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Polish Music.

amiga500  5 | 1473
17 Apr 2021   #31
heard this song on the radio , really caught my liking and the vibe of the early 80s Urszula & Budka Suflera
pawian  219 | 24592
17 Apr 2021   #32
Yes, it was a big hit in 1980s. I have always liked it.

There were more of them, and the runner up on my list is Raspberry King
OP Miloslaw  21 | 4928
25 Apr 2021   #33
Nice! Merkfolk.....
OP Miloslaw  21 | 4928
2 May 2021   #34
Polish Jazz is something else.
I love Jazz but TBH some of it can be a bit painful to listen to. Polish Jazz was heavily suppressed by the communists in the fifties and early sixries..because they saw it as a subversive American genre of music.But that forbidden fruit is always attractive.... In the late fifties and early sixties,Rock'n'Roll and Pop Music came along and the communists saw these genres as even more subversive than jazz.

They saw this new wave of youth culture growing and decided that Jazz was the lesser evil.So in 1965 they allowed Polish Jazz bands to release albums on state record labels.

Jan Wrobleski.....

Possibly the jazz band that is most highly regarded in Polish Jazz was the Komeda Quintet.

The thing that really got to those early Polish Jazz bands was that their style was really appreciated but that foreigners called it "Polish Jazz", they tried to defend themselves and said, "No,we are just playing American Jazz".

The reply was "No, There is a Polish feel to your Jazz".
I think the foreigners were righr.
Polish Jazz has a sound of it's own.

Komeda was a Jazz genius.

Yeah,maybe a "Guilty pleasure* for me....

No.That was purely rubbish....not even "Guilty Pleasure" level...just awful.
Just my opinion.
pawian  219 | 24592
2 May 2021   #35
No.That was purely rubbish....not even "Guilty Pleasure" level...just awful.

No, you are not honest now. You like it but refuse to admit it in public. Never mind.

You are into rock so listen to this amazing song by the oldest and best punk rock group in Poland - KSU - they started playing in late 1970s.
OP Miloslaw  21 | 4928
3 May 2021   #36
You like it but refuse to admit it in public. Never mind.

No.I have very broad tastes in music and am never embarrassed by those tastes.
I may be a Hard Rockin' Electric Blues diehard but will readily admit to loving many other genres.
Your post was pure crap.
Now, you are a bit younger than me, so I can excuse your love of Punk Rock.
I loved the energy of Punk but hated the lack of musical ability.
But I did quite enjoy your post...
pawian  219 | 24592
3 May 2021   #37
I loved the energy of Punk but hated the lack of musical ability.

Yes, but now you are talking about original punk like Sex Pistols . Yes, their music was coarse.

But I talk about the group which started in 1970s and continued till nowadays, so their music evolved and became post punk..

Your post was pure crap.

Anything is possible here. :):)

But I did quite enjoy your post...

Anything is possible here. :):)
OP Miloslaw  21 | 4928
3 May 2021   #38
group which started in 1970s and continued till nowadays, so their music evolved and became post punk..

I agree, some of those bands are very good.
Even some bands in the original Punk scene could actually play their instruments..... I am thinking of The Stranglers here and The Blockheads.
OP Miloslaw  21 | 4928
3 Jul 2021   #39
Polish popular music is certainly different.....the question is, is anyone listening?
Ironside  50 | 12312
3 Jul 2021   #40
here music that is popular in Poland:
OP Miloslaw  21 | 4928
4 Jul 2021   #41

Forums are strange. I assumed that you were about the same age as me.
Your post suggests that you are actually quite a bit younger.
Not really my kind of music, but I appreciate the Polish part of it.
Paulina  16 | 4384
4 Jul 2021   #42
@Milo, older people can be fond of Disco Polo too, not only the young ones. One of my uncles is a prime example ;P
OP Miloslaw  21 | 4928
4 Jul 2021   #43


Paulina  16 | 4384
4 Jul 2021   #44
@Milo, that's not funny, it's tragic when you come from the city to the countryside to experience some peace and quiet, get a sun tan, relax and your uncle (also from a city, btw) is blowing Disco Polo from his car radio into your ears for hours ;/
Ironside  50 | 12312
5 Jul 2021   #46
Not really my kind of musi

wrong thread Milo, its about Polish music not about music posters like
it has about 25 millions views even if we assume that some people were viewing it few times it still leave us with a significant number - millions of people in Poland like this kind of music
Ironside  50 | 12312
1 Aug 2021   #47
here some more:

some nice lyrics:
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
1 Aug 2021   #48
blowing Disco Polo from his car radio into your ears for hours

The disco polo type of music is the worst that could have happen to Poland's music scene.

