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Here are some quotes from Youtube...dedicated to the PF heroes:
As a US Marine Combat Veteran, I can tell you, war does not make heroes, it only makes victims. You already are or are not a hero. War won't make you one.
As a soldier that's been to war in Iraq with the 983rd Eng. Battalion in 2004, I keep warning these guys that want to go there and fight. First, I remind them that we have no extradition treaty with the Russians. If you are captured they can do anything they want to you. Second, if you've never fired a rifle at a human being, don't start. Once you open the door, it can't be closed again. Who you are before you shoot someone and after are very different people.
I seen an ex US solder on Fox that was in Ukraine and he said " If you don't have military training stay home, you will only get in the way or die" And I thought that was great advice.
Yes, it is the recklessness that leads one to go to war. It takes a lot of emotional strength and courage because you have to be prepared for people to be killed next to you or to kill a person yourself. I helped with an accident at the age of 19 and a young girl 8 -10 years old died in my arms, now I am 60 years old and have the picture as if it were still yesterday in front of my eyes.These experiences haunt you for a lifetime until you die.
This is the case of watching movies and the internet and a big disconnect of the reality off things. I tried to convince a young American not to go and fight in the Iraq war...for these same reasons and other but he was to pumped up after 9 11...the only war you should fight is the one you have no choice
Five second summary, minus dark background music: Ukraine is cold, it sucks being cold, you could be killed while cold. And if you don't have prior experience soldiering, and a weapon, you could be useless on top of being cold and dead.
On the bright side, when morons die the average IQ goes up.
Rich must be a Lyndon Larouche libertine.. with a little Duck Robertson and "Connivin"' Cliven Bundy thrown in for good measure! Even Rand Paul's too mainstream.