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USA News and Poland - part 11

Miloslaw  21 | 4886
12 Sep 2024 #1
I have said it before and I'll say it again.
What a terrible choice Americans have between Trump and Harris.

Under Trump, you get uncertainty and chaos, but he would be good for business.
Under Harris, you get certainty.... America goes all Woke, PC and Socialist and goes down the pan........

I know which of these two evils I would prefer!
Novichok  5 | 7686
13 Sep 2024 #2
Under Trump, you get uncertainty and chaos,

Name three chaotic things Trump gave me and how much did it cost me.
Novichok  5 | 7686
13 Sep 2024 #3
Quoting Ann Coulter:
Trump put a lot of points on the board, while Harris said nothing, and said it smugly.

The debate sure didn't give undecided voters what they wanted from Harris. As has been widely reported, they are waiting breathlessly for some hint of what she believes and what she would do as president. After the ABC debate, they're still waiting.

But they know that life was better under Trump. And they know that Harris, like Clinton, is a nasty woman.

...and a giggly idiot who ttreats adults like they are third-graders.
Novichok  5 | 7686
13 Sep 2024 #4
To the morons who think that the US healthcare is worse than Canadian:

NY Gov Kathy Hochul warns others to get cancer screenings after diagnosis for 'tiny speck' on nose

That was the title.

This is the first comment:

In canada you would wait 6-12 months just see a specialist. Then another x-xx months to get it removed.
johnny reb  46 | 7383
13 Sep 2024 #5
I know Harris has had 3 1/2 years to fix the economy and fix the border as they have only got much worse BUT she says that she is going to fix them both but can't tell us HOW she is going to do it so I am going to vote for her.
She claims to even be a gun owner even though she just bought it two weeks ago so she could say that she owns one to get elected.
She has never even fired it.
She Flip Flops and the low information voters are blind to her being just a dumb puppet broad.
All it would take is a Town Hall Meeting to debate Trump with no Bias Moderation and let the people of the Country ask them both questions for three hours and watch her stand there looking like a deer in the headlights.
Trump would make her look like a damn fool that she is.
Novichok  5 | 7686
13 Sep 2024 #6
What you just wrote is all true. Since I like debates, I will be her lawyer for a moment. This is Kamala speaking to you, not me...

Dear JR,

You are right that for 3 1/2 years, the old fool I had to deal with did ****. I and everybody near him knew it. The problem was and is that he is still the president and I don't count. VPs are like spare tires nobody checks until something bad happens.

Once I am president, I will be free to fix what the azhole fvcked up and finally close that damn border since I will no longer need any foreign scum to be my voter base in the future.

Next, I will pass a bill to fund local police to deal with the homeless bums and crime. So be patient and give me a chance to prove you wrong.




PolAmKrakow  2 | 897
13 Sep 2024 #7
I dont think its uncertainty that Trump brings. I think its unpredictability that he brings, and that is what keeps China, Russia, North Korea, Iran and others sitting quietly while he is in office. He brings certainty in the form of energy, tax cuts, the border, and the ending of woke policy. All of these things I prefer over the option to continue, or make worse the condition of the country today.

And no one mentions Kumala saying she would sign a bill for slavery reparations. What kind of vote buying is that? Over a million voters removed from Texas voting books for a number of reasons including illegals, dead people and others who somehow voted in prior elections. Other States experiencing similar results when auditing voting records.

I cant buy a beer without ID, cant board a plane without ID, cant buy a car without ID, and a whole host of other things. But illegals can register to vote, can cross the boarder and get cash from the government without any ID. And every democrat in Congress voted against a law requiring proof of citizenship to register to vote, or identification to vote, and none want mandatory paper ballots. WTF does that say about democrats?
Alien  22 | 5494
13 Sep 2024 #8
And every democrat in Congress voted against a law requiring proof of citizenship to register to vote,

And it's interesting why they vote against it.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 897
13 Sep 2024 #9
Its simply obvious. This is the democratic game plan. Allow illegal voting in as many states as possible, particularly the battle ground states, and try to win this way. Allow as many illegals into the country as possible, and then try to find a way to make them legal in order to create more democratic voters.
Barney  17 | 1666
13 Sep 2024 #10
That is one hell of a conspiracy theory.

The last election in the USA was investigated many times by multiple agencies, the Trump campaign issued a shed load of law siits and they were all thrown out.

Its simply obvious

The thing that is clear and obvious is Republican voter suppression and gerrymandering.
Lazarus  2 | 308
13 Sep 2024 #11
Chickenman chickens out of another debate!

Lazarus  2 | 308
13 Sep 2024 #12
Bok bok bok bok bawk!

PolAmKrakow  2 | 897
13 Sep 2024 #13
Ok. Explain to me the million voters in Texas who were removed. Maybe just one general explanation of how more than 25 million illegal voters have been removed from voter rolls since 2020? How many dead people voted, or illegals voted? Now, how many have registered to vote when getting their drivers licenses in states that do not require proof of citizenship to register? It happens and it happens a lot.

Maybe the gerrymandering by Democrats in NY in 2022 that was designed to influence the 2024 elections that they completely fvcked up should be examined?

Or why not just answer one question all the Kumala supprters. Are you better off in American than you were 3.5 years ago? Why wont the knob gobbler answer that one question? Why wont she start making changes now and show the world she can do better? Why not take responsibility for supporting Bidens bad policies and give details of how you will make changes. Maybe a little fact and less feelings.
johnny reb  46 | 7383
13 Sep 2024 #14
I will be so happy when this election is over. 😴
cms neuf  1 | 1748
13 Sep 2024 #15
They will answer that one question about being better off on November 5th.

My prediction is the majority will say they are - or that they don't want to take the risk of Trump coming back.

