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What's your connection with Poland? Penpals.

cjjc  29 | 407
24 Oct 2008   #31
What's your connection with Poland?

Lots of friends & the girl I love.

Going to Lodz soon...quite nervously looking forwards to it!

kman67  2 | 79
24 Oct 2008   #32

My Great Grandfather was Polish. But my more recent connection is my wife. She was born in Stalowa Wola and immigrated to the US when she was 18
hairball  20 | 313
1 Nov 2008   #33
wife and baby...

Ja też...
Seanus  15 | 19666
1 Nov 2008   #34
Have a Polish fiancee. On good terms with her family, that counts.
gtd  3 | 639
1 Nov 2008   #35
Does she have an old "aunt" (I swear they call everyone they know a relative here) that hates foreigners and is comical to watch as she puts on a fake smile and slags you off in Polish because she thinks you can't understand?

Ah family :)
Seanus  15 | 19666
1 Nov 2008   #36
Yeah, there are a couple like that. Gotta watch them
cjjc  29 | 407
1 Nov 2008   #37
LOL :)
Seanus  15 | 19666
1 Nov 2008   #38
They may have got that impression as I'm not a confident speaker of Polish when many people are present. Unless I'm in a pub, LOL
gtd  3 | 639
1 Nov 2008   #39
Sometimes it pays to pretend you know less than you do. Bragging is never beneficial but playing dumb can reap much information.

I did fail to keep my composure one Christmas when said 'aunt' was mouthing off. I said something to her in Polish about how wonderful her jellied carp was (I hate jellied carp) and gave her a flirty wink. She rarely talked around me from that point on :)
Seanus  15 | 19666
1 Nov 2008   #40
Maybe she thought u were talking about sth else, not the fish, LOL
IronsE11  2 | 441
1 Nov 2008   #41
Polish girlfriend.

I'm spending Christmas with her family in Czestochowa/Zakopane. Not sure about all this eating fish on Christmas Eve malarky though!!!
gtd  3 | 639
1 Nov 2008   #42
Maybe she thought u were talking about sth else, not the fish, LOL

HAHA....yeah if she had anything down there it was a jellied carp for sure.
Seanus  15 | 19666
1 Nov 2008   #43
Jellied carp down below and a rattle up above :(
cjjc  29 | 407
1 Nov 2008   #44
Jellied carp

My friend informed me about the Jellied carp, I cannot imagine it and I'm not sure I want to!

He said he ate it to be polite smiled and then the mother piled the plate up with it!


gtd  3 | 639
1 Nov 2008   #45
I already knew I hated carp and jellied fish cannot possibly taste better than normal fish. The two don't go together. Just refuse politely and if they are offended then they have the problem not you. As long as you are nice they have nothing to be uppity about.
Seanus  15 | 19666
1 Nov 2008   #46
I tried it for the first time at the last Wigilia. It was horrid. The Queen once got caught out with a bone from carp. Hence her anus (sic) horribilis, lol

Sean Connery went to pay her a visit and said, 'I shee u r sh*tting on the sheet a lot'.
cjjc  29 | 407
1 Nov 2008   #47
I already knew I hated carp and jellied fish cannot possibly taste better than normal fish

I know exactly the same!

How did you find Polish Christmas otherwise?

gtd  3 | 639
1 Nov 2008   #48
Polish Christmas

It depends on the family. If the family is kind it can be nice. But like weddings and other celebrations here it lasts too long for me...a couple days of non stop eating and booze is unpleasant in my book. At some point it just hurts.
krakow1  3 | 55
2 Nov 2008   #49
My connection is that I lived in Krakow for 5 years. I have to admit ,when I first went there ,I thought, that it was an impossible place for me to live.Fights in the Poczta, fights in the supermarkets (the small sklep ones) miserable polish people at the bus stop, who looked at me like I had two heads. The first year was hell. I remember, after a particular encounter at the post office, coming out and shouting in the street, out of frustration "I just cannot understand this F...... mentality" in the middle of the street. yes right next to the bus stop, whilst everyone were about to board the bus.

I calmed myself down, and winter turned to summer, and I can honestly say, during the course of my 5 years I have met some great people, thats why I go back at least twice a year. I ended up loving Krakow. It was the greatest 5 years of my life, and I still miss it everyday. To my friends that do not speak so much English, we have formed our own language which is half english and half polish but we understand each other.

I do the Krakow marathon each year, and I see people I knew 5 years ago when I was training.

I love to see it when two nations come together, because everyone can learn from each other there is so much to be gained.

Even the people at the Pocza are changing, or are they?
Sokolowski  2 | 3
3 Nov 2008   #50
My name and half of my blood(Grandfather was born south of Warsaw, emigrated to New York area before World War I). Grew up eating Polish food for holidays and I spent 10 days in Poland this past summer (Warsaw and Krakow). I'm applying for graduate school in Krakow next year. I study Political Science and the European Union - specializing on Poland and other Central and Eastern European countries. I plan on learning Polish as a 3rd language if I'm able to move there for my MA program...
Pietras_r  - | 3
3 Nov 2008   #51
I am Thai, my husband is Polish...we have 1 son,,he's 4 years old :) We moved here 4 years ago. We are now live in the south of Poland (Bielsko-biała)
SeanBM  34 | 5781
3 Nov 2008   #52
Sawatdee Khrab, Pietras_r
Welcome to The polish Forum.
I live near Bielsko-biała.
Is it not too cold for you here?
Thailand is a very beautiful country.
Pietras_r  - | 3
3 Nov 2008   #53
Sawas Dee Kaaa ...
It is cold :) I'm used to with it already ;) I was in London for couple seems to be better weather ;)
SeanBM  34 | 5781
3 Nov 2008   #54
I have family who live in Thailand,
They find it too hot in summer :)
I have been to your country twice and I liked it very much, the people the food the weather.
I am from ireland and the weather is better here :)
Pietras_r  - | 3
3 Nov 2008   #55
sure it is very hot in Thailand during summer time. I love thai food,,polish food is not bad as I can always add myself some spicy chilli. ;) I try to go back home every year,or my family visit me here during winter time ;) As we don't have snow! :) Bielsko-biała is nice,,I'm happy here,,mountain and the lake near by...
SeanBM  34 | 5781
3 Nov 2008   #56
,I'm happy here,,mountain and the lake near by...

me too :)
i lllllllooooovvvveeee Thai food, green curry mmmmmMMMMmmmm! ha ha ha
Crow  154 | 9535
3 Nov 2008   #57
What's your connection with Poland?

i am Serbian
Phil33101  4 | 26
3 Nov 2008   #60
A polish Aunt, plus the pleasure of meeting this old boy in Arnhem in Sept.

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