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Russian Views On Poland and Vice Versa

Torq  10 | 1236
19 Dec 2023   #241

All the above posters are a rather typical propaganda stuff but there is something disturbing in the one depicting Ukraine's crucifixion: the figure of Ukraine has a female body but a male face. It looks disturbing - looks like leftists were sending subliminal LGBTQRVXSTRZ+ messages even back then. *shocked*
Novichok  4 | 8677
19 Dec 2023   #242
looks like leftists were sending subliminal LGBTQRVXSTRZ+ messages even back then. *shocked*

Luckily they can't multiply on their own. They still need us...
jon357  72 | 23654
19 Dec 2023   #243
a female body but a male face

Just looks female.

subliminal LGBT

Did you think most artists were social conservatives?
OP Bobko  27 | 2215
19 Dec 2023   #244
All the above posters are a rather typical propaganda

I have a different observation. The Soviet posters are much more cool. Very avant-garde, very modern.

The Polish posters look like they were made by alcoholic dropout of local technical lyceum.

The Soviet Union was hip, while Poland was reactionary and old.

  • IMG_0392.jpeg

  • IMG_0393.jpeg

  • IMG_0394.jpeg

  • IMG_0378.jpeg
Paulina  19 | 4556
19 Dec 2023   #245
Those are accurate to this day:

German-made (1944 probably):


From this article:,111632,20732719,nie-chronil-ich-habit-ani-wiek.html

Polish made (1920) - it reads "BOLSHEVIK FREEDOM":

OP Bobko  27 | 2215
19 Dec 2023   #246

Pretty antisemitic if you ask me. A Red Trotsky, sitting on a pile of skulls - a bit too much on the nose.

Might as well have left the yellow Star of David at that point, like in this poster produced by the White Russians (the caption reads "Peace and Prosperity in Socialist Russia"):

  • IMG_0396.jpeg
OP Bobko  27 | 2215
19 Dec 2023   #247
You know what is nice in all these posters?

They only say: "Fight the Pans", "Kill the Bolsheviks", etc.

None of them say, go kill Poles, or go kill Russians.

It's a small thing, but still a certain silver lining.

Propagandists are readers of the human soul. That meant they knew there was not much material to work with in engendering hate between the actual peoples, so they turned to other instruments.
Paulina  19 | 4556
19 Dec 2023   #248
. A Red Trotsky, sitting on a pile of skulls

He's pictured as the devil, that's why he's red (+the colour of communism, I suppose).

Pretty antisemitic if you ask me (...) a bit too much on the nose.

Could be, but that's not what I meant when I wrote "Those are accurate to this day".

Might as well have left the yellow Star of David at that point, like in this poster produced by the White Russians

That's a pentagram though... 🤨
OP Bobko  27 | 2215
19 Dec 2023   #249
That's a pentagram though

I don't think that more than 0.01% of Russians in the 1920s knew what the hell a pentagram was.

The facial features, the golden colored skulls, the necklace - it's all supposed to get Russians riled up for another pogrom - the favorite pastime of White forces.

Say what you want about the Soviet Union, but it was basically Switzerland in comparison to the Russian Empire when it came to Jews. The Whites continued to use the Imperial playbook of how to get peasant Russians agitated - "The Jews are robbing you dry!".

The Reds used: "The rich are robbing you dry." Small distinction, but important.
Paulina  19 | 4556
19 Dec 2023   #250
You know what is nice in all these posters?

They only say: "Fight the Pans", "Kill the Bolsheviks",etc.

None of them say, go kill Poles, or go kill Russians.

It's a small thing, but still a certain silver lining.

That's the first thing you do - dehumanising the enemy, so it would be easier to kill them. That's what Nazis did with Jews. That's what RuSSia is doing with Ukrainians (banderists, Nazis, satanists, etc). There isn't anything "nice" about it, especially considering how effective it was and still is...

