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What's your connection with Poland? Penpals.

15 Nov 2012   #271
We have nice buildings in the Rynek and surrounding area.

Add to that list friendly people, cheap but excellent beer, a unique atmosphere and a formerly top-secret commie elite resort not too far away.

As far as I'm concerned, the only bad thing about Przemysl is how far it is from Warsaw (although the place could really badly use a good hotel).
Tim Bucknall  7 | 98
12 Feb 2013   #272
well to quote the cartoon in the xmas issue of Angora:
"w zyciu trzeba w cos wierzyc halino!"

I've always had positive feelings about Poland, blame my Dad..., and my mums kindly Polish employers. somehow it was there when i was growing up.

but i've got more serious lately, because i need a distraction from incurable chronic pain so it was either Poland or Heroin!

also its recently become possible to buy Polish newspapers here, so i realised that i'd never have a better chance to really throw myself into your wonderful culture

(this week its Wesola Lwowska falo!)

I'll be at the Katyn Memorial in Cannock 13/4/13 paying tribute in my own small way, I'm allergic to flowers so i took flower holders last time!
AmerTchr  4 | 201
31 Mar 2013   #273
Looked like a nice place to live and work for a time.

We'll see,
pointtis  - | 4
15 Apr 2013   #274
Polish workers which come in Finland introduced me to the language which I started to learn. Well, I have a friend too in Warszawa so those are the connections(of course this forum too :) ).
markot  - | 1
10 May 2013   #275
most ppl think that I'm polish because my last name ends with -ski but I'm not polish and live in slovenia. funny shit
gregy741  5 | 1226
21 Mar 2014   #276
i like to Polish my bald head sometimes
JDerekinFL  - | 1
6 Nov 2014   #277
My maternal grandfather's parents immigrated to the U.S.A. from Poland,and their journey is really bizarre.To start with they were both born in Massachueetts,and their parents had immigrated here from Poland .They both moved to Poland with their parents when their parents moved back to Poland.And when they became adults they moved back here,and fortunately it was before the Holocaust.She was Ashkenazi Jewish.I thought he was full blooded Polish as did everyone in the family.His last name was Brzoska.I took an ethnic online D.N.A. test by the company 23andme,and they let me know that I also have Romanian ancestry which I know definitely had to come from my maternal grandfather because the rest of my grandparents have only Irish,English,and Native American Indian ancestry.Another D.N.A. test that is a lot more in-depth told me that the Nazis would have definitely hated me.Anyways I learned why my maternal grandfather did not look like his Polish siblings,but instead took after something deeper in his ancestry.I am still very proud to be part Polish though.I read that Poland is the most mixed Slavic country,.so now it all makes sense.And too my greatgreat grandparents that were Polish said they were born in Russia because Poland was a part of Russia at the time.,My mother's babcia,and dziadzio considered themselves Polish,even though she knew that she was Ashkenazi Jewish
trancespottingp  - | 25
17 Nov 2014   #278
Merged: PL People in the Midwest

Hello, I wanted to see if there's other Poles that also live in the Midwest area - especially Chicago. If so please introduce yourself and tell us a little about yourself. Things like:

1) Name - first name is fine.
2) What city/state are you from
3) Are you born in the US or abroad?
4) Do you speak Polish or any other languages?
5) What do you do for work, for fun, any hobbies/interests?
6) Anything else you want to say...

I'm Adrian. Born in Wroclaw in '88 and moved to Chicago with my family around '94-'95. I lived in Chicago, Fort Lauderdale/Miami, and Cincinnati since arriving in the US. I live in the northern suburbs of Chicago now once again after living in Cinci for 4 years, then Florida for 2, and then Cinci again for 1 year.There was actually a pretty big PL community in South Florida. There was a few PL people I met in Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky but very few and even fewer speak Polish.I speak English, Polish, and am pretty proficient in Spanish and Russian as well. I work as a sales rep within the healthcare industry. I like to travel, go to bars, snowmobiling, 4 wheeling, working on cars, etc.
5 Jan 2015   #279
Merged: UK or Ireland in Bydgoszcz

Hello, is there anyone from the UK or Ireland living in Bydgoszcz?
Roger5  1 | 1432
20 Jan 2015   #280
Merged: Nigerians in Białystok

A new Nigerian student in Białystok is looking for compatriots. He is from the south-east.
cold outsude
20 Jan 2015   #281
As in he is Igbo ?

