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USA News and Poland - part 14

Feniks  2 | 818
4 Mar 2025   #1
wait until the jobs vanish and the reality sinks in.

I honestly don't think people will be cheering for Trump in the long term. Prices in the US are still rising and inflation is going up too. But hey! It doesn't matter if they're not better off just as long as the rainbow flags aren't flying!
pawian  226 | 27543
6 Mar 2025   #2
Prices in the US are still rising

And will rise even more due to tariff wars.
Naive Americans will get what they voted for. :):):

3 word summary of Golden Cow`s rule after a few weeks: Chaos, chaos, chaos.

Even forum con artist Americans feel it like that coz the defense of their idol is very feeble. .

PS. Thank you Feniks, for starting this new episode of our fave thread about Golden Cow gangsters.
johnny reb  49 | 7945
6 Mar 2025   #3
Have you heard on the news about the Polish immigrant up here in Michigan that threatened his girlfriend with a gun, fired shots to scare her, beat her 12 year old daughter and then when the cops showed up he shot at the cops.
I can't believe the cops took this idiot alive.
He may have had a different outcome if he were back in Poland.

Thank you Feniks, for starting this new episode of our fave thread

So Karen is a Moderator....... to no one's surprise. 🤣
Take note that she deleted some really good debate by deleting two days of posts.
She must not have liked what we posted as it made the enemy look stupid.
her first post was from 2 days ago. Hmmm
What happened to the posts from yesterday and today ? HooT ! 🙄 Here are "deleted" posts:
Ironside  50 | 12950
6 Mar 2025   #4
The more I listen to Trump the more I like his way of doing business. At list he talk normal rather that BS people like other incompetent or lazy politicians do, or sinister ***** i.e. liberals who lie to their people.
johnny reb  49 | 7945
6 Mar 2025   #5
The more I listen to Trump the more I like his way of doing business.

He is far from being perfect and will make some mistakes for sure because he is human.
There is no doubt however that he is draining the Swamp at mock speed.
The Enemies heads are just spinning because they can't begin to keep up with him.
He has done more in his first month in office than biden did in four years.
I would really like Trump to take a weeks' vacation on the golf course just to really blow the enemies shlt.
And just wait until he gets some time to start the investigations against the people that investigated him.
And buddy, they will be coming.
Crooked Hilary destroying Federal evidence and killing the four Americans in Benghazi, (Ambassador to Lybia), paying for a fake dossier to throw the election, Pelosi's insider trading in the stock market that made her the best part of her $240 million wealth, Shifty Schumer lies, and on and on.
Karma is a bltch.
I can't wait as Joker and I will be toasting again in complete bliss.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 560
6 Mar 2025   #6
3 word summary of Golden Cow`s rule after a few weeks: Chaos, chaos, chaos.

That's the way you perceive success. Thank your scattered mind.

Even forum con artist Americans feel it like that because their idol's defense is very feeble. .

Americans see what your warped, woke, infected mind will never see: the brilliance of a political genius,the savior of America. No wonder European bloodsuckers
are panicking; the free ride is coming to an abrupt stop. Eat your heart.
Tlum  12 | 286
6 Mar 2025   #7
The Trump's administration told Americans to start growing their own chicken to fight food / egg inflation. I personally like the idea, but I'm afraid that MAGA snowflakes hate it. Plus you cannot raise chicken in most places as city ordinances don't allow that.

Przelotnyptak1  - | 560
6 Mar 2025   #8
And will rise even more due to tariff wars.

Yeah right. We got what we voted for, and we love it. And you, hateful hyenas, crying about tariffs, I wonder why,if tariffs are so bad for America, you should be
the joyful proponents. Or what is more likely, you yahoos are deadly afraid of the level playing field. The free ride is over
Przelotnyptak1  - | 560
6 Mar 2025   #9
Plus you cannot raise chicken in most places as city ordinances don't allow that.

Yeah, but Bidet find a way to kill millions of them.
johnny reb  49 | 7945
6 Mar 2025   #10
that MAGA snowflakes

No such thing.
You must have the snowflakes confused with the Liberal snowflakes. lol
you cannot raise chicken in most places as city ordinances don't allow that.

I live in the country, and it is still cheaper to buy eggs at $4.50 a dozen then it is raising chickens to lay them.
johnny reb  49 | 7945
7 Mar 2025   #11
Here are "deleted" posts:

Thank you but why did you start this thread out with your post from two days ago instead of the last one today in the thread other than to provoke the Americans in our USA News thread ? So that the world doesn't think that the following claims fully reflect what America is about: "Hitler was a great leader and patriot. Muslim migrants are cancer and should be expelled."
(The perks to having access to the control board for the P.F.)
johnny reb  49 | 7945
7 Mar 2025   #12
So that the world doesn't think

Thank you for explaining that to me.
It now make sense. 😕
I've tried several times to tell him to tone it down but he refuses, everyone has told him but he refuses.
I guess after a few suspensions the light may go on that he is not in charge here and that he is a guest like the rest of us.

