißer.
Feniks  2 | 858
21 Jul 2024   #296
Aluminium bag filled with cheap wine, with a rubber valve and packed in a nice looking carton.

We had those over here too. Not seen them for a while but they were popular. As I recall, some of the wines were Australian.....

Screw caps are quite common too.
Alien  26 | 6528
22 Jul 2024   #297
had those over here too.

Where? in the USA, GB or Australia?
jon357  72 | 23654
22 Jul 2024   #298

Everywhere. Popular in Poland and some of them quite good.
Alien  26 | 6528
24 Jul 2024   #299
quite good

I drink milk from cartons, I don't remember drinking wine from cartons.

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