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God and Religion Talk

pawian  226 | 27583
22 Jan 2025   #121
Show me any legal document that says "rape" and "Trump

Go to court which dealt with Donald and Ivana`s divorce.
Novichok  4 | 9051
23 Jan 2025   #122
A rape unreported to the police for prosecution and conviction is a fvck with regrets, not rape.

Women do it all the time...Old stuff...

Just like that "He raped me for 10 years" bullshlt, but loved I said and did hoo...
pawian  226 | 27583
23 Jan 2025   #123
A rape unreported to the police

Hey, if they raped you in your house, would you report it to the police right away???

No essays, please. Just yes or no.

Novichok  4 | 9051
23 Jan 2025   #124
I don't respond to morons who get personal.
pawian  226 | 27583
23 Jan 2025   #125
I don't respond

uhahaha buhahaha hihihihi

Novi, it seems I got you like no time before. hahaha buhahaha

yes or no, cwaniaczku ??? :):):)

I won`t let you off with this one, you know it, so you`d better answer now or I will drag you all over the forum with it. hahahaha buhahaha

Yes or no??? hihihihi
Novichok  4 | 9051
23 Jan 2025   #126
Back on the list...bye...
pawian  226 | 27583
23 Jan 2025   #127

buhahaha hahahaha

Hey, guys and guyesses, if Novi puts me on ignore again, can you take over and ask him the question he refuses to reply to:
Hey, if they raped you in your house, would you report it to the police right away???
OP johnny reb  49 | 8094
23 Jan 2025   #128
Hard to know where you pulled that from.

Don't dodge my question jon357, are Trumps sins bigger than your sins since sin is sin ?

And there are few bigger crimes than rape.

Oh b.s. jon, rape isn't even one of the big ten.

You make judgements here all the time.

We are talking about me, we are talking about you Mr. Twister.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8094
23 Jan 2025   #129
Protestants Evangelicals are more Christianist than Christian.

That is because we are all sinners jon, you, me, Christians, Atheists and ALL mortal men that walk on the face of this earth.

Why is that so hard for you to grasp ?
I'll tell you why, because if you did you wouldn't be able to judge and diminish other people the way you do.
Novichok  4 | 9051
23 Jan 2025   #130
And there are few bigger crimes than rape.

Yes. One of them is giving an azfvckee AIDS.
jon357  72 | 23566
23 Jan 2025   #131
Well, that doesn't add much to the discussion, does it..,

That is because we are all sinners

What does 'sin' mean for you? I have my understanding of the concept, not an especially unusual one, however we come from different traditions and I'd be interested to know how you see it.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8094
23 Jan 2025   #132
What does 'sin' mean for you?

Before we move on asking me questions, you should answer my questions first.

however we come from different traditions

Yes, I have Faith and you don't.
I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, you don't.
I believe that Jesus Christ died for our sins and arose again from the dead, you don't.
Why do you Atheists mock me for my beliefs ? .
Why does this thread of God and Religion Talk draw all the Atheists into it ?

I'd be interested to know how you see it.

Why jon, so you can diminish my Christianity with your one liners to try to make me defend my Faith ?
jon357  72 | 23566
23 Jan 2025   #133
you should answer my questions first.

You haven't asked any.

you Atheists

Interesting that you assume someone who isn't a fundamentalist Protestant evangelical must be an Atheist.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8094
23 Jan 2025   #134
You haven't asked any.

Members of that religion tend not to steal, rape women or hurt the vulnerable.

Don't dodge my question jon357, are Trumps sins bigger than your sins since sin is sin ?

That is a yes or no question.
And you are dodging it yet again
who isn't a fundamentalist Protestant evangelical must be an Atheist.

You have claimed that there is no God so what does that make you ?
Stop with your Mr. Twister b.s.
In fact, why do you even come to this thread besides to diminish Christianity and my God.
Go troll elsewhere.
Or as some Christians would say, "Back to hell with you Satan where you belong."
Novichok  4 | 9051
23 Jan 2025   #135
You have claimed that there is no God so what does that make you ?

He is correct until corrected by facts and evidence.

So far there are none.

If they exist they must be current and verifiable. Don't bother about water, bread, and fish. The statute of limitations ...witnesses are dead...records deleted or lost...

