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What was the point when Europe stopped being all-White?

Lyzko  44 | 9723
19 Sep 2024   #31
@Milo, if you can hire a Somali as opposed to a Polish welder, the average
capitalist/industrialist will clearly go for the former.

This trend developed once again when the male offspring of white welders
decided they would rather study instead of work with their hands their whole

During the immediate post-Industrial Revolution, round about the late 19th century,
relatively few ethnic Europeans actually attended university compared to those who

This meant that only the elite in society either attended or graduated successfully from
a prestigious university/college, both in the US, the UK or the European Continent. The
rest who were less academically oriented were channeled, so to speak, into manual labor,
factory work or craftsmanship. The result was a high standard of workmanship which fueled
European society for generations to come...that is, until roughly around the years following
the end of WWII.

As capitalist bosses were permitted to give unbridled vent to their inherent greed, quality, much less
"fairness" in hiring eventually took a back seat to the expedience of cheap labor from non-white countries
in order tor the top 1% to save a few bucks by eating filet mignon off of gold plates while would-be native-
born precision laborers from Britain, Germany, Sweden, and the Netherland were pushed aside.
jon357  72 | 23654
19 Sep 2024   #32
if you can hire a Somali as opposed to a Polish welder, the average capitalist/industrialist will clearly go for the former

Not in countries with proper unions and regulated wages.

capitalist bosses were permitted to give unbridled vent to their inherent greed

Something that society should never allow.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
19 Sep 2024   #33
Famous last words there, jon! How idealistic!
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
19 Sep 2024   #34
the average capitalist/industrialist will clearly go for the former.

Are you insane?The average capitalist will hire whoever can do the job properly!

This meant that only the elite in society either attended or graduated successfully from a prestigious university/college

OK, so we all know what's coming now.........

It is obvious now that you are a complete Socialist and therefore a moron..... good bye moron!
jon357  72 | 23654
19 Sep 2024   #35
But we have to do it, and history has been moving in that direction for a long time.

In 1830 we didn't have maximum working hours yet we got it. In 1860 we didn't have compulsory free education and it was opposed by capitalists but we achieved it. In 1870 we didn't have two days a week off, yet we made that happen, in 1890 we only had a fortnight's paid holiday from work, yet we achieved more than double that in a fairly short time, in 1919 we didn't have state pensions or sick pay yet we fought for and got both within a decade, in 1947 we didn't even have universal healthcare yet nobody sane could imagine life without it now, and in 1960 women were paid less than men for the same job In 1975 there was no statutory maternity leave and in 1995/there was no statutory paternity leave.

All of these things were opposed by greedy capitalists and their deluded lackeys, yet all are entirely normal now and could never be taken away.

Ideals are important, they can be achieved.
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
19 Sep 2024   #36
All of these things were opposed by greedy capitalists and their deluded lackeys, yet all are entirely normal now and could never be taken away.

You make a good point Jon.....
Novichok  4 | 8677
19 Sep 2024   #37
A question to capitalism-hating morons:

Were you ever hired by a poor guy?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
19 Sep 2024   #38
Ideals are important, they can be achieved.

They must be affordable for the state pockets!

To only demand more and more expensive ideals and a country will end like Greece (then) or Germany (now)'s a tight rope to walk!
Novichok  4 | 8677
19 Sep 2024   #39
To only demand more and more expensive ideals

I know how to eliminate crime...

Give each newborn 1 million bucks. At 5%, the kid will be getting 50 grand a year in interest. No need to loot, rob, steal...just go fishing all day long.

To prevent rapes, a free Jap sex robot...

Am I a genious or what...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
19 Sep 2024   #40
....that won't stop the pervs, I fear....
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
19 Sep 2024   #41
Am I a genious or what...

No, that rates you as a complete and utter nutcase!And BTW, learn to spell.....

..that won't stop the pervs,

No, and neither will any of Rich's insane solutions......
Novichok  4 | 8677
19 Sep 2024   #42
And BTW, learn to spell.....

I don't have to since I used the word "genius" 132 times.
No, and neither will any of Rich's insane solutions......

Take a course on humor. That stiff upper lip is good for royal weddings and funerals.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
20 Sep 2024   #43
@Milo, I happen to agree with jon on this point.

Nevertheless, the fact that you disagree is no reason to start calling me names!!
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
20 Sep 2024   #44
Am I a genious or what...

No, that rates you as a complete and utter nutcase!And BTW, learn to spell.....

..that won't stop the pervs,

No, and neither will any of Rich's insane solutions......

the fact that you disagree is no reason to start calling me names!!

Tell me what names I called you?
Novichok  4 | 8677
21 Sep 2024   #45
And BTW, learn to spell.....

