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What's your hobby?

johnny reb  49 | 8003
19 Apr 2024   #91
I'm not talented enough to be able to do something like that

Have you ever really tried ? I bet you are.

a Bible that her mum bought for her, it had gilded edges and it looked great and it was an awesome gift for someone interested in art :)

and the teachings of Jesus Christ
Paulina  19 | 4556
19 Apr 2024   #92
They do, but it's more the school supply end rather than professional.

So that's why I had problems with finding their brushes on Polish on-line stores with art materials... :)

Liked writing. Tried writing a romance when I was 14 but realised it's very bad. Had fun though and a friend liked it

When my best friend and her boyfriend moved abroad for some time we started exchanging e-mail messages to keep in touch and that's how I found out that she has a very fun style of writing - she made reading about ordinary stuff funny and enjoyable :) I think I even tried to talk her into writing a blog or something, but to no avail, unfortunately...

I love reading and I love art

And that's how I ended up buying fantasy books by Sarah J. Maas :) One of my favourite digital artists is a fan of her books and she made some fan art with characters from her books and that artwork sparked my interest :) And I ended up binge- reading those books :))) They are an enjoyable and fast read (I think I read one of them in two days ;D). I especially recommend them to female readers - the main protagonist in both sagas is a female and not the "damsel in distress" type, so that's refreshing :) And in "A Court of Thorns and Roses" she's also into making art, so I could relate to that character :))

I don't have this one yet and it would be great to get this version, because I like the cover:

These are the physical copies I got so far - those are two sagas - "A Court of Thorns and Roses" and "Throne of Glass":

  • IMG_20240419_142244_.jpg

  • IMG20240419134026_co.jpg
Paulina  19 | 4556
19 Apr 2024   #93
One of my favourite digital artists is a fan of her books

The artist is Charlie Bowater (she's British, btw :)) and she makes art for book covers, among others.

And this is her fan art of Sarah J. Maas characters:

1. "Fireheart" (Aelin from "Throne of Glass")
2. "The Court of Dreams" (Rhys and Feyre from "A Court of Mist and Fury")
3. "Feyre the Fox" ("A Court of Mist and Fury")
4. "The Court of Dreams" ("A Court of Mist and Fury") - I even remember this scene from the book.

  • IMG_20240419_113341_.jpg

  • IMG_20240419_113429_.jpg

  • IMG_20240419_113702_.jpg

  • IMG_20240419_113741_.jpg
Paulina  19 | 4556
19 Apr 2024   #94
1. "The Bone Carver" (from "A Court of Mist and Fury")
2. "Manon" (from "Throne of Glass" series)
3. "Wings and Ruin" (montage of characters from "A Court of Wings and Ruin")
4. "The Inner Circle" ("A Court of Mist and Fury") - inspired by Alfons Mucha:

  • IMG_20240419_113829_.jpg

  • IMG_20240419_114114_.jpg

  • IMG_20240419_114204_.jpg

  • IMG_20240419_114303_.jpg
Atch  22 | 4299
19 Apr 2024   #95
Liked writing. Tried writing a romance when I was 14

Did you finish it? When I was a teenager I used to start books, do a few chapters and never finish them. Most of them were pretty dreadful, very derivative. But a few years ago I started writing again and I managed to finish a book and write a second. Now I'm doing a third and have a fourth non-fiction on the go as well. So if you really enjoy writing, don't give up :)
Paulina  19 | 4556
19 Apr 2024   #96
@Atch, OMG, not long ago I stumbled upon one of your older posts and it was so well written and so fun to read (even though it was just about some ladies and cakes, I think) that I thought you could write a book! :D

But a few years ago I started writing again and I managed to finish a book and write a second. Now I'm doing a third and have a fourth non-fiction on the go as well.

Awesome! :O I would so read them!!
Bobko  27 | 2215
19 Apr 2024   #97
managed to finish a book and write a second

Are these published?

Could you perhaps DM the titles (if you're afraid of losing your wider anonymity)?

In any case - congrats!
Novichok  4 | 8676
19 Apr 2024   #98
I wrote this:

Before You Do Something Really Stupid...

...or how to stop being your own worst enemy

Chapter 1. Don't trust anybody
Chapter 2. Don't ignore the stranger-danger rule
Chapter 3. Don't hook up with an Arab or a thug
Chapter 4. Don't try to save the world
Chapter 5. Never say "yeah...but I love him"
Chapter 6. Don't let them hurt your kids
Chapter 7. Don't let them rape you
Chapter 8. Don't buy death insurance
Chapter 9. Don't serve on a jury
Chapter 10. Never talk to the police

Then America went fascist on me so I had to pull it from Amazon Kindle ...

