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Nobel Prize and Oscars = Propaganda?

Paulina  16 | 4342
7 Sep 2024   #31
Hey, stupid, I always mean in the US unless I name another place.

Hey, moron, that photo depicted a protest in Iran and the discussion was about protests in Iran and your comment was posted directly after my comment (and without any mention of the US), so learn to make comments that make sense and are on topic and relevant to the discussion.

Also, I doubt that even in case of US "majority of demostrators are women". I'm guessing that it depends on the situation. For example, look at this photo here:

we don't plant stupid people, they are just born

Novichok  4 | 7522
7 Sep 2024   #32
@Novichok, hey, moron, that photo depicted a protest in Iran

Hey, stupid, I see broads like this everywhere in the US so your point is pointless.
Paulina  16 | 4342
7 Sep 2024   #33
@Novichok, those are not "broads", you stupid a$$hole. Unless your wife, daughters and granddaughters are "broads" too - then I'll make sure to call them like that from now on :)

so your point is pointless.

In what way is it "pointless"? You bemoan the fact that people in the US don't have it in them to stand up to the government and make street protests or even riots about policies they don't like and then you... sh1t on women for protesting against killing a woman for not wearing her headscarf "properly"? Wtf is wrong with you?
Novichok  4 | 7522
7 Sep 2024   #34
@Novichok, those are not "broads",

By definition...A screaming woman is a stupid broad. If she sits down and has a conversation she is a woman we can reason with.
Paulina  16 | 4342
7 Sep 2024   #35
@Novichok, so what is a screaming man? You realise that men scream, yell and chant slogans during demonstrations too, right? They even break and burn things and throw stuff at the police.

By definition...

There's no such "definition". It's all in your head, psycho.
Novichok  4 | 7522
7 Sep 2024   #36
Wtf is wrong with you?


Nobody killed a woman for not wearing a scarf properly. The bi*tch was argumentative, resistsing police orders and arrest.

We have this kind of shlt daily except that it's black thugs, not women. When a thug goes for the cop's gun and gets killed it's reported as:

Cop Murders a Boy for a Missing Sticker.
Paulina  16 | 4342
7 Sep 2024   #37
The bi*tch was argumentative, resistsing police orders and arrest.

Don't call her a "bi*tch", you disgusting, lying piece of sh1t. She wasn't resistsing the police orders or arrest and got beaten up when she was already in the police van as witnessed by her co-detainees.

When a thug goes for the cop's gun

She wasn't a f*cking thug and she wasn't going for anyone's gun, you moron.


Everything is wrong with you.
Novichok  4 | 7522
7 Sep 2024   #38
She wasn't resistsing the police orders or arrest and got beaten up when she was already in the police van as witnessed by her co-detainees.

Hey, stupid, cops don't beat one but not the other who - oh by the way - is a witness.

Why did they pick her? Because she said: Ooops, sorry, I didn't know the dress code or because she gave them a mouthful?
Lenka  5 | 3458
7 Sep 2024   #39
didn't know the dress code or because she gave them a mouthful?

You give a mouthful all the time. You are actually one of the most annoying, screetching posters- can we do the same with you?
Alien  22 | 5410
7 Sep 2024   #40
one of the most annoying

Well, let him be happy and for once he will be on top. He is the most annoying (for lack of Strzelec).
jon357  73 | 22695
7 Sep 2024   #41
Too much exposed skin causes issues, brings disrespect, possible harassment of worse

You don't say what is too much according to you.

Showing a bit of skin doesn't "bring harassment or worse". Harassers "or worse" do that of their own volition.
Ironside  50 | 12305
7 Sep 2024   #42
Harassers "or worse" do that of their own volition.

That will change into an argument of cause and effect. I don't want that.
I hope you recognize there is more than one factor at play in those social interactions. I like to lessen the odds of them going the wrong path by having certain and clear criteria - appropriate attire in public, behavior, and attitude. There will always be some oddballs and criminals acting out, but I think that would work for most people.
jon357  73 | 22695
7 Sep 2024   #43
going the wrong path

It's people who harass etc that are "going the wrong path".

appropriate attire in public, behavior, and attitude

What does that mean?
Novichok  4 | 7522
7 Sep 2024   #44
You give a mouthful all the time.

Because I don't like you.

I never mouth off to cops. That kind of stupidity belongs to the low intelligence people like blacks and women.
appropriate attire in public, behavior, and attitude.


The dead broad went to Iran to "show them". They didn't beat up her buddy. Only her.
Ironside  50 | 12305
7 Sep 2024   #45
It's people who harass etc that are "going the wrong path".

you missing my point, it is rarely a one-way street, there is often more than one factor at play.
What does that mean?

Well, it could mean many things. It would depend on the context. I don't pretend it is a solution that would work everywhere.
jon357  73 | 22695
7 Sep 2024   #46
point, it is rarely a one-way street,

What isn't?

If some people can't control their urges if they see a bit of skin, the fault is theirs alone.
Ironside  50 | 12305
7 Sep 2024   #47
If some people

See, cause and effect. I said I don't want to discus that.
jon357  73 | 22695
7 Sep 2024   #48
See, cause and effect

The cause is solely men who are so weak they can't control their behaviour.
Ironside  50 | 12305
7 Sep 2024   #49
The cause is solely men who are so weak they can't control their behaviour.

I disagree, although it might be true about some men, there are more factors than men. Modern society blames everything on men, it is not right. To have responsibilities one needs to have the right to shoulder responsibilities, if you have only responsibilities and not rights it has a name - slavery.
jon357  73 | 22695
7 Sep 2024   #50
there are more factors than men

What are those factors though?

Modern society

Rape and harassment of women are far from being solely modern.
Novichok  4 | 7522
7 Sep 2024   #51
To have responsibilities one needs to have the right to shoulder responsibilities,

That's why women should not be allowed to vote unless they served in the army and pay taxes.

Currently, in the US, they play tennis and watch Real Housewives all day long and vote for warmongers every four years.

Consequences? What's that? Can't you see I am busy shopping for my next bag and plastic surgeon?
pawian  219 | 24513
11 Sep 2024   #52

Novi, I noticed you love playing a parasite in this forum. You never start a thread on your own and you always join the discussion only when sb else posts in a thread and it appears on the main page.


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