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God and Religion Talk

johnny reb  49 | 8090
12 Jan 2025   #1
"Is God Anti-Gay ?
Ephesians 4:14-15

"Then we will no longer be immature like children.
We won't be tossed and blown about by ever wind of new teaching.
We will not be influenced when people try to trick us with lies so clever they sound like the truth.
Instead, we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of the church."
jon357  72 | 23560
12 Jan 2025   #2
Preaching at people and quoting dry religious texts is who church attendance in developed countries has plummeted and seems now to be in terminal decline.
Novichok  4 | 9041
12 Jan 2025   #3
Yes, God hates LGBTs.

If he loved them, he would want more of them. He did say go and multiply, after all...

The problem is that a man's azz is not how you do it. It takes a vagina and those are found only on women - contrary to the trangender studies.

We can cut and drill and it's still not the real thing...Ask Crow...
Miloslaw  20 | 5140
12 Jan 2025   #4
Yes, God hates LGBTs.

Not sure about that but I can tell you that on average, the LGBT community accounts for about 3% of the population.
The supposed impartial BBC has decided that it now want 25% of it's new employees to be LGBT!!!!! Impartial?My arse!!!!
OP johnny reb  49 | 8090
12 Jan 2025   #5
God hates LGBTs.

No, God does not hate Gays.
Do you know what He says about judgmental people and liars ?
Miloslaw  20 | 5140
12 Jan 2025   #6
Do you know what He says about judgmental people and liars ?

No.And you don't either, because none of us have spoken with God because he doesn't exist!
OP johnny reb  49 | 8090
12 Jan 2025   #7
none of us have spoken with God

That is because you don't know Him.
I speak with Him several times a day.
But that is another topic for another thread.
Barney  19 | 1797
12 Jan 2025   #8
BBC has decided

Songs of praise will be brilliant.
Tlum  12 | 309
12 Jan 2025   #9
Mocking God gone wrong yet again. When will people learn.

Barney  19 | 1797
12 Jan 2025   #10
When will the baby jesus stop hogging the limelight...16 dead in America 45,000 dead in Gaza.
Miloslaw  20 | 5140
12 Jan 2025   #11
That is because you don't know Him.
I speak with Him several times a day.

You are SO funny!!! You speak to him several times a day, I believe that, but when he never replies to you does that not set alarm bells ringing?????
Miloslaw  20 | 5140
12 Jan 2025   #12
@johnny reb

And don't even mention "Faith"........
OP johnny reb  49 | 8090
12 Jan 2025   #13
but when he never replies

He always answers my prayers, sometimes with a yes, sometimes with a no and sometimes I have to wait for His answer.
You really are ignorant about what Christian Faith is aren't you.
Miloslaw  20 | 5140
12 Jan 2025   #14
He always replies to me, sometimes with a yes, sometimes with a no

Oh, so you speak and hear from God? HaHaHa!!!! you are either a lying bastard or a delusional maniac!

You really are ignorant about what Christian Faith

I said in my last post not to mention faith,but you did, the reason I posted that it because "Faith" is the biggest lie on the planet, it's what drives Muslim extremists onto suicide missions...... not a good look.....
Tlum  12 | 309
12 Jan 2025   #15
16 dead in America 45,000 dead in Gaza.

Only 2% of Palestinians are Christians. Same applies to Jews living in Gaza.

The majority of Palestinians are Muslim, including those living overseas. All residents in the Palestinian Territories are required to declare a religion on an identification card issued by the Israeli government. According to this record, 98% of Palestinians identify as Sunni Muslims.1 Christianity is the main minority religion, with roughly 52,000 Palestinian Christians believed to be living across the occupied territories.

OP johnny reb  49 | 8090
12 Jan 2025   #16
, so you speak and hear from God?

you are either a lying bastard or a delusional maniac!

Neither, you are just to blinded to see so you can understand.
I said in my last post not to mention faith,

Of course you did because my Faith makes Satan and his children tremble.
"Faith" is the biggest lie on the planet

In reality quite the opposite for us Christians
Muslim extremists onto suicide missions.....

So who is claiming that Muslims are Christians ?
Miloslaw  20 | 5140
12 Jan 2025   #17
Only 2% of Palestinians are Christians. Same applies to Jews living in Gaza.


Palestine has never been a Muslim controlled state in it's history, in fact it has never been fully recognized as an independent state.
Novichok  4 | 9041
12 Jan 2025   #18
with God because he doesn't exist!

I have been waiting for this moment of wisdom and clarity.

I resisted it for a very long time so I am glad you are the one.

Let me add to it...Miracles, like God, exist only in the heads of old toothless women in Peru.

When an amputee gets his original limbs back, I will fall on my knees and repent...