I intended to prevent harm to girls and women. The problem: It is an impossible task without including "black thugs" somewhere in every chapter.
Lenka  5 | 3548
19 Apr 2024   #99
Did you finish it?

Nah, gave up when I realised how plasticy it is.. My characters are too good to be real and are boring as hell :)

Congrats on your books though. Did you try to publish or is it drawer writing for now?
Alien  26 | 6527
19 Apr 2024   #100
Don't serve on a jury

In another thread, did you just want to be a juror?

Never talk to the police

Why not?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
20 Apr 2024   #101
Why not?

You've never dealt with them have you ? 😕
I wrote a book called, "How Feminism ruined Men."
Novichok  4 | 8676
20 Apr 2024   #102
I wrote a book called, "How Feminism ruined Men."

I love that book already. I have a subtitle for it:

...and why women don't go on dates anymore...

Chapter 1: Why Women Lie
Chapter 2: Why Women Should Never Be Trusted
Chapter 3: Unequal Pay Is a Made-up Bullshit
Chapter 4. Why Men Should Demand Proof of Pregnancy

Just trying to be helpful...

In another thread, did you just want to be a juror?

Only in Trump's case to hang the jury with extreme pleasure and prejudice - even if he said he did it. I would ignore that, too, and vote not guilty.
Feniks  2 | 857
20 Apr 2024   #103
I definitely would have to get more experience with watercolours to try it.

I think that would be the problem for me. I've barely used watercolours so I would definitely need lots of practice painting with them first. If I can't manage to do a good job on paper then painting a book edge would be a bit pointless. Let me know how you get on if you try using fineliners.

Yesterday I watched a video of that guy Martin Frost showing his method for fore-edge painting. Interesting to watch. He divides the picture up into grid sections so one grid is painted at a time and he layers the watercolours until he gets the effect he wants. Here is the video:

it doesn't seem so terribly difficult and complicated

Iron temperature would be a bit crucial plus I don't have an iron. That's only a small problem though. I would only be trying to gild books if I was happy with the painting!

I prefer the hidden to the non-hidden type of fore-edge painting but there was some good pictures in those etsy links.


The Bible was the book that I had with gilded edges. I remember it had extremely thin pages and some lovely colour pictures in it. I honestly can't remember where I got it or what happened to it but I guess it had been given as a present.
Atch  22 | 4299
20 Apr 2024   #104
so well written and so fun to read

Oh, thank you Paulina! The books I've written are actually humorous fiction. During the pandemic I wrote a short story as a little surprise for my sister to amuse both of us and she enjoyed it so much I wrote a couple more and they just kind of morphed into a novel. After I finished that, there seemed to be more to say so I did a second with the same setting and characters. I'm having a lot of trouble finishing the third though as it's beginning to feel too much like 'work' :)) and I'm trying to write a biography too so the bit of spare time I have, I devote to that which is still largely at the research stage. I would love to finish the third fiction book though and then I'd like to illustrate all three - that's the art project I have in mind.

Did you try to publish or is it drawer writing for now?

I just self-published on Amazon so I could send a hard copy to family and a few friends. I'm not trying to be a professional author. But the books have actually sold a few copies and had a couple of reader reviews and people liked them. If I ever get round to illustrating them I'll republish with proper ISBN numbers on IngramSpark. Then they can be released into the wild for posterity 😂

Could you perhaps DM the titles

I'm afraid I must graciously decline - anyway I'm not sure they'd be your cup of tea :)
Lenka  5 | 3548
20 Apr 2024   #105
That sounds wonderful Arch. I wish you all the success. I wish I could have a read but I understand 200% the need to keep it away from PF.

I must say I would like to get involved in some woodwork, furniture flip/restoration. I love building flatpacks with a passion. And to be honest all kinds of renovation, painting etc. Never had a chance to really get into it.
Atch  22 | 4299
20 Apr 2024   #106
That's the problem isn't it - life gets in the way of living! Maybe you could do a small item first? There are evening classes too, helps to keep you motivated.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
20 Apr 2024   #107
I'm afraid I must graciously decline -

Ms. Atch, hate to break the news to you but you have already given to much information not to be identified.
It took me about two minutes to locate your book.
You must be more careful.
Being that I respect you I will not post the name of the book.
Is that your real first name or a pen name ?
Atch  22 | 4299
20 Apr 2024   #108
It took me about two minutes to locate your book.

