What's your hobby?
One of my favorite things is to get lost while driving along country roads. You see some interesting stuff you'd never come across if you weren't lost.
Now that's a nice hobby... :) Do you guys have any photos from such travels?
How could you!
I know, I was so stupid... ;(((
Bit of a perfectionist I'm afraid!
Me too ;(
Don't think I'm up to the PF criticism! Especially since I'm the only one that hasn't studied art at an advanced level.
Have you posted any art on here before?
Have you posted any art on here before?
I haven't yet, but Atch has! :) Unfortunately it was in Random Chat and so they ended up in Polanda :/
As for studying art "at an advanced level" ;D, I wouldn't worry about that, because there are self taught artists out there who are better than many art school graduates ;)
I don't think graduating from an art school makes you any less self-conscious about showing your stuff to people, to be honest... You're still your worst critic lol What I've learned is that there are always going to be people who draw and paint better than you, but also there are always going to be people who like your art no matter how bad you think it is :)) So, who cares... lol
I only ever through drawings away if I wasn't happy with them.
Yeah, that's why I threw them away - I thought they were not good enough and so not worth keeping... Most of them ;O That was before I went to art school, I think. 🤔 I just wanted to keep one, from what I remember - a realistic painting of a kitten that I painted with oil paints and I was actually proud of that one, but my brother ruined it by going over it with a blue ballpen :(( I was so angry... ;(
I found today an old notebook and there are some of my drawings in it, but I'm pretty sure I was at highschool/art school at that time already. Those aren't anything special though - just some random stuff I drew for fun. And I wasn't using any photo references, only my imagination, so there are some mistakes there. Here are some I drew with ballpoint pen and coloured with those big Stabilo highlighers that I was using for studying lol
(the first one is a failed attempt at a manga style drawing ;D):
And some pencil drawings from that notebook:
And more ballpoint pen:
1. A bit of hand and foot practice, I guess lol
2. Practicing drawing a man in some sort of comic book style (I've always had problems with drawing men and boys from imagination, because I was usually drawing women and girls).
3. A failed attempt at foreshortening (I think that's how it's called) probably lol
4. Trying out a new style.
1. A bit of hand and foot practice, I guess lol
2. Practicing drawing a man in some sort of comic book style (I've always had problems with drawing men and boys from imagination, because I was usually drawing women and girls).
3. A failed attempt at foreshortening (I think that's how it's called) probably lol
4. Trying out a new style.
Something about that redhead on green background really catches my imagination.
that redhead on green background really catches my imagination.
Same here. She's got the posture of the woman in the green shirt so right it's more than right if you see what I mean.
She's got the posture of the woman in the green shirt
Do you know how to define "a woman"?
I am asking because you just used the term.
Buzz off, full-time troll. We were having a nice discussion without some bored coffin dodger making pointless comments.
johnny reb 49 | 8003
12 Apr 2024 #39
without making pointless comments.
You, Milo and Feniks do it all the time so what's new here ?
Are you saying only the Brits can do it ?
So, out of 4 women on this forum 3 are into art and making art...
Ms, Atch is the most talented by far.
Stabilo highlighers
Something about that redhead on green background really catches my imagination.
I do like the flow in this one - I wanted to make it look like the wind is blowing her hair away :)
She's got the posture of the woman in the green shirt so right it's more than right if you see what I mean.
Do you mean this one? (I'm not sure what you mean about the posture though... 🤔):
You, Milo and Feniks do it all the time so what's new here ?
You are the king of the pointless comments on PF!
Please don't be so bashful and wear your crown with pride!
Just stop interfering with a decent thread and stop sucking up to Atch.... I am sure she is sickened by it it as most of the rest of us are......BTW, she's spoken for.....
Do you mean this one
The first one in post 32. With the baggy jumper. You've caught the way she's standing perfectly.
3. A failed attempt at foreshortening (I think that's how it's called) probably lol
Looks very cool!
johnny reb 49 | 8003
13 Apr 2024 #44
Yeah, eh really.
You are the King Nerd here that got tagged with the nic "Mr. Angry" by the Mod., not me. 👺
stop sucking up to Atch..
Now Pee Pee Pants, how many times must you be told not to tell other people what to do.
Besides, Ms. Atch is much more refined and educated than the trollop's you suck up to.
stop interfering with a decent thread
How many times have I told you to stay on topic ?
So if that rule doesn't apply to you,, why do you demand that it applies to me ?
Look, we all know that feinkus is the best you can hope for so don't feel so inferior.
You should wear your little brit boy crown with pride. 🧒
johnny reb 49 | 8003
13 Apr 2024 #45
Milo wearing his crown. 🤴
HooT ! 🤣
HooT ! 🤣
Keep drawing, just not on squared paper. Maybe you will be Paulina Kielecka, just like Nikifor Krynicki once was, and today his sketches are worth a fortune all over the world.
Keep drawing, just not on squared paper. Maybe you will be Paulina Kielecka, just like Nikifor Krynicki once was, and today his sketches are worth a fortune all over the world.
just not on squared paper.