One condition...I want to see the before and after X-rays first. No essays, no eye witnesses, not sworn affidavits...X-rays first...
Tlum  12 | 309
12 Jan 2025   #19

I was referring to Barney who refereed to Jesus in relation to Gaza deaths. In Gaza, Jesus exists only in up to 2% of households, so I didn't get the point. He probably meant Mohamed.
Miloslaw  20 | 5140
12 Jan 2025   #20

Love it mate!!!!
Tlum  12 | 309
12 Jan 2025   #21
It wasn't for my post to stir up religious discussions. Christians/believers repeat this prayer that starts with:

Apostles' Creed: "I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, God's only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried; he descended to the dead".

Note that it says: "believe" (not "know"). If we had 100% proof aka X-ray, there would be no need to believe as we would just know. It's like knowing exam questions and answers before taking an exam - what would be point?

It also says: "Jesus said to him, 'Because you have seen me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen, and have believed."

Hopefully the difference is clear. If you want a 100% proof, there's no effort on your part at all. If you don't want to believe, that's fine, but the goal of my post was not to MOCK on top of that.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8090
13 Jan 2025   #22
When an amputee gets his original limbs back, I will fall on my knees and repent...

You are going to fall on your knees regardless as every knee shall bow.
I have been waiting for this moment

Don't wait to long as eternity is a very long time.
Love it mate!!!!

Water seeks its own level.
Novichok  4 | 9041
13 Jan 2025   #23
If we had 100% proof aka X-ray, there would be no need to believe as we would just know.

The problem with miracles is that the Church presents them as facts, not just befiefs.

Facts require evidence. Beliefs don't. That's the difference.

I have no issues with my beliefs. Today, I believe I am an 18-year-old black lesbian.

Heres the latest good news out of California.

Easy come, easy go.

Did she burn, too?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8090
13 Jan 2025   #24
The problem with miracles is that the Church presents them as facts, not just befiefs.

Not true at all
The church presents them as sacred parables that you insist on shiiting on.
Facts require evidence.

The crowds that witnessed the miracles is evidence enough for me.
(ie: The loaves and the fishes huge crowd)
The problem is that you want to set your rules and beliefs as the truth just to argue with your silly diminishments. Pfffft !
The smell of sulfur is over whelming.
You are one of Satan's useful idiots.
We will all be there on Judgment Day when your knee bows to God Almighty so blabber all you want now with your silliness.

OP johnny reb  49 | 8090
13 Jan 2025   #25
Trumps investigative committee just released their findings on bidens lies saying that crime was down under his administration.
The undisputed truth of that matter just came out.
Crime in the United Sates was up 43% under biden's watch !
We told you so even though you kept posting that it was down.
Don't worry though as Trump will fix it.
7 more days and the adults will be back in the White House starting to get this mess cleaned up.
F, I may even have to toast joker on January 20th with a, "WE DID IT ! "
Novichok  4 | 9041
13 Jan 2025   #26
The crowds that witnessed the miracles is evidence enough for me.

One guy made the Statue of Liberty disappear ... on live TV, with millions watching...

The problem is that you want to set your rules and beliefs

You do, too! Would you like to be convicted after this: Your Honor, we believe that JR raped and murdered a dozen girls.

Judge: Good enough for me. You are hereby sentenced to death by hanging. Bailiff, take him out...

Bread and fish BS is cute but old...Miracles are claimed to be current facts. Add "allegedly" to them and everything is peachy fine.

As I said, I believe I am an 18-year-old black lesbian. If you don't accept it, you are a non-believer and a very mean person - soon to see Mr. Satan. When you do...say Hi for me...
OP johnny reb  49 | 8090
13 Jan 2025   #27
One guy made the Statue of Liberty disappear ...

You are not listening and only talking shlt again.
The church presents them as sacred parables that you insist on shiiting on.

Are you stuck on stupid or what.
Jesus used parables for His teachings to help the people back then understand.
As far as you, you don't want to understand because you really do think you are the smartest guy in the room when you are so far from it.
You even think you are smarter than Jesus Christ Himself which would make you a god of some sort and we sure the hell know that you are not.
Maybe stick your head in a wood chipper pointed toward the pig pen to do one of your disappearing acts and end your misery.
Novichok  4 | 9041
13 Jan 2025   #28
Jesus used parables for His teachings

...and hoped that the throng would properly decode them...

What a dufus...How about: Hey, morons, don't do X, Y, and Z or you will die and my Dad will be pis*ed.

Jesus talked the way every charlatan does today: in codes for plausible deniability.

"Well, I didn't mean it literally..." Like walking on water. Three-inch-deep water qualifies as "walking on water...typical Clinton talk...

So how deep was that water?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8090
13 Jan 2025   #29
When Judgement Day comes your granddaughters will be asking their mother where grandpa is.
"He didn't make it Honey, Satan had him blinded to the light."
Eternity is a very long time Rich.
Novichok  4 | 9041
13 Jan 2025   #30
So how deep was that water?

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