The more I listen to Trump the more I like his way of doing business.
He is far from being perfect and will make some mistakes for sure because he is human.
There is no doubt however that he is draining the Swamp at mock speed.
The Enemies heads are just spinning because they can't begin to keep up with him.
He has done more in his first month in office than biden did in four years.
I would really like Trump to take a weeks' vacation on the golf course just to really blow the enemies shlt.
And just wait until he gets some time to start the investigations against the people that investigated him.
And buddy, they will be coming.
Crooked Hilary destroying Federal evidence and killing the four Americans in Benghazi, (Ambassador to Lybia), paying for a fake dossier to throw the election, Pelosi's insider trading in the stock market that made her the best part of her $240 million wealth, Shifty Schumer lies, and on and on.
Karma is a bltch.
I can't wait as Joker and I will be toasting again in complete bliss.