Here is some excellent stuff by the group "Męskie Granie", the song 'I Ciebie też, bardzo' (maybe it's been already mentioned here, I don't know):
Paulina  16 | 4384
14 Oct 2022   #49
Sanah turned a beautiful poem "Nothing Twice" ("Nic dwa razy") by Wisława Szymborska into a beautiful song :):

"Cze­mu ty się, zła go­dzi­no,
z nie­po­trzeb­nym mie­szasz lę­kiem?
Je­steś - a więc mu­sisz mi­nąć.
Mi­niesz - a więc to jest pięk­ne."

I like this fragment - very fitting for our times... (Sorry for quoting it in Polish, but this part doesn't seem to be included in the English translation of the poem).

Paulina  16 | 4384
14 Oct 2022   #50
Another beautiful song - this time it's the poem "A Paean" ("Hymn") by one of Polish classics Juliusz Słowacki:

It got me teary-eyed...

Couldn't help but think about the Ukrainian refugees too...

Paulina  16 | 4384
14 Oct 2022   #51
Btw, in 1927 Słowacki's remains were moved from Montmartre in Paris to the Wawel Castle in free Poland :) I'm mentioning this because it's connected to the lyrics of that poem and song.

O, wow, it looks like it's Sanah's new record - she turned Polish poetry into songs :)) I'm loving this... Young Polish people will be singing Polish poetry now - this is amazing :))) And I'm rediscovering it for myself too:

"A Stone" ("Kamień") by Adam Asnyk:


Another one by Adam Asnyk - "One Day God Will Allow to Sit Down in Free Poland" ("Da Bóg kiedyś zasiąść w Polsce wolnej"):

"Więc gdy wio­sen­nym oglą­dam wie­czo­rem
W mgły otu­lo­na za­go­nów sza­rzy­znę,
Ktoś w moim ser­cu wy­ku­wa to­po­rem
Moją Oj­czy­znę."

Alien  22 | 5460
15 Oct 2022   #52
Sanah is a phenomenon, her dictionary flaws and speech impediments add to her charme.
Paulina  16 | 4384
16 Oct 2022   #53
@Alien, to be honest I haven't noticed any speech impediments in her case - she talks and sings in a normal way... And what do you mean by "dictionary flaws"?

Sanah is a phenomenon

Yes, it looks like it... "Nothing Twice" got 2 million and "A Paean" 1 million views on YouTube in just two days :)

it looks like it's Sanah's new record

Sorry, I was wrong - I thought it's a new album, but it's just 10 songs - she decided to publish songs based on her favourite poems as a surprise gift for her fans (9 Polish poems and 1 English by E. A. Poe.).

Here's another Polish one - "Fairytale" ("Bajka") by Krzysztof Kamil Baczyński:

Baczyński wrote this poem at the end of June 1944 - just over a month before the Warsaw Uprising broke out in which he fought and got killed. He was a poet and Home Army soldier, one of the most well known of the Generation of Columbuses. The video for this song was recorded in the Powązki Cemetery in Warsaw where many great Poles are burried, including Baczyński and his wife who got killed a month later. At the time of his death he was 23 years old, his wife - 22. They are burried together.

Fragment of the song/poem:

"No, i stolarz schylił z wolna głowę
i wyciosał przez czas niedługi
dla nich wonne trumny dębowe,
a dla synów ich dębowe maczugi.
Więc odeszli. Śpiewał obcy czas.
Więc odeszli przez powietrza białe smugi
z tym uśmiechem, który dobrze znasz."


A beautiful comment under this song:

"Paweł Brzeziński
While I'm listening to one poem after another I feel as if hundreds of generations were calling out to us, consciences and hearts, who through their lives made us into who we are today. It goes above everything our world is dealing with today. Thank you for this beautiful lesson."
Paulina  16 | 4384
16 Oct 2022   #54
Eh, sorry, that comment was written by Paweł Brzezowski - my phone changed it into Brzeziński ;P

Btw, I'm not sure if I see it right, but I think Sanah is sitting down in the video in front of the grave of Baczyński and his wife. 🤔

And the videos showing Polish countryside and nature were filmed in the Podlasie region.
Alien  22 | 5460
16 Oct 2022   #55
I answered in Polish because it was easier for my.
Joker  2 | 2188
17 Oct 2022   #56
How about Dzem? I like this band.

Alien  22 | 5460
17 Oct 2022   #57
I love Dżem to this day. Those are boys from Tychy, a city near to Katowice where I was born. You know, a famous Tyskie beer is from Tychy.
Joker  2 | 2188
17 Oct 2022   #58
Those are boys from Tychy, a city near to Katowice

The guitarist is amazing and probably my favorite Polish band.

You know, a famous Tyskie beer

Yes, I do. I like Okocim and Zywiec as well:)
OP Miloslaw  21 | 4928
17 Oct 2022   #59
I loved all your Sanah posts.
She is new to me.
She has a good voice and some great songs but her videos are just Polish!

Nalepa was a musical genius that will,unfortunately, never be recognised as such, because he was Polish.
Joker  2 | 2188
17 Oct 2022   #60
never be recognised as such, because he was Polish.

Chopin didnt have any problems..... Post some Polish Rock, you know more than I do.

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