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No, I'm not in contact with them. But I do know my language. So if someone uses "Remco", "San", "Kievit", "Berends", "Koen" and "Tijmen" I can be pretty sure they are Dutch.
rekko remco82 san21 KochamCie (don't take it personally ;)), hero300, Dutch Koen, kieviteric16, tijmen4real, sberends, omondif, natumex, Amsterdamka,
start posting perhaps we can do away with my stereotype.
All issues aside certain nationalities display characteristics specific to their country or place of up bringing ie the place where they spent most years as a youth.
If you're tired of hearing the same things over and over, then maybe you should try a different approach, because I'm obviously not going to change my tune.
Perfect timing... I'll be at my cousin's wedding on August 14th. I'll be mingling with 200+ Polish relatives on that day. Hopefully, I can find a few Poles to hug there :)
Yes, because they come from a hot country so it is natural. While Poland belongs to a cold climate zone. Yet, we hug like Brazilians, Almost. Sth unthinkable in Britain or Nordic countries.
Yes, by thieves, pickpockets and other villains who, judging by your looks, can clearly see that you belong to the intellectual elite and must be well-off in result. :):):)