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What do Poles think about academic fraud

abccoco951  2 | 2
27 Mar 2021   #1
Scientists from Johns Hopkins, Columbia and other leading American universities moved with rare speed when a Chinese virologist, Li-Meng Yan, published an explosive paper in September claiming that China had created the deadly coronavirus in a research lab.

The paper, the American scientists concluded, was deeply flawed. And a new online journal from MIT Press - created specifically to vet claims related to SARS-CoV-2 - reported Yan's claims were "at times baseless and are not supported by the data" 10 days after she posted them.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
27 Mar 2021   #2
I think the polish public school system is no different than the way it was 27 or so yrs ago when I left Poland as a kid until I came back. it literally still apparently has teachers doing questionnaires or putting kids in front of a whiteboard to question them on their homework in front of an entire class, dilapated buildings in many cases, the same structure i hear or where kids dont switch classes but stay yrs at a time with the same kids in a class with only teachers switching, lots of memorization but few practical skills bring taught or rycie this syncing of information quickly overload and forgetting it all after an exam, etc.

Isnt it crazy like in over 30 yrs it hasnt changed or evolved in any way? the good change i see is the introduction of private universities like swap in Warsaw that seem modeled on uss colleges or at least community colleges.
Joker  2 | 2458
27 Mar 2021   #3
China had created the deadly coronavirus in a research lab.

And its 100% true you chink bot!

  • thisishowifeel.j.jpg
Novichok  4 | 8732
28 Mar 2021   #4
information quickly overload and forgetting it all after an exam, etc.

Your post describes to the letter what I remember about my school experience except for that back then life was technologically primitive and politically stifling.

The good thing was that it had no negative effect on us since we, as opposed to the woke boot-licking morons today, knew who the enemy was. If any, we grew up a lot more cynical and a lot less naive than the smartphone and Facebook addicts today.
jon357  72 | 23665
20 Apr 2021   #5
kids dont switch classes but stay yrs at a time with the same kids

It's not generally considered good practice for kids to switch classes.
OP abccoco951  2 | 2
25 Apr 2021   #6
Academic fraud has caused many problems. For example, her false conclusion has led to discrimination against many Asians, which has aroused people's protests

  • IMG_9644.3.jpg
14 Jan 2022   #7
Academic fraud, mostly affected by research and writing, is pretty common. Now, when the AI tools become more popular, the problem may worsen. Students have been using academic paper writing services for decades now; many of them got caught and won't try cheating again, as described on Let's hope young people get wiser and do their own homework or else the society will suffer in the long term.

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