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What's your hobby?

Alien  26 | 6528
28 Apr 2024   #151
It was probably homemade

Yes, only the furniture was imported from Germany, and she also had a whole store with tiny packages of various well-known products, such as Persil washing powder etc., also from Germany.
Atch  22 | 4299
28 Apr 2024   #152
I wonder if she would recognise this? did she have anything like this in her dolls' house kitchen? They were German tinplate toys which remained in circulation for years after they stopped producing them. You'd find them in dusty boxes in the stockrooms of toyshops. We had one like this in our dolls' house. I loved it, but the door of the oven was an absolute bloody bugger to open. It was on a spring and by standards of modern toys it was a death trap to little fingers :)

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Alien  26 | 6528
28 Apr 2024   #153
I wonder if she would recognise this

No, it's not the one. She had another one. Apparently she was also given a larger stove with small pots to play with. In this furnace you could burn such small white cubes. From today's point of view, this seems very dangerous to me. Good thing she didn't start a fire.
Novichok  4 | 8682
28 Apr 2024   #154
Hey, Atch, are you going to keep that book a secret? It's not like a code to activate a nuclear war...
Lenka  5 | 3548
28 Apr 2024   #155
Why are you so obsessed? She said already she is not going to give the info.

Another one of my interests is dolls' houses and miniatures

Can I ask what appeals to you in those?
I'm very practical (to the point it can be a vice) and I think that's why I like renovating, building flatpacks etc. That is also why I like furniture restoration/ flipping.

I am devout however of any artistic talent and any crafts don't interest me at all.
Novichok  4 | 8682
28 Apr 2024   #156
She said already she is not going to give the info.


1. She is embarrassed about how bad it is in grammar and style.
2. What she wrote can be used against her in a civil or criminal trial.
3. She plagiarized another book.
4. She never wrote a book.
5. She is planning to publish a better version.
6. She revealed secrets she wants to keep secret.

Did I miss anything?
Lenka  5 | 3548
28 Apr 2024   #157
Did I miss anything?

She doesn't want us to know. And who can blame her?
One idiot already used every scrap of information he has to track it and another can't let it go after hearing no.
Alien  26 | 6528
28 Apr 2024   #158
Did I miss anything

Yes, she just want to remain anonymous.
Novichok  4 | 8682
28 Apr 2024   #159
Hey, Mr. Embarrassment, publishing a book and staying anonymous are not mutually exclusive. It is done every day...
I did it, too.

She doesn't want us to know.

So 7 billion people knew but a dozen more would be a calamity?
Novichok  4 | 8682
28 Apr 2024   #160
Yes, she just want to remain anonymous.

...for a reason. What's that reason? NOYFB is not a reason.

I took mine down for a very simple reason...I found myself in a mob-controlled fascist country and decided that the risks were too high compared to the benefits.
Alien  26 | 6528
28 Apr 2024   #161
It is done every day

Ale jesteÅ› upierdliwy. Nie chce to nie chce i koniec. Maybe you'll understand it better in Polish.
Lenka  5 | 3548
28 Apr 2024   #162
publishing a book and staying anonymous are not mutually exclusive

Maybe she revealed a bit more about herself in the book. Maybe she just doesn't want people here to read it. Maybe it's not your f business.

So 7 billion people knew but a dozen more would be a calamity?

No, only few selected people knew that it's her book. Others might have seen it, read it but didn't know Atch.

Ale jesteÅ› upierdliwy.

Idealne podsumowanie
Atch  22 | 4299
28 Apr 2024   #163
Can I ask what appeals to you in those?

For some people it's the intricate workmanship of the craftsmen made pieces which are tiny replicas of the real thing but to me I don't mind if they're just mass produced things from a factory. I love the fact that you can recreate any real life setting in miniature and if you're into interior design it's great fun. I'm also sure that it's partly a hangover from my childhood. I have great memories of playing with my little house, maybe that's what it is.

No, it's not the one. She had another one.

It might have been Modella or Jean of Germany. I wonder if any of this furniture looks familiar to her.

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Alien  26 | 6528
28 Apr 2024   #164
any of this furniture looks familiar to her.

No, hers were different
Alien  26 | 6528
23 May 2024   #165
wonder if any of this furniture looks familiar to her.

No, it's a thing of the past, but today she has a collection of large porcelain dolls, and it started with the largest one that I bought for her.
Alien  26 | 6528
25 Jul 2024   #166
that I bought for her.

And the last one I also bought for her, it's a small porcelain doll that the big one can carry in her pocket. A doll for a doll, so to speak.

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