On a brighter note Trump has demanded a report from the F.B.I. after seven months of being shot to get one.
He will have it by next week.
The shooter had three apps on his cell phone.
When you have three apps and two of them are foreign, and you had an FBI that wouldn't report on it, (they didn't want to say why), I would say that could be suspicious.
I have a feeling this is bigger than the Enemy wants us to know.
Trump has said that he will make the report public.
Joker  2 | 2381
7 Mar 2025   #13
You must have the snowflakes confused with the Liberal snowflakes. lol

They were on fully display the other night as Democrats sat in disgrace, refusing to honor a 13-year old cancer survivor out of spite for Trump for the entire country to witness. Their hatred eclipses basic human decency. Pathetic, soulless and unworthy of leadership.

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Tlum  12 | 286
7 Mar 2025   #14
Another report, another no action. Anybody other than a bottom feeder will go to jail after all these reports?

Remember the "Lock her up!" fiasco? It's all B.S. Trump will never touch his millionaire/billionaire buddies and may only try to fire bottom feeders / low-class workers and even with that he was denied by a judge.
Joker  2 | 2381
7 Mar 2025   #15
Anyone with a heart and soul would feel compassion for this child that survived cancer...Except the Dems and the leftard media.

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Novichok  4 | 8528
7 Mar 2025   #16
Trump wants her fired - that ugly guy with a cvnt.

Why are lesbian so ugly?
Novichok  4 | 8528
7 Mar 2025   #17
It's all B.S. Trump will never touch

Hey, stupid, Trump is president, not DoJ.

Every DoJ lawyer knows that there is no jury anywhere in the US that would convict that slimy cvnt.

Think before posting or take a TDS pill.
Joker  2 | 2381
7 Mar 2025   #18
Think before posting or take a TDS pill.

There is no cure for TDS..... Just think 4 more years of watching childish antics and meltdowns.

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Novichok  4 | 8528
7 Mar 2025   #19
There is no cure for TDS

There is but I will not go into details this close to bedtime.
Novichok  4 | 8528
7 Mar 2025   #20

The best line ever...

Did mention that I hate Democrats and woke azzbholes more than NY rats?
pawian  226 | 27543
7 Mar 2025   #21
The Trump's administration told Americans to start growing their own chicken to fight food / egg inflation.

Today chicken, tomorrow rats. hahahaha

Do Golden Cow voters smell the rat already what awaits them or not??? They will gobble down tree bark like beavers!!!
johnny reb  49 | 7945
7 Mar 2025   #22
Do Golden Cow voters smell the rat already what awaits them or not?

We know that is what you Brits ate during WW2 pawian.
Are you having flash backs on what your parents and grandparents told you about that and wishing it on the U.S.A. ?
cms neuf  2 | 1860
7 Mar 2025   #23
I see Golden Cow and Musk are now rowing back on all the people they fired - saying it wasn't their decision.

Pathetic pair of pussies
johnny reb  49 | 7945
7 Mar 2025   #24
Pathetic pair of pussies

Compared to who in your country ?
Your last six posts have been diminishing the Great U.S. of A.
What do you have that is better ?
Ironside  50 | 12950
7 Mar 2025   #25
What do you have that is better ?

A moral superiority.
johnny reb  49 | 7945
7 Mar 2025   #26
Ya got me on that one. lol
cms neuf  2 | 1860
7 Mar 2025   #27
Neither out PM nor our President would walk into a ministry building in Warsaw, fire anyone who had been there less than two years and then a week later deny it had happened

Neither would threaten to make Lithuania our 17th wojewodztwo or make a rug pull crypto fraud called Tusk Coin or Duda Coin.

So both of our elected leaders are indeed morally superior to Golden Cow and Musk.

How are the Tesla shares doing BTW ? Still hanging in there ? You know they might go to 50 bucks ?
Barney  19 | 1729
7 Mar 2025   #28
fire anyone who had been there less than two years and then a week later deny

Well Trump has rowed back on that ie he lied and he has rowed back on his trade wars hoping some backroom yes boys will sort the mess out. Looks like the way to get things done in Trumps admin is to pay lobbyists just like the vehicle manufacturers did.

Net result is that Trump has done nothing to start improving conditions for Americans, when is he going to start?
Ironside  50 | 12950
7 Mar 2025   #29
You're a fire eater and liberal to the core, ( you both are ).
Why don't you give him some time?
Say, give him 100 days, and then you can make some comments that could be even valid.
Right now you look like a pack of hungry dogs trying to get to a dead cow carcass.
It is not a very pleasant view, let me tell you.
Barney  19 | 1729
7 Mar 2025   #30
It is clear he has no idea of how to fulfill his promises and the proverbial dead cow can see that.

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