Current and verifiable...What's in your head is yours. Keep it that way - private and secret - and nobody will say that you are wrong.

In my head, I am God's special envoy to Earth to slay leftist woke scum and illegal migrants.
jon357  72 | 23566
23 Jan 2025   #136
That is a yes or no question

What is your understanding of 'sin'?

If you want a yes/no, then of course it's no.

But what for you is a sin?
Novichok  4 | 9051
23 Jan 2025   #137
Sin is a deed between illegal and immoral.
jon357  72 | 23566
23 Jan 2025   #138
It really isn't anything to do with legality, and of course morality is subjective.

Jim may have greater insight however I wonder if his definition is closer to yours or mine.
Novichok  4 | 9051
23 Jan 2025   #139
It really isn't anything to do with legality,

Some sins overlap with felonies which makes them useless. Some don't.

Priests raping kids are all three at once: immoral, sinful, and criminal.

These scumbags fear only one of the three - that it is a felony.

This proves that they don't fear God (who witnessed the acts) because God is (1) indifferent, (2) impotent, or (3) that God doesn't exist.

My vote is for (3).
jon357  72 | 23566
23 Jan 2025   #140

The concept of "sin" is not just a religious term for crime or misdeeds.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8094
23 Jan 2025   #141
Keep it that way

Who do you think you are, Don't tell me what to do moron.

He is correct until corrected by facts and evidence.

I have already explain this to you six times now so listen this time.
I walk by Faith, you walk by sight.
Go read 2 Corinthians 5:7 and you will understand it Novi.
It explains it very well.
You just want to argue.
Novichok  4 | 9051
23 Jan 2025   #142
Who do you think you are, Don't tell me what to do moron.

Let me give you the full version...

Keep it that way - private and secret - and nobody will say that you are wrong.

This means: If you make things public, expect public comments.

If you keep things private, there will be no public comments.

The shortest version yet:

If A, then B.

I never said don't do A.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8094
23 Jan 2025   #143
are Trumps sins bigger than your sins since sin is sin ?

If you want a yes/no, then of course it's no.

Then why to you judge Trump and diminish him as sinner ?
Isn't that being hypocritical ?

Jim may have greater insight however I wonder if his definition is closer to yours or mine.

If we could get Novi to shut up for five minutes and butt out of our debate I could explain.

I wonder if his definition is closer to yours or mine.

Sin is an immoral act considered to be a transgression against the divine law. 1 John 3-4.
Now Novi shut up because we don't care to hear your trolling expertise.
Just shut up, please. Take a hint, Just shut up and go away.
Novichok  4 | 9051
23 Jan 2025   #144
The concept of "sin" is not just a religious term for crime or misdeeds.

Sin is defined only in Biblical terms as transgression against the law of God.

This means that atheists are not capable of sinning since God does not exist to them.

No God = no sin...Just the penal code and people's sense of morality and propriety ...Life is simpler this way.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8094
23 Jan 2025   #145
God gave you two ears and one mouth for a reason, Novi.
Can't you find anyone else to argue with ?

Life is simpler this way.

You are simple alright.
Novichok  4 | 9051
23 Jan 2025   #146
Can't you find anyone elseto argue with ?

I am not arguing anything with anyone. Just posting my opinions on the subject I am familiar with since I used to be a Catholic.
Alien  25 | 6415
23 Jan 2025   #147
I used to be a Catholic

and you are not Catholic anymore?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8094
23 Jan 2025   #148
So why hound me then if you already know the correct answer ?
I have my Faith and I will express it in public anywhere I want.
Who are you to tell me I can't
Who are you to challenge it
That's a bit more than just an opinion
Have you taken a pee break from here in the last ten hours of non stop trolling today ?

and you are not Catholic anymore?

What did he just say or did you ask that just to get into the discussion ?
Alien  25 | 6415
23 Jan 2025   #149
to get into the discussion

No, I'm going to bed now, but once a Catholic, always a Catholic. That's how I understand it
Novichok  4 | 9051
23 Jan 2025   #150
and you are not Catholic anymore?

No, I am not.

Who are you to tell me I can't

I never told you can't post about your Faith.

I told you that if you do, I can comment on what you post.

I can't make it any simpler.

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