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USA News and Poland - part 11

PolAmKrakow  2 | 904
1 day ago #121
You do know that is was Democrats that wanted to keep blacks from voting before the 50's and it was democrats who started the civil war after Lincoln a republican gave them their freedom? So I ask you, why would 198 democrats vote against proof of citizenship to vote in US elections just the other day? Why would many democratically controlled States tie drivers licenses to voter registration? Say what you want about me, dislike me, what ever. I have seen people registered to vote with Canadian and Polish citizenship. I have seen people, family members never naturalized, vote in presidential elections. When I moved from NY to Michigan I simply turned in my old license and got a new one and was automatically registered to vote with no check of citizenship. Explain why its ok for Poland to require proof of citizenship and not the US.

When nearly every other country in the world requires proof of citizenship, its only the United States thats being racist and voter supressing when its own citizens want proof of citizenship laws? If thats not completely fvcked up thinking nothing is.
Barney  17 | 1668
1 day ago #122
Democrats that wanted to keep blacks from voting

Southern Democrats were a hangover from the Civil war. In modern times democrats of all persuasions oppose all attempts at disenfranchisement.
jon357  73 | 22621
1 day ago #123
You do know that is was Democrats

Yes. Southern 'democrats'.

The idea that millions of 'non-citizens' (why not just give them citizenship?) are illegally voting is laughable.

I'd worry more about voting corruption from right-wingers.

I have seen people, family members never naturalized, vote in presidential elections

Did you not contact whatever the equivalent is there of Returning Officers and the Electoral Commission to report those crimes?
PolAmKrakow  2 | 904
1 day ago #124
Why not give them citizenship? Simple. They broke the law when corssing the border without going through the proper channels. So, deport them. Just like Poland would do, and make them go through the process like every other country does. Why again is it ok for every other country to require proof of citizenship and not the US? I never said millions were voting illegaly. I said there are millions of voters who are being removed from voter rolls and thats what should happen.

As for my family members who are long since dead, had I known before seven years ago that they voted illegally I would have stopped them.

So it would be ok if I brought my children and grandshildren to Poland and had them vote? Even if they have not claimed their citizenship yet? Or would it be ok for you to go to Germany to vote? Or Jon to go to Italy? Its not a big deal for anyone with citizenship to prove it. Birth certificate or naturalization card everyone has them.
Lazarus  2 | 317
1 day ago #125
So it would be ok if I brought my children and grandshildren to Poland and had them vote?

From the legal perspective that would be perfectly acceptable, given that they already are Polish citizens.

they have not claimed their citizenship yet?

From the perspective of Polish law whether a person has claimed Polish citizenship or not does not affect that person's responsibilities. I'd tell you to Google "passport trap" but we know how little you care about your legal responsibilities.
johnny reb  46 | 7390
1 day ago #126
I said there are millions of voters who are being removed from voter rolls and thats what should happen.

Why does jon (Mr. Twister) expect us to defend ourselves to his slight twist of words (lie) that are not our words but his.
Its getting old jon.
Lazarus  2 | 317
1 day ago #127
I never said millions were voting illegaly.

It doesn't matter how many times you lie about what you said, you still said it:
25 million illegal voters

Barney  17 | 1668
1 day ago #128
The allegation is that there is massive electoral fraud in US elections but no evidence is ever produced. Trump's legal team with all the resources it had couldnt produce any evidence. The measures are designed to disenfranchise people and backfired in Arizona where suddenly the GoP are happy to waive their own rules.

These measures are a bit like racists denying being racist by claiming that they simply dont like people with curly hair.
jon357  73 | 22621
1 day ago #129
They broke the law when corssing

Is that reason to deny someone citizenship?

had I known before seven years ago that they voted illegally I would have stopped them.

I'd probably not have stopped mine. The UK is asking for ID now at polling booths (inconvenient because like you, we don't have ID cards) and it hasn't made much difference. It just stopped a load of old people voting since they didn't realise that their bus pass was OK as ID but some other things weren't.

millions of voters who are being removed from voter rolls

How did ineligible people get on the voter rolls?
PolAmKrakow  2 | 904
23 hrs ago #130
Is that reason to deny someone citizenship?

