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Moderators! What is the deal with "gender" on PF appl. forms? The category should be "sex"

johnny reb  46 | 7408
3 Jun 2024 #31

Did Dr Kinsey? They're his figures.

Then according to the Nerd, Dr. Kinsey is gay ? 😮
jon357  73 | 22638
3 Jun 2024 #32

Did you think he was still alive? He was born in
johnny reb  46 | 7408
3 Jun 2024 #33
I must have been thinking of another Dr. Kingsly or should I have said, "was" gay ?
Novichok  5 | 7735
3 Jun 2024 #34
Did Dr Kinsey? They're his figures.

Here is another question faggots never answer...

How many faggots, in percent, would you like to have in your ideal country?
Novichok  5 | 7735
3 Jun 2024 #35
With all that LGBT brain power here....

Can somebody tell me what the hell is non-binary?
jon357  73 | 22638
4 Jun 2024 #36
Google it.

You have already.
Novichok  5 | 7735
4 Jun 2024 #37
Here is another question faggots never answer...

How many faggots, in percent, would you like to have in your ideal country?
Lenka  5 | 3454
4 Jun 2024 #38
And it never crosses the idiot's mind that a lot of people simply don't care...
Novichok  5 | 7735
4 Jun 2024 #39
I didn't ask if people care. I asked:

How many faggots, in percent, would you like to have in your ideal country?

I want zero faggots in my ideal country. What is your number?
Lenka  5 | 3454
4 Jun 2024 #40
What is your number?

I don't have one because I don't care. I'm fine with whatever.
Novichok  5 | 7735
4 Jun 2024 #41
How does zero sound to you? Too low?

Lenka is too stupid to answer this simple question:

How many faggots, in percent, would you like to have in your ideal country?

Anybody else?
Lenka  5 | 3454
4 Jun 2024 #42
How does zero sound to you? Too low?

Fine by me if not artificially forced.
100% is fine with me too.
Alien  22 | 5440
4 Jun 2024 #43
How many faggots, in percent

The natural percentage of homosexual men in Western countries is 2-7%. In the USA it is 2.8%. Interestingly, the percentage of homosexual women is lower.
Novichok  5 | 7735
4 Jun 2024 #44
Get lost.

100% is fine with me too.

Please don't reproduce. We have enough brainless morons already.
Novichok  5 | 7735
4 Jun 2024 #45
A self-test if you are a moron...

Should high schools have feminine sanitary product dispensers in boy's restrooms?
Alien  22 | 5440
4 Jun 2024 #46
Get lost.

Alien usually won't get lost...
Novichok  5 | 7735
4 Jun 2024 #47
Alien - a Polish clown who never brings anything to the table. A forum parasite...
Lenka  5 | 3454
4 Jun 2024 #48
We have enough brainless morons already.

Why didn't you take your own advice?
Alien  22 | 5440
4 Jun 2024 #49

....a very effective form of life.
Novichok  5 | 7735
5 Jun 2024 #50
I thought some more about transgenderism and decided that I actually like the idea of being able to be a woman by simply saying "I am a woman". Many sports associations don't require anything else. Here is the reason for my transformation...

Some places hire mostly men, pay men more than women, or both. When so discovered by gov goons, they have to scramble and jump through a bunch of hoops.

Here is me, a genius, with a brilliant idea: Demand from every man a statement that says: "I am a woman".

That's it. Case closed. Now the company is in compliance and everybody is very happy.

Just a reminder...Trans freaks insist that trans women are simply women. I agree.

I am so proud of myself...
Joker  2 | 2156
5 Jun 2024 #51
I thought some more about transgenderism

Just in time for false pride month....

Novichok  5 | 7735
5 Jun 2024 #52
I am proud I am not gay. My kids are proud I am not gay. I am proud they are not gay. Their kids are proud their parents are not gay,

Not a single person since Adam ever said "I wish I were gay" or "I wish my sons were gay. If they were, life would be so much better"...Never happened, never will...

If LGBT azholes and their flags just disappeared, nobody would care or even notice.
Now try to imagine if normal people would disappear or move to another planet..,
Przelotnyptak1  - | 392
5 Jun 2024 #53
Please keep in mind the following text:

100% is fine with me too.

The paradox of excessive political correctness is clearly on display. Are you okay with the destruction of the human race happening in just a few short generations?

Come on, Lenka, you recently wrote the following:

And it never crosses the idiot's mind

Who are you referring to as the idiot? Could you please explain?
OP wslipach  8 | 97
5 Jun 2024 #54
Most of my gay friends keep sexual preferences to themselves just like us heterol's

Here? I did not invent LGBT , ask your gay friends about it and they will tell you that is it political. It is becoming bigger issue than it should be and I wonder what for , what for invent 46 sexes , what for invent term "gender" , what for all those crazy festivals. I don't mind gays at all, but LGBT and its ideas is another thing all together.
Novichok  5 | 7735
5 Jun 2024 #55
The paradox of excessive political correctness is clearly on display.

That's what morons say when they have nothing to say...

It is becoming a bigger issue than it should be

Simple...The top scum like Obama and Soros want to "transform" and control. The first step is to disconnect us from objective truth and make blind obedience a virtue. See the faggot, Mr. T, and Barney...

Hence, COVID Gestapo tactics and transgender lies to make all future lies acceptable without any opposition.

In between: "global warming"...Since that fizzled out, they wheeled out Greta and climate change... You must believe children no matter how ugly they are...
OP wslipach  8 | 97
6 Jun 2024 #56
Simple...The top scum like Obama and Soros want to "transform" and control.

Yes, in a way yes, sometimes crazy people like you make sense.
Novichok  5 | 7735
6 Jun 2024 #57
I have my moments when my genius shines bright.
pawian  219 | 24576
8 Jun 2024 #58
when my genius shines bright.

So bright I need to wear welder`s goggles at all times in the forum!! hahahaha
Alien  22 | 5440
12 Jun 2024 #59
So bright

Brighter than the sun. 🌝
Novichok  5 | 7735
13 Jun 2024 #60
I should be paid a buck for every post others reply to...

Home / Off-Topic / Moderators! What is the deal with "gender" on PF appl. forms? The category should be "sex"

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