Why doesn't he want to debate any more ? Seems weird when he is normally quite good when his back is to the wall
johnny reb  46 | 7383
13 Sep 2024 #16
Why doesn't he want to debate any more ?

Because the debates are stacked decks like this last one with Harris and two Moderators (3 on 1) throwing her bones like not fact checking her but fact checking Trump several times.
Thats why we need a Town Hall meeting to debate with questions asked by the public so she can't be given the answers to the questions first and be coached by the Moderators like she was in this last debate. Simple

Why wont the knob gobbler answer that one question?

She is running an ad here that says, "bidenomics is working."
So now the Conservatives are running a counter ad that reminds me of jon and its says, "No it isn't" !
cms neuf  1 | 1748
13 Sep 2024 #17
But they went with the rules Trump wanted - no audience, mikes muted.

Now you say it should be with an audience, open mike.

If this town hall ever happened, you would just say that the questioners had been planted by the Democrats, or that there were too many blacks in the audience, etc., etc. Nothing will ever ever be good enough for Trump because he complains about everything, like a small kid.

Trump was supposed to wipe the floor with her in this last debate, but he was well-beaten. It doesn't matter if she did had an earpiece or questions in advance when he is so obviously cuckoo, rambling about the size of his rallies and eating pets.
Barney  17 | 1666
13 Sep 2024 #18
Explain to me the million voters in Texas who were removed.

I dont think that is true but given the miniscule chance that it is the answer is Voter suppression.

There is no evidence that millions of illegal votes were cast in US elections its a conspiracy theory.

rambling about the size of his rallies and eating pets.

Trump demonstrated that he cannot concentrate and is easily manipulated.
Lazarus  2 | 308
13 Sep 2024 #19
Why doesn't he want to debate any more ? Seems weird when he is normally quite good when his back is to the wall

I get the feeling that ChickenMan doesn't actually want to be president again, but he even more doesn't want to go to prison. I more and more think that he's trying to lose the election, and then he can refuse to accept the result, claim the election was rigged and immediately announce that he's running again in 2028. And then he can argue that candidates for president can't be sent to prison.
johnny reb  46 | 7383
13 Sep 2024 #20
I think you are right lazarus
But they went with the rules Trump wanted

The rules I mentioned above is where they cheated.
Trump never condoned just fact checking him and not her.
He never condoned the Moderators coaching her.
Did you watch the debate by any chance ?
If you did you would understand what we are talking about.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 897
13 Sep 2024 #21
Its all over the news. WTF are you smoking. 25 million removed from eleven states.

Every American on PF I ask the question to you. Right now are you better off than you were 3.5 years ago? Then please point out to me whats gotten better in the US under Biden and with Harris vowing to continue his policies now.
Lazarus  2 | 308
13 Sep 2024 #22
25 million removed from eleven states.

Any chance of a source for that? Or is it up there with "My employer has cancer and so can't apply for this credit card" in terms of bare-faced lies?

Even Texas only found 6,500 "potential" noncitizens on the voter rolls, and only 2,000 of those had any voting history.
cms neuf  1 | 1748
13 Sep 2024 #23
I do think they should have fact checked her more.

Thing is these fact checkers are only needed because of Trump's behavior in previous debates.

Here in Europe we manage without them, though god knows last years debates with Morawiecki were bad enough
Barney  17 | 1666
13 Sep 2024 #24
Its all over the news.

Mad conspiracy theories used to suppress voting is all over the news.

I've been trying to find something that supports your fact free argument and not surprisingly found nothing

I live somewhere that was created and maintained by these very means so I know how these conspiracies work.
Ironside  50 | 12477
13 Sep 2024 #25
Mad conspiracy theories

Don't you think there was manipulation and irregularity during the last US election?
Lazarus  2 | 308
13 Sep 2024 #26
I've been trying to find something that supports your fact free argument and not surprisingly found nothing

In fact reliable sources show that he's lying. For example
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, a Republican, said this past week that more than 6,500 potential noncitizens have been removed from Texas voter rolls since 2021, including 1,930 with "a voter history" who have been referred for investigation by the attorney general's office. Texas has almost 18 million registered voters.
Novichok  5 | 7686
13 Sep 2024 #27
The sick part of US politics is the voters.

If George Washington was running against that Jewish slime, Madoff, polls would be 49 - 49.

A referendum asking if to abolish the First Amendment would be 49 - 49.

Everything in America is 49 - 49. Including is 2 + 2 eual 4 or 5. That equation, BTW, would immediately be called racist.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 897
13 Sep 2024 #28
For all you Knob Gobbler supporters reported form the far left news

Do your own fvcking research.

Anyone who isnt from the US should just STFU about the elections. Doesnt concern you, and you have no say.
Novichok  5 | 7686
13 Sep 2024 #29
Simple. In person, with a US passport in hand. Ballots im English only. A quick test if the guy is a moron.

Immigrants - legal or illegal - should never be allowed to vote in any elections.

Anyone who isnt from the US should just STFU about the elections

We have the right to talk about theirs because the US is NATO and it's my taxes that support this bullshit.
johnny reb  46 | 7383
13 Sep 2024 #30
Trump's behavior in previous debates.

He has a great sense of humor that gets the Lib's wound up just like Cargo and I do here.
When he said that the illegals were eating family pets I choked on my bourbon I was laughing so hard.
Even harris was laughing.
But the uninformed voters actually took his bait.

Anyone who isnt from the US should just STFU about the elections.

Anyone who doesn't pay U.S. Federal taxes should stfu.

Doesnt concern you, and you have no say.

They know that PolAm.
They just like to wind us up like we did with the honorable and majestic PiS party. 😝
The hilarious part is that all they base their comical posts on is their indoctrination from the bias Liberal media that they google.
Sometimes word for word. Hoot !

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