As a matter of fact she's far more likely to become a star of the notoriously fickle art world by drawing ONLY on squared paper and making a thing of it. I can see it now, a major exhibition with all the artwork on squared paper with a certain type sipping their Pinot Noir and trying to decide what profound statement she's making.
@Paulina, I don't paint at all these days so there may be new products on the market but in general you can't go wrong with Winsor & Newton, really top quality paint. Also sable brushes, but I'm sure you know that already. They're very expensive but they last pretty much for a lifetime so they're worth the investment for a serious artist such as yourself.
Your drawings are really nice. The blonde/redhead has a slightly pugnacious set of the head and shoulders. She has real attitude - self-portrait? :)
My favourite though is this one. It's very fluid, lots of movement, very free and quite beautifully executed - and there's a humour/quirkiness to it that I like:
johnny reb 49 | 8003
13 Apr 2024 #48
Well we certainly know that it wasn't Feniks that she was thinking of when she drew that or the babe would have had her fingers pointing down.
You do have promise Paulina, I will admit that. 🎨
You do have promise Paulina, I will admit that. 🎨
I found today an old notebook and there are some of my drawings in it,
They're really nice drawings Paulina :)
I particularly like the manga style drawing and 'the failed attempt at foreshortening'. You're very good at capturing expressions.
Makes me want to have a go at comic style drawing now, never tried it before.
What I've learned is that there are always going to be people who draw and paint better than you,
Of course. I remember there was a girl in my class at school who drew the most amazing pictures and I really wished I could draw as well as her.
I'm definitely my own worse critic though! Thanks for posting them :))
I wasn't using any photo references, only my imagination, so there are some mistakes there.
I doubt anyone will be looking for perceived mistakes! Do you use photos for some of your drawings?
I've drawn things from imagination, from photos, I even went through a stage of drawing some record album covers just to see if I could do them and to see how well they came out.
The first one in post 32. With the baggy jumper. You've caught the way she's standing perfectly.
Ah, yes, the pose is OK and I even managed to do the foreshortening right this time :))
For those who don't know what's "foreshortening":

Looks very cool!
Thanks :))
just not on squared paper
I don't do that anymore - that was long time ago! ;))
Btw, for those who want to practice sketching, drawing a great cheap option is ordinary copy paper for printers - it has nice smooth surface (but not too smooth) :)
Maybe you will be Paulina Kielecka, just like Nikifor Krynicki once was
Actually, we have a pretty well known painter from Kielce already - Rafał Olbiński :) (he gave a lecture in our school once :))
I can see it now, a major exhibition with all the artwork on squared paper with a certain type sipping their Pinot Noir and trying to decide what profound statement she's making.
Haha, I can see that too: "Is that squared paper alluding to her checkered past??" 🤔 ;D
Also sable brushes, but I'm sure you know that already.
Yes, although I only knew about them being recommended for watercolours - I thought that gouache is maybe less "demanding"...
I don't think I'll be investing into sable brushes just yet, even for watercolours - I'm just going back to painting with water paints and I didn't have that much proper experience with them even before (we mainly used oils in art school) and so I have to practice first and see if I continue with watercolours or not, if I switch to gouache or not, etc. 🤔
Btw, I just checked the price of Kolinsky Sable by Winsor & Newton, size 7, and it costs 509 PLN ;O I think I'd be afraid to use it ;D If one hair fell out of it I'd probably get a heart attack ;D ;D
The blonde/redhead has a slightly pugnacious set of the head and shoulders. She has real attitude - self-portrait? :)
Don't know which one you mean, but there are no self-portraits there :))
My favourite though is this one.
I thought you might like it and that's why I posted it :)))
They're really nice drawings Paulina :)
I particularly like the manga style drawing and 'the failed attempt at foreshortening'. You're very good at capturing expressions.
I particularly like the manga style drawing and 'the failed attempt at foreshortening'. You're very good at capturing expressions.
Thank you, especially that I always thought that I suck at expressions :))
Makes me want to have a go at comic style drawing now, never tried it before.
I honestly love comic book style :)) I grew up on reading (and looking at) comic books that my brother was buying and that influenced me a lot, I think... 🤔 I especially fell in love with Jim Lee's drawings in "X-Men" comic books at that time and even tried to copy them :)
Do you use photos for some of your drawings?
That's a must if you're drawing someone's portrait, of course, but besides that, yes - I've learned from other artists that using photo references is very important and improves your art - even if you're drawing something original that you invented and you're not copying, various photos help you to get the anatomy, pose, lighting, etc. right in your drawing :)
I even went through a stage of drawing some record album covers just to see if I could do them and to see how well they came out.
Oh, I like DIY and I try to make some stuff like that (if I have time ;/) :) Lately I've drawn a DIY birthday card, so maybe I'll post it if I find a decent photo. 🤔
Feniks, how about you? Could you post some of your drawings from childhood? :) Do you still draw/paint?