How tiresome you are. I don't know whose book you found but it wasn't mine.
Novichok  4 | 8676
20 Apr 2024   #109
You must be more careful.
Being that I respect you I will not post the name of the book.

Why not? Authors spend time and money to let people know about their books. A book is not a diary...or a confession transcript...

but it wasn't mine.

Did you publish your book? If so, what is the title?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
21 Apr 2024   #110
don't know whose book you found but it wasn't mine.

You sound very confident of that and sure of yourself.
I understand.

How tiresome you are.

What a mean thing to say to someone.
You just shattered my feelings Ms. Atch.
Lenka  5 | 3548
21 Apr 2024   #111
There are evening classes too, helps to keep you motivated.

I tried to look into it but in my area they only have men's shed (with men's included twice in the description so not sure how welcomed I would be) plus it's during my working hours.

Despite time I also lack the place. With the dirt, chemicals etc I would need a space to do it.

I don't know whose book you found but it wasn't mine.

The more important thing is that he even tried to find it.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
21 Apr 2024   #112
with men's included twice in the description so not sure how welcomed I would be)

😲 An oxymoron at it's best. Hoot !
My guess is after ten minutes they would know that you are a feminists man hater and tell you to GIT !

The more important thing is that he even tried to find it.

Tell us what is so important about that, Love, or is this just another one of your frivolous efforts to diminish and shame me hoping that I will defend myself towards your innuendos. 😴
johnny reb  49 | 8003
24 Apr 2024   #113
I don't know whose book you found but it wasn't mine.

Well it was available on Amazon last Saturday when I mentioned it to you and then SUDDENLY disappeared Monday.
I went to order it Tuesday and Amazon said it was no longer available.
What a coincidence one might say.
At any rate since I like you, I won't spill the beans to your identity. 😉
(P.S. The cover of the book gave you away.)
Atch  22 | 4299
25 Apr 2024   #114
it was no longer available.

Not true. But your chances of finding a book out of the hundreds of thousands if not millions of titles on Amazon, when you don't know the author's name, are basically zero as you no doubt discovered. You're welcome to keep trying though.

The cover of the book gave you away.)

What was on the cover? Leprechauns? Shamrocks? A pint of Guinness?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
25 Apr 2024   #115
Not true.

Yes true.

But your chances of finding a book out of the hundreds of thousands if not millions of titles on Amazon, when you don't know the author's name, are basically zero

That's what filters are for Ms. Atch.
They narrow your search rather quickly.

What was on the cover?

Would you admit it if I told you ?
(I think it was one of your sketches of an elegant woman if my memory serves me right)
Now please let it go Ms. Atch before this goes from bad to worse.
I know that I am done entertaining this subject

I already told you that I will keep your name and the books name private just like I promised you I would never share your middle name that you sent me in a P.M.

In the future be more careful posting about your personal information.
You will not get another response from me on this subject so diminish me as you may.
Barney  19 | 1755
25 Apr 2024   #116
@johnny reb
Why would you want to cyber stalk anyone?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
25 Apr 2024   #117
I was merely pointing out to Ms. Atch to be more careful posting personal information about herself.
Thank you for your concern, Barns.
Atch  22 | 4299
25 Apr 2024   #118
hat's what filters are for Ms. Atch.

Filters are no use without information to put in the fields. The filters require at the very least author's name (which you don't have) or book title which you don't have. Without those you can't find anything.

Why would you want to cyber stalk anyone?

Barney  19 | 1755
25 Apr 2024   #119
I was merely pointing out

Yet you started an argument with her leading to a strange threat...

Now please let it go Ms. Atch before this goes from bad to worse.

whatever that is supposed to mean...

When you cyberstalk people dont tell them because people quite rightly tend to take a dim view of such things
johnny reb  49 | 8003
26 Apr 2024   #120
Filters are no use without information to put in the fields.

Obviously you posted enough information to be put into the filters to find your book within two minutes.
Now Ms. Atch, I know you must feel like a fool, I know that you know I found your book with your name on it and I know you are going to beat me like a borrowed mule to punish me with guilt and shame.

You go girl or you can put the blame on yourself where it belongs and build a little bridge and get over it.
I have already moved on and if I was wrong about finding your book you wouldn't be caring on like you are.
All you are doing is confirming that I indeed found your book. BIG F-ing deal if I did. No harm, no foul,. besides your own embarrassment.

When you cyberstalk people dont tell them

Or what Barns ?

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