I don't think that more than 0.01% of Russians in the 1920s knew what the hell a pentagram was.

And they've never seen the Star of David? The Star of David has 6 points and pentagram - five. Although it could be deliberate by the author - who knows.
OP Bobko  27 | 2215
19 Dec 2023   #251
That's the first thing you do - dehumanising the enemy, so it would be easier to kill them


Orcs, RuSSists, Horde, Asians, Slaves... never thought I would hear enlightened Europeans use such language, after all the lectures on political correctness that have been received.

But if you say it makes it easier to kill, then it's well worth it.

Btw, if you actually lost to us in that war - from which all these posters originate - maybe you would not have lost 5M+ of your people in WW2. Maybe those Bolsheviks were right?

I mean, you still ended up being ruled by Bolsheviks - so it really seems like a total waste of time whatever you did in the 1920s and 1930s.

We could have made Germany and France red, if you fools didn't stop us at Warsaw.
Paulina  19 | 4556
19 Dec 2023   #252
Orcs, RuSSists, Horde, Asians, Slaves... never thought I would hear enlightened Europeans use such language,

I can't speak for others, but I started using "RuSSians", because RuSSian propaganda and Putinists here on the forum started calling Ukrainians "Nazis" first :) Also, we're just a bunch of random people on a niche internet forum. You won't hear such stuff on Polish or Western TV or from the mouths of politicians, journalists, etc. (unlike in RuSSia).

Btw, if you actually lost to us in that war - from which all these posters originate - maybe you would not have lost 5M+ of your people in WW2.

We have no idea what would have happened. It could make no difference at all.
OP Bobko  27 | 2215
19 Dec 2023   #253
started calling Ukrainians "Nazis" first

Because they are f*ckin Nazis - GODDAMIT.

An average Ukrainian, does not wake up, and immediately masturbate to Stephan Bandera. I understand this.

But their government, that they elected, has and continues to pursue a policy which is in its nature fascist.

We screamed about this to Europe for 25 years. First when it started happening in the Baltics, and then when the disease spread to Ukraine.

Europe ignored it all, and said Russians are being dramatic and hysterical as usual. So then we were forced to take things into our hands.

After all, if Poland is willing to ignore how Lithuanians humiliate their Polish minority, it does not mean Russians have to do the same.
Paulina  19 | 4556
19 Dec 2023   #254
Because they are f*ckin Nazis

No, they aren't. Ask Novichok.

But their government, that they elected, has and continues to pursue a policy which is in its nature fascist.

No, it isn't. Nationalist at best.

Europe ignored it all, and said Russians are being dramatic and hysterical

Maybe ordinary RuSSians are being dramatic and histerical about it (more like delusional in my opinion). But RuSSia as a state is simply spreading lying propaganda.

So then we were forced to take things into our hands.

After all, if Poland is willing to ignore how Lithuanians humiliate their Polish minority, it does not mean Russians have to do the same.

You're seriously f*cked up.
OP Bobko  27 | 2215
19 Dec 2023   #255
You're seriously f*cked up.

What is seriously f*cked up is to have a name like Gregoris Bjececikevus in your national ID card.
Torq  10 | 1236
19 Dec 2023   #256

Lithuanians (Belarussians basically) are actually OK. It's those pesky Samogitians that tend to annoy me every now and then. :-/

to have a name like Gregoris Bjececikevus in your national ID card.

OP Bobko  27 | 2215
19 Dec 2023   #257

Poles need Russians - admit it)

Russians are what Poles could be if they went through the other side of the looking glass.

The fascination works in reverse, of course.
Novichok  4 | 8677
19 Dec 2023   #258
Poles need Russians - admit it)

They need dead heroes more...
OP Bobko  27 | 2215
19 Dec 2023   #259

I meant it in the same sense that "Russia needs America".

Life would be boring without America.

