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Feed Back on the Moderating - Part 2

OP johnny reb  46 | 7425
28 May 2024   #91
@ The Snitch

Then why is he tolerating this stupid thread then?

She isn't, she has cleaned it up rather well I thought.
Now quit making work for her and start following the rules because you only have a couple of days left before the suspensions start getting handed out.
Miloslaw  21 | 4878
28 May 2024   #92

You are well and truly fvcked then!
OP johnny reb  46 | 7425
28 May 2024   #93
I am sure I will take one on the chin and as long as it is deserving, I never complain like you do.
We will soon see if our Mod is bias or not.
Vincent was a Brit but he still managed to keep things on a level playing field.
You just worry about yourself and quit worrying about everyone else.
Just remember to stay on topic and debate the posts and not the poster and you will do just fine, Mr. Angry.
Joker  2 | 2173
29 May 2024   #94
We will soon see if our Mod is bias or not.

It would be hilarious if they booted you off here on June1st

Think of the bright side though. You will have more free time to find some cocaine virgins.
OP johnny reb  46 | 7425
29 May 2024   #95
It would be hilarious if they booted you off here on June1st

It would be even funnier if they booted you off for provoking and Baiting like your last post.
You are a prime candidate to be taking the first vacation.

You will have more free time to find some cocaine virgins.

Oh No no no, my college days have been over for forty years now.
Those days are long gone.
Hey, is that really a picture of Harry that you sent me or just some schmuck off the street ?
I guess there is only one way to find out, post it and see how long it stays up. 😲
Joker  2 | 2173
30 May 2024   #96
Starting June 1, 2024 there will be a crackdown on the rules here.

This sounds just like another lie you made up. There are so many now its impossible to keep track of!

You are a prime candidate to be taking the first vacation.

Bring it on then..... Im not the one thats glued to this forum 24/7 like you are. I have a real life and you dont. This forum is your entire world and you would probably kill yourself if admin kicked you off... Pathetic loser!

I cant wait for what the Prophet Jimmy proclaims to happen on June 1st

Im will to be just another big nothing burger just like all his other claims, aka lies!
OP johnny reb  46 | 7425
31 May 2024   #97
Why do you keep posting pictures of yourself ?
Miloslaw  21 | 4878
31 May 2024   #98
@johnny reb

You really are a very sad and pathetic a$$hole!
OP johnny reb  46 | 7425
31 May 2024   #99
Takes one to know one doesn't it. Hoot !
I think you are still upset for finding my picture in your wife's purse and another one under her pillow. 🤣
Joker  2 | 2173
1 Jun 2024   #100
You really are a very sad and pathetic a$$hole!

Only 2 more hours before the crackheads self proclaimed PF crackdown on June 1st!

Wouldn't it be hysterical if the liar of PF were the first to go..Haha

Starting June 1, 2024 there will be a crackdown on the rules here.

You constantly make false claims about being apart of the moderating team.. Is this another fantasy of yours, like the cocaine virgin hoax?

OP johnny reb  46 | 7425
1 Jun 2024   #101
You constantly make false claims about being apart of the moderating team..

Really, any sources to back that up ?
If not, you are a liar and a snitch.
Joker  2 | 2173
1 Jun 2024   #102

Did you get your reporting button back yet?

You finally learned how to post a photo how amazing. It only took you ten years to figure it out! LOL

OP johnny reb  46 | 7425
1 Jun 2024   #103
Really, any sources to back that up ?

I didn't think so.
Now remember, today is June first so there will be no more immature unprovoked attacks to Abuse other members without the possibility of a weeks suspension.

Can I buy anyone a coffee / 😃
OP johnny reb  46 | 7425
4 Jun 2024   #104
Would the real Moderators step up and identify themselves as to a screen name, male or female, country you are from, and how old you are.

Thank you for your honesty.
pawian  219 | 24513
7 Jun 2024   #105
Thank you for your honesty.

Honesty doesn`t pay in the PF. :):):) That is why the mod will remain unknown.
Alien  22 | 5410
7 Jun 2024   #106
remain unknown

Each moderator is named Vincent. 🤔
OP johnny reb  46 | 7425
7 Jun 2024   #107
That is why the mod will remain unknown.

Probably for the best.
I know that I was very disappointed for being looked over again. 😥
Nope, not Vincent, the new Mod is female.
Joker  2 | 2173
7 Jun 2024   #108
I know that I was very disappointed for being looked over again

Its not like the old days when there were dozens of posters constantly around the clock. Whos really left to moderate, seems like a boring job.

But we can keep them busy! Hahaha
OP johnny reb  46 | 7425
7 Jun 2024   #109
We need to get Cargo back to keep them hopping.
What did he have at one time .......18 warnings which I believe is the record.
I really miss him winding them up here.
Joker  2 | 2173
7 Jun 2024   #110
I really miss him winding them up here.

He always has found a way back on here in the past after being banned. He was Pigsy before Cargo.
jon357  73 | 22695
7 Jun 2024   #111
He always has found a way back on here in the past

He's very ill now. There were some posts about it.
Miloslaw  21 | 4878
7 Jun 2024   #112
We need to get Cargo back

Cargo was a complete Arshole!
Novichok  4 | 7522
8 Jun 2024   #113
Hey, Cargo, get well!

White-socked Immigrant
OP johnny reb  46 | 7425
8 Jun 2024   #114
Cargo was a complete Arshole!

And see, I think you are a complete ass sucker.
Cargo is twice the man you will ever be.
In short, you are a Nerd wanna be that just can't seem to make it over the hump here.
Do you have any idea how much you embarrass yourself ?
Take a hint.
jon357  73 | 22695
8 Jun 2024   #115
a complete Arshole

A person with a lot of problems.

One of them, the booze, got him in the end.
Ironside  50 | 12305
8 Jun 2024   #116
A person with a lot of problems

Not need to mince words here a person with mental issues.
OP johnny reb  46 | 7425
8 Jun 2024   #117
the booze, got him in the end.

There are only TWO end results of alcoholism.......Insanity or Death.
jon357  73 | 22695
8 Jun 2024   #118
One happened already, and from the state of him the other can't be that far away. Still in hospital now and it's several months ago that he was admitted.
OP johnny reb  46 | 7425
8 Jun 2024   #119
Still in hospital now and it's several months ago that he was admitted.

Then I think it is only human for the Mods to unblock his account and let him post here while he is recovering.
What better therapy for a guy like him.
What ya say Mod. ?
(It has been six month now that you suspended him)
Miloslaw  21 | 4878
8 Jun 2024   #120
What better therapy for a guy like him.

I disagree, I think that PF and particularly you are part of his problem.

Leave him alone!

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