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Happy Birthday, Rich!

GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
24 Mar 2022   #1
So, the day has finally come - you are 80 today. It may sound like a lot but you know what they say: 80 is the new 40. :) It's a beautiful age and, in accord with old Polish tradtion, we wish you STO LAT!

Have a good one, you annoying old fart! ;)
Joker  2 | 2453
24 Mar 2022   #2
Thats not him! LOL

I doubt, he would eat that cake being such a health nut.



How do you know its his B-Day?
OP GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
24 Mar 2022   #3
How do you know its his B-Day?

He posted his degree diploma, with his birthdate, in old "Dyrdymałki" thread.
Joker  2 | 2453
24 Mar 2022   #4
That picture looks like Dr. Jack

Actually, you could only hope to be in the shape Rich is in when you're his age.

  • 971298.jpg
Novichok  4 | 8702
24 Mar 2022   #5
Rich, but I hope you die of cancer (preferably testicular). :)

I want pancreatic. It's quick and 100% effective.
BTW, why do teeth in old guys turn gray and look like sh*it? I just spent 400 to keep mine white - relatively speaking.
OP GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
24 Mar 2022   #6
I want pancreatic.

Nope, sorry. Testicular is more painful, so that's a better choice for someone who wishes that millions of Polish civilians die by nuclear weapons.
Novichok  4 | 8702
24 Mar 2022   #7
I only wish them what they wish upon themselves. Who am I to oppose their desires?
If they do not want to die from mushroom poisoning, act accordingly. Instead, they installed that tripwire at Russia's doorstep. A very bad idea.

I must be famous in Russia. They even organized a party for me with the obligatory "Happy Birthday". I love that song...She sure doesn't look like a transgender to me. No injections were needed...
johnny reb  49 | 8003
24 Mar 2022   #8
BTW, why do teeth in old guys turn gray and look like sh*it?

You are what you eat Ruskie Rich.
If your teeth look like sh*it then it is quite self explanatory. :-)
Novichok  4 | 8702
24 Mar 2022   #9
After 400 bucks worth of whitening? They don't glow in the dark but they are fine.
BTW, how did you like the Russian version of Happy Birthday? And the singer...
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
24 Mar 2022   #10
He posted his degree diploma, with his birthdate

His degree diploma is as fake as almost everything about him on this site.
Novichok  4 | 8702
24 Mar 2022   #11
Oh crap, I spend three weeks faking the creases, embossing, and the signatures and the forensic genius here blows it wide open for me. To make it even more realistic, I gave myself "dobry" instead of "genius". Got to try better next time...Like a carbon dating certificate.
Joker  2 | 2453
24 Mar 2022   #12
I remember Zhuj was the first one claiming your passport was fake...

Like you really have the equipment to replicate with perfection a Polish Passport with stamps to boot, just to amuse some trolls. Not to mention its highly illegal.You might as well start printing $$$ if youre that good! LOL
johnny reb  49 | 8003
25 Mar 2022   #13
I remember Zhuj was the first one claiming your passport was fake...

Thats because Ziemowit is a damn genius.
He can spot a fake like You & Ruskie Rich a mile away. :-)
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
25 Mar 2022   #14
Yes, indeed I can. Mr Idioto's trip to Kraków was also a fake one.

What is Mr Idioto's reaction to Novi-cock's notorious polonophbia, I wonder.
amiga500  5 | 1541
25 Mar 2022   #15
hey mazur can u let your daughters know when u cark it from a heart attack or natural death , to let us know, so u don't just disappear off PF ? Oh yeah that might be hard cause your family hates you and your daughter might be busy at the strip club. maybe let vincent know in some sort of auto-script, ie if idon't post for 3 months post a eulogy, then we can eulogise/celebrate a polish traitor.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
25 Mar 2022   #16
He is not the one he claims to be. He must have put his hands on some poor Rich papers and use them here. Maybe Rich is his family or maybe he is Rich's caretaker.

He a fake and a coward. He is only bold because he lies about who he is in reality.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
25 Mar 2022   #17
Novi has posted and admitted that he is a paid Russian troll.
And Joker doesn't even have a Polish last name as he just rides his Polish wife's apron strings.
Both frauds and both have overbearing bullly loud mouths.
Joker  2 | 2453
25 Mar 2022   #18
And Joker doesn't even have a Polish last name

Really? What is my Surname then? Pan Klamca! Go ahead and post it or your just phucking lying as usual. Everyone of your posts on PF contains falsehoods!

Novi has posted and admitted that he is a paid Russian troll.

Lets see this post where he admits this????? We all know youre lying, AGAIN! Its all youre capable of doing!

Ya, you look Polish! LOLOLOL

Werdenski! LOLOL
johnny reb  49 | 8003
25 Mar 2022   #19
Really? What is my Surname then?

Are you insinuating that you have a Polish surname because you don't ?

Lets see this post where he admits this?

That's a fools errand for you, Dummy.

Ya, you look Polish! Werdenski!

You have this guys phone number, why not give him a call and tell him that you are stalking him with harassing posts on a public forum.

bak bak little pussy pansy ass. Hoot !
Miloslaw  22 | 5217
25 Mar 2022   #20
The fat lump called Preacher Jim posts on this forum under a.pseudonym.
But we all know who this nasty women hating liar is.
Please ignore him.
Joker  2 | 2453
25 Mar 2022   #21
Polish surname because you don't ?

What is it then? Pan Werden! That sounds Scottish, youre just a fraud! You have permission to post my surname, so do it , BIGMOUTH< LIAR!

Please ignore him.

I suppose, Ill have too bc you know a malignant narcissist always has to have the last word.
Miloslaw  22 | 5217
25 Mar 2022   #22
a malignant narcissist always has to have the last word

So true.

And that is why it is pointless debating directly with someone of this mental disorder.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
26 Mar 2022   #23
And that is why it is pointless debating directly

Yet you keep doing it over and over and over expecting a different result.
I believe they call that insanity. Hahahahahaha

You have permission to post my surname, so do it

Big mistake Pee Wee.
Do I have permission to post your picture and arrest record too :-)
Joker  2 | 2453
26 Mar 2022   #24
Ive been waiting for this big lie since yesterday. Once again your big mouth cant back up any of your fantasies about me!


Jimmy the "fraud"

debating directly with someone of this mental disorder.

Its not a debate when everything he says is a lie?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
26 Mar 2022   #25
Ive been waiting for this big lie since yesterday.

Is that a yes ?
Joker  2 | 2453
26 Mar 2022   #26
Can't you read, idiot

Can't wait to see it Pan Klamca
Novichok  4 | 8702
26 Mar 2022   #27
I was just about to post some pics from my bd party but you guys would sh*it on my cake so I gave up on the idea.
Novichok  4 | 8702
26 Mar 2022   #28
you are an example of a person who is not a part of western civilization...

Easy. The only places without toilet paper, soap, and towels I have been to were in Poland. Some train stations in Poland don't even have places to take a sh*it - paper or no paper. Here we call them "restrooms".
Novichok  4 | 8702
26 Mar 2022   #29
All countries have corruption, the U.S. has it big time.

The US swamp was smart to legalize it as speech fees, books nobody reads, and ambassadorships in Western Europe - preferably in Paris.
We no longer pass 20s to the cops.

You are a Fing moron.

That was uncalled for. I did not tell the DoD to leave all that stuff in good working order and change the oil before repeating Saigon.
Alien  26 | 6543
26 Mar 2022   #30
@Novichok 28#
Hygiene in public toilets in Poland has improved a lot. Currently there are toilets in parking lots of German motorways more disgusting.

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