It is definitely a reason to deny citizenship. It is a reason everywhere else in the world. Poland, UK, every other nation requires citizenship. Starting off by entering any country illegally is not how citizenship can be obtained. Not anywhere, unless like the EU they have a migrant policy. The US policy is thats anyone crossing illegally has committed a crime and should be deported. Thats the law, and Biden refuses to enforce it.

As for my family, I didnt know they were never naturalized until I got the census records and passenger manifests. Was funny too because some were so "patriotic".

Ineligible people get on voter rolls all the time. When people die they should be removed, but most States do not do it. This leads to some fraudulent mail in ballots. People who are not legally able to vote can register just about anywhere. NY for instance you can register online and you only need a NYS identification card. Anyone can get an ID card if they live anywhere in NY State. All you need is proof of residence like a gas bill or lease, and any other government document, such as your processing documents after crossing into the border on Biden's "parole" program. No brith certificate, nothing else. Anyone can get a social security card in the US as well, and for many years this was counted as a form or identification, like anyone can get a PESEL if they fill out the right paperwork.

Poland though, and the EU in general has much better controls in place with all the digital ID's and having to use bank accounts to digitally sign documents among other things. The US because States make their own voting laws, has 50 different piles of sh1t to comb through when it comes to voting problems. Proof of citizenship fixes all of those problems with one law. So why are democrats voting against it?
Lazarus  2 | 317
22 hrs ago #131
How did ineligible people get on the voter rolls?

They very clearly did not do so in the dozens of millions. Even PolAm knows that. Or at least he realised that when repeatedly challenged to substantiate one of the things he heard in the far-right echo chamber and realised that he can't (because it isn't true) and so now he's trying to claim that
I never said 25 million

You want to turn this into an illegal alien total voter removal number when I never said anything of the kind

When he very clearly said
more than 25 million illegal voters have been removed from voter rolls since 2020

johnny reb  46 | 7390
22 hrs ago #132
Actually you are Correct again PolAm.
Here is a tid bit to prove it.

Over the last two decades, jurisdictions have substantially increased the rate at which they purge voter rolls. According to the U.S. Election Assistance Commission, over 19 million voters were removed from the rolls between 2020 and 2022. That is an increase of 21 percent compared with 2014-16, which was already an increase of 33 percent from the number of voters removed between 2006 and 2008.
Novichok  5 | 7693
22 hrs ago #133
I really don't understand the problem.

All voter lists should be erased to zero the day after the elections.

If you want to vote, register in person a month before the next elections with a photo ID, proof of citizenship, and address in hand.
johnny reb  46 | 7390
21 hrs ago #134
Novi, you are a damn genius.
Each time to register to vote, a U,S, passport, or a birth certificate with a matching drivers license or State i.d. card with photo's on them.
Just a drivers license or a mailing address or a green card would not be considered valid i.d.
Problem solved.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 904
21 hrs ago #135
@johnny reb
This is all that any republican wants. Not a big deal for any American citizen. If you are a "homeless" person who wants to vote, or something along those lines, there should be a secondary process with SSN, and or finger prints. This is something that protects every Americans right to vote and be counted. Only the democrats dont want it, and we know exactly why they dont want it. I had to fill out an online form, and submit it to my local county clerk in the US, along with my SSN, local address and signature scanned to match against prior signatures. Took me all of 15 minutes.
cms neuf  1 | 1759
21 hrs ago #136
Some interesting polls this week show Harris bringing more states into play - Iowa and Florida, even Alaska looking much closer. She akso started doing interviews which sound way more normal than Trump's do.
Novichok  5 | 7693
20 hrs ago #137
This is something that protects every Americans right to vote and be counted.

Make it "every honest tax-paying" American and I am with you. Minimum age - 30.

Seniors and the disabled should count as half a vote. Active duty military should count as two votes.

Naturalized immigrants - 0.

She akso started doing interviews which sound way more normal than Trump's do.

If you consider talking like a retard as normal...

The problem with the US elections is not that they "rigged". It's the voters whose brains are rigged and it's getting worse...

Just a couple decades back, things were semi normal. Today, 20% of high school girls identify as LGBTs. In a year or two, these trendy morons will be US voters.