I think the same applies for Poles - though I'm not sure.
Novichok  4 | 8677
19 Dec 2023   #260
I meant it in the same sense that "Russia needs America".

I know you well enough to know what you meant. Just like the US MICC desperately needs Russia.
Paulina  19 | 4556
19 Dec 2023   #261
Poles need Russians

Nope. No, thank you.

I think the same applies for Poles

Maybe for PiS kind of Poles (who need enemies to thrive, apparently). Not getting invaded, killed, raped, robbed, occupied, lied to on daily basis, etc. - I personally like that kind of "boredom".

They need dead heroes more...

We wouldn't need heroes if it wasn't for countries like RuSSia.
Novichok  4 | 8677
19 Dec 2023   #262
We wouldn't need heroes if it wasn't for countries like RuSSia.

Monte Casino had nothing to do with Russia.
Torq  10 | 1236
19 Dec 2023   #263

What I would like to write, you can guess. How I feel about Russia, you suspect. Which side of the looking glass is "the other", only God knows.

But I will say this: if I wasn't born Polish, I'd very much like to be a Russian. For the mere fun, pain and delight of it. My soul wouldn't suffer.
Paulina  19 | 4556
19 Dec 2023   #264
Monte Casino had nothing to do with Russia.

"countries like RuSSia" = not only RuSSia.
OP Bobko  27 | 2215
19 Dec 2023   #265
My soul wouldn't suffer.


Would my soul suffer if I was reincarnated as some Marcin in Słupsk?

Very difficult to say.

I think living life as a Pole is filled with much anxiety and uncertainty. It's not that life is much better in Russia, but at least the framework exists to deal with it.
Torq  10 | 1236
19 Dec 2023   #266
living life as a Pole an acquired taste.

It is also the peak of what a human being can reach but definitely not something I would recommend to everyone. That's why Jews and Poles went, by and large, their separate ways - there was no place for two Chosen Nations in one country. But that's another story...
OP Bobko  27 | 2215
19 Dec 2023   #267
It is also the peak of what a human being can reach

Haha, you son of a b*tch. You know I cannot agree with this.

To be Russian, means to be connected to the Big Bang and to experience the Tao of the Universe. A Russian exists on two planes simultaneously, as one Russian rock artist who died tragically said - the spiritual and the war on Earth. an acquired taste.

This is my most secret doubt - I suppose. So many years spent in Ukrainian and Polish spaces has not made me hate them more, as I expected, but to gain a certain appreciation.

Sometimes I watch some Ukrainian explain something about the war, and I think - "Man, why don't we have more guys like this on our side." This is a difficult thing to explain to my fellow compatriots....

Let's put the West aside for a second - there is certainly something in Poland and Ukraine that is very interesting.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
19 Dec 2023   #268
"Man, why don't we have more guys like this on our side."

Certain civilisations appeal or try to attract certain type of people, especially if they remind them of people who did things that got that group on top or upper hand.

Russia has a very supressing society that leads to greater need for expressing their feelings, opinions in many shapes and forms. (Same as Germany used to be and how Japan is)

Great artists and appreciation for great artists have been been found there more, compared to countries like... Luxembourg, Belgium, Monaco or Portugal
OP Bobko  27 | 2215
19 Dec 2023   #269
Russia has a very suppressive society that leads to greater need for expressing their feelings, opinions in many shapes and forms

I think this is spot on.
Torq  10 | 1236
19 Dec 2023   #270
To be Russian, means to be connected to the Big Bang and to experience the Tao of the Universe.

One of very few things that annoy me (if ever so slightly) about Russians is this unrealistic and exaggerated opinion that they seem to hold about their own significance and importance in the grand scheme of things. One is sometimes tempted to say "get real!".

It is also the peak of what a human being can reach

And it is not just my opinion but the knowledge drawn from numerous prophecies which say that it is Poland whom God will, in the end days, elevate in power and holiness and it is Poland that will prepare the world for the second coming of Christ. So there.

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