Find the Sunday Anglican church in Bialystok you will find most Africans in attendance.
Roger5  1 | 1432
20 Jan 2015   #282
Thank you. Keep warm!
Respect  - | 18
20 Jan 2015   #283
Bia nwokem kedu

Adim ok! Ekelem gi.


Man I greet, am ok.

ellkka  - | 1
8 Mar 2015   #284
Merged: Lodz, let's do something

if anyone would like to meet and get to now each other, feel free to contact via mail,. I am from Poland, and could gladly talk about the culture or other various things.

Elka, 23
Slavictor  6 | 193
14 Mar 2015   #285
Merged: Hello from Canadian Middle Earth

Hi, just signed up today. Hoping to find out some useful information and offer same to the users of this forum.
mickey nair
20 Mar 2015   #286
Merged: Anyone from slaskie on site

Hi anyone from slaskie for chat I am from uk

Does this. Site.cover all.of poland?

Merged: Just looking for chat to any woman in slaskie I be going there in a couple of months

Any polish woman want to I am in UK and will go to slaskie in a couple of months would be nice to no best places to go
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
21 Mar 2015   #287
Where exactly? And speak properly - Polish women are cultured and don't do it large.
mickey nairn
21 Mar 2015   #288
Is there no one on the site or just no people from Slaskie

Sorry I did not no that ...Katawice and maybe some places of interest and such as where to dine out ect; just generally really

Oh dear I hope I get there ok haha
QEDUK  - | 4
4 Apr 2015   #289
Merged: Any British people or groups around Legnica/Jawor?

I was just wondering if there were any British people or groups living or meeting in or around the Legnica / Jawor area of Poland?

My wife is Polish and we come to Poland 3 or 4 times a year for around 11 days at a time. Although I am trying to learn Polish, conversation with most Polish people is difficult to say the least. I would be interested in meeting up with any British people living in or around this area to just relax and talk about experiences or best places to go etc.

4 Apr 2015   #290
I would be interested in meeting up with any British people living in or around this area to just relax and talk about experiences or best places to go etc.

Sorry but the topic here is "What's your connection with Poland? Penpals." I can ask if any of the Brits I know in that area are looking for penpals, but I doubt they would be. Will let you know next week.
QEDUK  - | 4
4 Apr 2015   #291
I realise this topic is about penpals, but I started a new thread with the above statement and guess that an admin has merged it into this one.

Thanks for asking anyway, much appreciated.
dpinky  1 | 4
5 Apr 2015   #292
Merged: I Want to meet Filipina friends here!

Hi , i just quite new in this country. May i know some Filipinas from here? Its hard without chitchats this interesting place...
Puolatar  1 | 7
10 Apr 2015   #293
100% Polish. Born in Radom, have been living in Lublin and Warszawa. Now for a while abroad, but hope to come back to Poland soon.
Szybkowski  5 | 10
10 Apr 2015   #294
My maternal great-grandparents were born in Poland but became refugees post-45, from there they came here to Australia.
dpinky  1 | 4
10 Apr 2015   #295
Hi Im Diana. I want to have friends here,Polish is a hard language for me. Im trying to learn.
10 Apr 2015   #296
I'm proud to be Polish. Born and spent most of my life in Zielona Góra. Abroad (UK) since mid of 2006.

PS. Any speedway (żużel) fans on here? Since i am from Zielona Góra, methanol runs through my veins instead of blood. :)

FALUBAZ na "K"! FALUBAZ na "S"! FALUBAZ najlepszy w świecie jest!!!

Couldn't resist. :D
8 May 2015   #297
hi i am james from USA and coming to wroclaw in July 5th to stay there a week. i am 31, white, clean, educated (engineer) and dd free guy and i am looking for a girl to have a company for a week. I only know English so english speakers are the MUST. I have been Poland before and i like Polish girl. If any girl wanna hang out, please let me know by email james_cooldesign@yahoo

I will stay a hotel, you can suggest me hotel as well...

johnny reb  49 | 7940
8 May 2015   #298
James, your English is shaky at best.
It as an Arabic accent.
9 May 2015   #299
Merged: Czesc Everton

Przylecialam kilka dni temu do Brisbane i szukam pomocy przy zalatwieniu kilku spraw zwiazanych z pobytem na stale. Moze moglbys przeslac mi swoj numer ( i zadzwonie zeby sie gdzies umowic.

Dzieki! Monika
hussaiza86  - | 6
11 May 2015   #300
Merged: Anyone from Pakistani Community in Warsaw !!

Anyone from Pakistani community in Warsaw pls PM

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