I don't paint at all these days
I see... :/ Why not though (if you don't mind me asking)?
it costs 509 PLN
Sweet Jesus! That's expensive even in Euros. I had sable brushes when I was a student and they were expensive but not that bad. Maybe it's to do with the decline in the fur trade, conservation and that sort of thing.
Ok,then Daler- Rowney is another old standby. Basically any brushes that you use for watercolour can also be used with gouache. As for paper, you can use a lighter weight if you stretch it. I used to do that a lot as a student. If you're experimenting you won't want to use expensive, heavier paper. So you can just use regular drawing paper but soak it and tape it to a board with masking tape. Otherwise use 300gm or heavier.
Don't know which one you mean
even tried to copy them :)
I'm not familiar with them so I've just had a look. Were you successful?
you invented and you're not copying, various photos help you to get the anatomy, pose, lighting, etc. right in your drawing :)
You see, this is where your training comes in. I wouldn't even think about things like that.
Could you post some of your drawings
I'm not sure how they'll come out as I've had to resize them.
There's a couple of album covers in there, Meatloaf- Bat out of Hell and Kate Bush- Never for Ever that I attempted.
@Feniks, OMG, are you kidding?! Those are great!!! You're definitely talented, I can tell you that much :D I love that fantasy dragonfly! :O
(I'll comment on the rest later, because I have no time right now).
(I'll comment on the rest later, because I have no time right now).
I think that's my favourite one as well.
All the pictures make me feel a bit uneasy. There is something dark in those works :)
All the pictures make me feel a bit uneasy. There is something dark in those works :)
johnny reb 49 | 8003
14 Apr 2024 #57
That's expensive even in Euros.
When I do my paintings, I use pre-mixed Joint Compound mixed with Modeling Paste.
Get the consistency that you want and then add the color of paint you want.
Very inexpensive.
Then use resin to seal it.
I won first place on my 'butterfly in motion' painting once.
Were you successful?
I don't remember, to be honest lol I don't know what happened to those drawings - I made them with a ballpoint pen in some notebook, as usual, so it's possible that this notebook was thrown away... :/ All I remember is that my brother, who was contributing to some Polish site/forum about "X-Men" comic books, told me that those Jim Lee's copies of mine were better than any fanart that people were posting on that site/forum. So, I guess I was successful to at least some extent.
You see, this is where your training comes in. I wouldn't even think about things like that.
If you mean my education at that art school then not really... We weren't taught there how to draw from imagination... And when I was at art school I wasn't using any photo references when I was drawing for fun - just like in your case it didn't really cross my mind. I only learned how much using references improves your art some years later thanks to the artists I followed on the internet - they were sharing their thoughts, their art process and tutorials and that's how I learned about it.
Here you have an example of such a tutorial from a popular digital artist (the idea and process is exactly the same for traditional art though):
And here's some general and good video about how artists learn to draw - your scientific mind will probably appreciate this take :):
@Atch, I look nothing like that redhead :))
You haven't seen anything yet! ;D Check out brush size 10:
2365 PLN

Who's buying such brushes?? I think I'd keep it locked up in a safe ;D
Now you're talking!:
19.50 PLN for 4 brushes.
Thanks, Atch! :D
Btw, interesting - they also have synthetic imitation of sable hair:
I've never done that before... As far as I remember at art school we were using Fabriano paper for watercolours and we weren't doing any stretching (but we weren't doing washes much, I guess...). I do have a Canson Student for watercolours:
...and I bought some cheap watercolour paper at Action, so I guess I'll be using them for practice for now. 🤔
They look great and now I want more! ;D Do you have any coloured works?? :D
Sweet Jesus!
You haven't seen anything yet! ;D Check out brush size 10:
2365 PLN

Who's buying such brushes?? I think I'd keep it locked up in a safe ;D
Ok,then Daler- Rowney is another old standby.
Now you're talking!:
19.50 PLN for 4 brushes.
Thanks, Atch! :D
Btw, interesting - they also have synthetic imitation of sable hair:
So you can just use regular drawing paper but soak it and tape it to a board with masking tape.
I've never done that before... As far as I remember at art school we were using Fabriano paper for watercolours and we weren't doing any stretching (but we weren't doing washes much, I guess...). I do have a Canson Student for watercolours:
...and I bought some cheap watercolour paper at Action, so I guess I'll be using them for practice for now. 🤔
I'm not sure how they'll come out as I've had to resize them.
They look great and now I want more! ;D Do you have any coloured works?? :D
2365 PLN
That one calls for a Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
I've never done that before...
It just stops thinner paper from buckling with water based paints. When it's dry you cut the picture off the board by running a blade/craft knife round the edge along a metal ruler. It comes out really lovely and flat.
Btw don't forget Faber Castell products. They're cheaper than Winsor and Newton and better quality than Daler-Rowney.
Gouache is a great medium, so versatile. You can use it like watercolour and you can also use a palette knife and paint impasto with it though I'd only do that on heavier paper.