God, have mercy on the nation...
PolAmKrakow  2 | 904
20 hrs ago #138
Harris can win the popular vote and lose the electoral college just like Hillary did. Just like Al Gore did. Polls mean nothing. And any poll coming out of Florida saying Harris is closing the gap must be done by some drunk college kids.
Novichok  5 | 7693
20 hrs ago #139
lose the electoral college just like Hillary did.

Just a reminder...Hillary would have won but for the Green party candidate who took enough votes away from her in the Midwest for Trump to win.
Velund  1 | 532
20 hrs ago #140
Seniors and the disabled should count as half a vote. Active duty military should count as two votes.

Rich, I think every adult citizen should have their "warm body" 1 vote anyway. If citizen paid amount of taxes more than got benefits (i.e. net donor of budget) in a period since last elections - plus one vote. Active military duty - plus one vote. Degree of completed higher education - plus one vote. Maybe something else... And maximum 4 votes per person. Migrants without citizenship - 0 votes.
cms neuf  1 | 1759
20 hrs ago #141
Of course she will easily win the popular vote - that's not even in doubt. I said 7 million votes. It might be closer to 9 million the way things are going.

I don't think a Republican has won the popular vote since 2004, and only once in the last 30 years.

As I already predicted, she will win the electoral college. Will lose Michigan but win North Carolina.
Novichok  5 | 7693
20 hrs ago #142
Migrants without citizenship - 0 votes.

Migrants - one bullet at the border before they set foot on US soil.

she will win the electoral college.

A year later, Americans will be moaning: What have we done! How could we be so stupid!

So, for your convenience, azholes, the highlighted text is ready to cut-and-paste. Feel free as there is no copyright involved.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 904
18 hrs ago #143
Migrants - one bullet at the border before they set foot on US soil.

This is the Polish policy and I love it. For every one shot, 100 turn around and go home.

If Harris does somehow win, it will be the end of the US as we have known it. You will see money leave the country between the election and her taking office like never before. You will see citizenships being renounced like never before and they are at record levels now. This stupid **** will prove once and for all that the woke leftist agenda is the death of all that makes the constitutional republic of the United States great. I have no problem personally punching anyone who supports he in the face just for the sake of their unbelievable stupidity.
Lazarus  2 | 317
18 hrs ago #144
I have no problem personally punching anyone who supports he in the face just for the sake of their unbelievable stupidity.

Thanks for the reminder of what a charming gentleman you are. I wonder such action would lead to you being charged as a habitual offender.

In other news, your ol' buddy Jimmy still claims that you're going to kill me and that I'm a dead man walking. Would you mind getting a move on with that? I'm much looking forwards to almost laughing myself to death at your best shot.
pawian  219 | 24568
18 hrs ago #145
Jimmy still claims that you're going to kill me and that I'm a dead man walking.

Jimmy also suggested it to me when I had tensions with Dirk or Ptak. :):):):) It is obvious he loves using proxies aka sock puppets to settle his accounts. hahahaha
Novichok  5 | 7693
17 hrs ago #146
of their unbelievable stupidity.

A nation where the majority of under 25 believe that a man can be a woman by just saying "I am a woman" and where LGBT creeps are normal is doomed.
Biologically, it should cease to exist.
Novichok  5 | 7693
17 hrs ago #147
Thanks for the reminder of what a charming gentleman you are

Compared to me, PAK could be Pope.

The US and Europe need NAZIs - or both will die by dilussion - another form of genocide...

That is why an invasion by an army is a walk in the park when compared with the invasion by women, babies, and military-age men.

That invasion is deadly to the natives since they can't shoot them.

That's why the only defense are men without such scrupules. Or perish...
pawian  219 | 24568
17 hrs ago #148
PAK could be Pope.

Especially the one from the past. Some of those MA or Reneisance popes were real rascals......
PolAmKrakow  2 | 904
16 hrs ago #149
Do we want to talk about baboon behavior?
pawian  219 | 24568
16 hrs ago #150
baboon behavior

No coz that`s the nastiest of all. :):):)
However, baboons have always been so while Polams had used to be much better in the past before they went to the dogs..... :):):)

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