I already addressed this important issue in #42.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
21 Sep 2024   #46
Well, Milo, "idiot" for starters surely doesn't bode well for constructive communication, does it.
Who do you think you are anyhow, Novichok aka Rich aka Ryszard??
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
21 Sep 2024   #47
"idiot" for starters surely doesn't bode well for constructive communication

It is not an insult when it is an obvious fact.

Take a course on humor.

Rich, you are not funny by any stretch of the imagination..... you just need to lighten up a bit.....maybe a nice cool beer would help.....
Joker  2 | 2447
21 Sep 2024   #48
During the immediate post-Industrial Revolution, round about the late 19th century,

The ones that didnt make it to the USA suffered terrible outcomes....

  • 459686816_5137828447.jpg
Novichok  4 | 8677
21 Sep 2024   #49
German refugee numbers reach record high
State and federal resources are "almost exhausted," according to the country's interior minister

The number of refugees living in Germany reached a new high this year, the newspaper Neue Osnabrucker Zeitung reported on Friday, citing government figures.

Some 3.48 million refugees, asylum seekers, and protected persons were living in Germany at the end of June 2024,

Those "white supremacists"...It sure would be nice to have them when you so desperately need them...Instead, Germany has Tacituses and Aliens...

Germany, it was nice knowing you...

Russia - the last oasis of sanity - please be strong and reject everything form Western "democracies". They are insane woke suicidal imbeciles...

The ones that didnt make it to the USA suffered terrible outcomes...

Is it the same person?
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
21 Sep 2024   #50
German refugee numbers reach record high

Why are you worried about Germany when your adopted country has problems of it's own with illegal immigration?

Russia - the last oasis of sanity

When are you moving there?

I bet your wife won't follow you......
Novichok  4 | 8677
22 Sep 2024   #51
Why are you worried about Germany

Because to me Germany was always a symbol of a well organized place, immaculately clean, ruled by facts and logic, and the center of Europe.

It pains me to see what's happening to this great nation.

The US is a lost cause. In addition to the unpayable debt, 40 million illegals, and the 3 trillion dollar unsustainable deficit, the US is infected by woke brain virus that is worse than Covid.
When are you moving there?

That's really a stupid question. Nepal has cleaner air than London. Why are you not moving to Nepal?

Before ask another such idiotic question, make a list of reasons why a man with kids and grandkids would want to stay where they are.
Novichok  4 | 8677
22 Sep 2024   #52
When are you moving there?

Watch and weep...

"Douglas Murray: "Say goodbye to the UK-it's all OVER..."

I have zero doubt that hundred years from now China will be China. Russia will be Russia. Even Poland will still be Poland.

The UK and the US will be decaying shitholes.

Milo, it's time to get an AR.
Alien  26 | 6527
22 Sep 2024   #53
Germany has Tacituses and Aliens...

Yes, democracy is alive and well in Germany.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
22 Sep 2024   #54
@Milo, an insult by its very nature consists of besmirching someone's
intelligence, intellect etc. without one scintilla of proof.
Thus far, you've provided none whatsoever!

As far as my comments are concerned, they're the result of both careful research
along with observation over many years of travel and study, both here and abroad.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
22 Sep 2024   #55
Yes, democracy is alive and well in Germany.

For whom?

German Train Conductors Given Power Not To Check Migrants' Tickets In Order To Avoid Trouble

A married couple who had recently traveled on a Süd-Thüringen-Bahn contacted the Thüringer Allgemeine newspaper to report that they had witnessed individuals who didn't appear to be German not having their tickets checked while German citizens still had theirs scrutinized.
Alien  26 | 6527
22 Sep 2024   #56

Read about Zero Hedge on Wiki so you know what you're reading. And back to the conductors, they have been using de-escalation tactics for years, against all sorts of hooligans. Do you think that on a train full of drunk fans of a famous German football club, tickets are checked at all? And if so, only with armed police.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
22 Sep 2024   #57

Wikipedia co-founder says site is now 'propaganda' for left-leaning 'establishment'
Alien  26 | 6527
22 Sep 2024   #58
propaganda' for left-leaning 'establishment'

I'll be keeping an eye on this, but that doesn't change the fact that Zero Hedge's description seems accurate.
jon357  72 | 23654
22 Sep 2024   #59
Read about Zero Hedge

About as dodgy as it gets. Reading (or more accurately quoting) matter for mental midgets.

Do you think that on a train full of drunk fans of a famous German football club, tickets are checked at all?

Even on crowded trains they don't often check.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
22 Sep 2024   #60
mental midgets

That's a glaring characteristic of the tyrannical, censorious wokerati, among others.


- overwhelmingly female;
- possessing a feminine temperament (either gender but all the cons of agreeableness and neuroticism);
- low verbal IQ.

Here is a very interesting discussion about it:

Jordan Peterson on the Feminine Temperament

It real explains the fall of the West concurrent with the rise of feminism.

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