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What's your connection with Poland? Penpals.

hairball  20 | 313
10 Apr 2009   #121
I've got another 'conection' to Poland that keeps me here!

This is Wiesł boy!

pawian  226 | 27471
10 Apr 2009   #122
trying to get used to chips with vinegar ;)

I bought a packet once and the taste was very exotic indeed.
pgtx  29 | 3094
10 Apr 2009   #123
This is Wiesł boy!

beautiful boy hairball...
hairball  20 | 313
10 Apr 2009   #124
beautiful boy hairball...

I know! :)... and he's such a ...guy!
Seanus  15 | 19666
10 Apr 2009   #125
Nice kid, hairball.

My connection to Poland. Hmm...I'm, like, so earthed man ;) Nah, my fiancee and my work.
hairball  20 | 313
10 Apr 2009   #126
Nice kid,

He's not a billy goat my friend! But thanks anyway?lol
Seanus  15 | 19666
10 Apr 2009   #127
My mistake. He's a wee nipper then. Hmm...not a crab, ok ;)
hairball  20 | 313
10 Apr 2009   #128
wee nipper

A canny bairn!
Seanus  15 | 19666
10 Apr 2009   #129
Aye, an a packa Tuda crisps for the wee man. A right canny lad, he'll be watching backdated episodes of Auf Weidersehen Pet soon enough.
hairball  20 | 313
10 Apr 2009   #130
Tuda crisps

I'd have climbed a mountain for them crisps! lol
Seanus  15 | 19666
10 Apr 2009   #131
Sorry mate, just goin down the road :)

How is fatherhood, hairball? It must really cement your connection to Poland. How do you find the level of support from the State?
hairball  20 | 313
10 Apr 2009   #132
level of support from the State?

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa HHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

need I say more?

apart from...

How is fatherhood,

Better than snowboarding!! No lol!
Seanus  15 | 19666
10 Apr 2009   #133
Maybe another few a's? ;)
LAGirl  9 | 496
11 Apr 2009   #134
Hi how cute your boy looks hairball.parenthood is precious.
RyanJF  1 | 18
30 Apr 2009   #135
My connection to Poland...

I'm American, but my dad's side of the family came from Poland. My great-great-great grandfather (Not sure how many great's =|) Joseph, who is where I got my middle name from, was conscripted into Czar Nicholas II's Guard, even though he was Polish. He lived in Russia for quite a while and had a family I believe, then during the Russian Revolution he fled the country and came to America.
Hashem  - | 3
2 May 2009   #137
I lived two years in Poland and know alot of places for entertainment
2 May 2009   #138
What were you doing there and are you Jewish by any chance?
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
5 May 2009   #139
My dad is Polish and lots of my family members are Polish and I speak "fluently" Polish.
I am also interessted in Polands history and others opinions about Poland. That's why I am here :)

Also I am very proud of my ancestors wich took part in an 1800th uprising and in Warsaw uprising (I can even remember him when I was little I loved his big clock in his living room)

Also I am partly German-Lithuanian (Maybe even Jewish idk)
but I have no strong relations for thoose genes except of my "German" aftername.
Other else then that it's Mostly Norwegian/Polish :D

I also had Polish weekend School, anyone else?

Kim jestes? Polak maly!
Jaki znak twoj? Orzel bialy!

Oh thoose old times
Shari  - | 21
6 May 2009   #140
I'm half-Polish, so all of my mother's family is in Poland.

My mum taught me Polish when I was quite young, but a lot of the 'speaking' has been forgotten. I do still understand it well, when spoken to me or when I hear others speak it.
LAGirl  9 | 496
6 May 2009   #141
My Boyfriend.and Polish friends.
ClaraHJP  - | 3
6 May 2009   #142
My first connection with Poland is my grandfather, Karol, who came to Argentina before the 2nd World War. I didn't get to know him though, because he died way before I was born. Sadly, he didn't teach my father much about his country and its traditions, let alone the language :P I understand him, it must have been really painful.

My second connection is a really lucky one. A couple of years ago I received an e-mail from a guy two years older than me, asking me things about my grandad and my last name, telling me he had found me through a lyrics site that I was member. He turned out to be my second cousin, grandson of one of my father's aunts :)

He's now my best friend and it's really amazing how alike we are in every way, not only looks. He has definitely become a key person in my life. I'd have to say the reason I don't feel alone anymore -it gets difficult to be understood when everyone in your family is extremely older or younger than you :P-

So now I'm having a wonderful time learning Polish, with my hopes on meeting all of them some day.
pgtx  29 | 3094
6 May 2009   #143

great story... :)
ClaraHJP  - | 3
6 May 2009   #144
Thanks pgtx :) Now I'm waiting for him to answer my last email!! He always leaves me waiting xD
LAGirl  9 | 496
7 May 2009   #145
Good luck claraHJP I am learning Polish as well its a beautiful loanguage good luck on meeting all your family.
ClaraHJP  - | 3
8 May 2009   #146
Thank you, yes, it's a beautiful and extremely complicated language but it's completely worth the effort. I find it quite musical :P
Good luck to you too!
Softsong  5 | 492
8 May 2009   #147
Three of my grandparents were born in Poland. The one that was born in America, was the baby of newly arrived Polish immigrants, and went to Polish school in Jersey City, NJ. She could read and write in Polish and my mother spoke Polish, but could not read it.

My aunt just gave me my grandmother's receipe for Chrusciki. :-)

Her parents were Josef Lewandowski and Elizbieta Bubacz from Poznan and Gneizno respectively.

Although all my grandparents have origins in Poland, I am about half Polish (some Kashubian), and half ethnic German/Dutch. I grew up eating a combination of Polish and German foods.

My father's mother, Emma Witzke, was born near Rypin, Poland and was born to a mixed Polish and German marriage. Her Dad was Andrzej Witzke and her Mom was Ludwika Laskowska. They spoke Low German (Platt) and Polish.

My father's Dad's family came from near Włocławek and have German-Kashubian origins from what was once West Prussia. Even after living in America, the US Census lists their native tongue and language spoken at home as Polish, but they also spoke Low German.

I love Poland. I've been there twice, once for three weeks, and other time for a week.
Met a Polish man in Gdańsk, and we were together for about three years and seriously considered marrying. We are friends to this day and he taught me a lot about Poland.
LAGirl  9 | 496
10 May 2009   #148
Good stories on here. yes Polish is beautiful language.
tina 2009  - | 4
2 Jun 2009   #149
my boyfriend is polish im Irish we're together 3 years. He is living here 4 and half years.
Anuszka  - | 5
17 Jun 2009   #150
Studiuje jezyk polski w Serbii, bylam w Krakowie w zeszlym roku

English only, please. Unless it's a translation thread.

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