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What's your connection with Poland? Penpals.

Seanus  15 | 19666
17 Jun 2009   #151
I study Polish in Serbia, I was in Krakow last year. Nice. Language is a very meaningful connection.
tornado2007  11 | 2270
4 Aug 2009   #152
What's your connection with Poland?

Well like the Pol's i am an Eng and we both live in a Land :) that is my link with Poland
Nika  2 | 507
4 Aug 2009   #153
Everything connects me to Poland:
I was born in Poland, grew up in Poland, left Poland and am coming back to Poland soon (for good this time, hopefully).
LAGirl  9 | 496
5 Aug 2009   #154
Nika i love Poland and everything about it and the people are beautiful. I have many Polish friends also I am learning the language.I hope to have a Polish husband and child one day.God Bless Poland!!!!.
tj123  - | 85
5 Aug 2009   #155
Nika i love Poland and everything about it and the people are beautiful.

Except for that Polish guy you were so in love with that ran off on you eh? I guess he wasn't so great...but dont worry I am sure he is the ONLY one like that. Oh and you are going to LOVE customer service and government offices here...they are super!

Your naivete is setting you up for a lot of pain. The romantic image you have of Poland is not true and you already have been cheated on by a Polish guy yet you still are obsessed with them. It should show you that no culture is as wonderful as you imagine it to be. I just shake my head at the number of people like you I have known...I really with they would listen.
LAGirl  9 | 496
5 Aug 2009   #156
First of all TJ123 that was one idiot. secound of all I have loads of Polish male and female friends infact one Polish guy is helping me with alot of things in my life.I have dated British Polish and American. yeah British are one of the most honest men I have dated FYI.
Pierogi  - | 42
6 Aug 2009   #157
Born in England to Polish parents
Polish stepfather
Passed GCSE Grade A in Polish
Fluent in Polish
I go to a Polish church
Frequent traveller to Poland
Married in Polish in a Polish church in the UK
One Polish ex-wife
Two Polish ex-girlfriends and currently looking for another (haha).

And I read ANGORA every week.

will that do? :)

tornado2007  11 | 2270
8 Aug 2009   #158
will that do? :)

no its not good enough if you ask me :) i think you need to gain Polish citizenship, then you'll convince me.
Leonis  30 | 61
15 Aug 2009   #159
Hey everyone, I just thought I'd say... hey to everyone:-)
To answer the thread question, I'm starting my Polish studies in the university in September. That's why I thought I'd join this forum. I've already learnt a lot in this forum!

Więc... cześć :-)
NPosuniak  8 | 91
15 Aug 2009   #160
75% Polish
Will go one day.
Will fluently speak one day as well.
melodia  - | 2
29 Oct 2009   #162
My reason;
I'm Turkish and I'm in a relationship with a polish guy, bad thing is, im studying in TRNC... will be there soon hopefully, and here in forum so i can get some good ideas about Poland etc

natasia  3 | 368
9 Nov 2009   #163
Two children, one ex-husband, one ex-mother-in-law, one current partner and family, and a natural suspicion of prawns (although I can overcome this - Poles, it seems, cannot) (or not the ones I know).

And a lot of friends.

Went out to teach English in Poland on a 2-week contract, and decided it was too interesting a place to suss in just 2 weeks, so stayed for 2 years and returned home with booty husband. And the rest is (a rather chequered) history ...
Syringasalix  - | 3
15 Nov 2009   #164
I'm Hungarian and well, everybody knows the bilingual poem... ;)

This and "W Szczebrzeszynie chrząszcz brzmi w trzcinie" make up 70% of my Polish knowledge, but at least it's well appreciated by my Polish friends...

Polish people are AWESOME, by the way :)
southern  73 | 7059
12 Dec 2009   #165
I heard you stole goulash from Poles.
Carlosss  1 | 7
29 Dec 2009   #166
Nothing really except for an old girlfriend. I'm Venezuelan.
f stop  24 | 2493
15 Jan 2010   #167
Polish. At tender age of 16 transplanted, with my family, to USA.
Floripa  3 | 39
16 Jan 2010   #168
I'm not quite sure now where I'm from.

Originally from England but I haven't lived there for the past 25 years. I married a Spanish girl, got divorced but still live in spain. However, my main business is in southern Brazil so go quite often. Met a wonderful Polish woman about 2 years ago which made me buy a place in Gdynia. We now spend time in between these places depending on what we have to do.
CacyUlcia  2 | 46
16 Jan 2010   #169
What's your connection with Poland?

Most of my family is Polish. I have a large distant family, like 100+ people who were born and raised in Poland, (yet a lot of my family migrated towards western countries and the states). And of course my memories as well as friendships I've made in Poland before I even started to walk-LOL-I still remember that.
stevepl  2 | 49
16 Jan 2010   #170
Lived here for 11 years.
Polish driving licence.
Employed by Polish company.
Polish wife.
Polish Son.
Polish mother in law (living with us at the moment).
Waiting for Polish citizenship.
Can almost speak Polish.
Exiled  2 | 424
15 Feb 2010   #171
My connection is the polish cat.
espana  17 | 951
16 Feb 2010   #172
retriva  - | 2
21 Feb 2010   #173
I was born in Poland and I've been living there for 13 years of my life :) I am fluent in Polish, all of my family is Polish, I go to Poland at least once a year.
Bexter  - | 8
25 Feb 2010   #174
My Grandparents are from Poland. My Grandmother moved here (to the US) about 80 years ago when she was 2.
hague1cameron  - | 85
25 Feb 2010   #175
South Africa.

I am not suprsied, God's own country, to bad that some of the natives are not that welcoming, or their politicians anway.
marqoz  - | 195
2 Mar 2010   #176

Ate someone?
espana  17 | 951
5 Mar 2010   #177
no my dog is retarded.
SeanBM  34 | 5781
5 Mar 2010   #178
You know what they say about dogs and their owners :)
Bear  - | 6
9 May 2010   #180
One of my grandmothers was born in Poland. That generation was the last to come over to the US. I also live near Chicago, which has a huge Polish population. Not too hard to find good Polish food there, though nothing is quite like babcia used to make.

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