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Feed Back on the Moderating - Part 2

OP johnny reb  49 | 8002
27 May 2024   #61
Can you imagine what your Judge will say to you come Judgement Day ! 😨
I am afraid there will be a strong smell of Sulphur but who am I to judge you.
Lazarus  3 | 364
27 May 2024   #62
who am I to judge you

A: the unconvicted but self-confessed serial rapist, convicted child abuser and convicted nun puncher who is currently out on bail.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8002
27 May 2024   #63
More lies
You don't get out of prison on bail after you have been convicted numb nuts.
That just proves again what a liar you are. 😆
Give it up Blank Shooter and wipe the egg off your face, Moron.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8002
27 May 2024   #64
Seedy jon, is it true that Lazarus is your sock puppet while he is serving time in prison for beating his wife and raping his 14-year-old stepdaughter ?

It sure looks like it. 🙄
jon357  72 | 23528
27 May 2024   #65
He's melting down again. It would be funny if it wasn't so serious.
Lazarus  3 | 364
27 May 2024   #66
He's melting down again.

Jim the rapist is so flustered he's forgotten that people (e.g. Jim the rapist) can be convicted of punching nuns, then later be convicted of domestic abuse and be convicted of child abuse, serve all the sentences for those crimes and later be charged with something we won't mention here, serve five months in prison last year on remand and then make bail just before Christmas.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8002
27 May 2024   #67
serve five months in prison last year

You got him beat by more than three times.
Harry/Lazarus the rapist did 18 months in the last two years and most likely still serving while seedy jon is using his account for his sock puppet.

jon, you are mentally ill with more than just one issue of being gay.
jon357  72 | 23528
27 May 2024   #68
be convicted of child abuse

Novichok  4 | 8580
27 May 2024   #69
then make bail just before Christmas.


I served 25 years for the triple murder of three faggots fvcking in front of my house. Now what?
OP johnny reb  49 | 8002
27 May 2024   #70
Oh Novi, you didn't either but now Mr. & Mrs. OCD have it written in stone you will be stalked with it forever.
You did know that Lazarus/Harry has admitted to being bio - sexual didn't you.
No joke Novi, just ask him as I have it in my archives if he denies it.
Butt fvck that's how he met seedy jon252
Novichok  4 | 8580
27 May 2024   #71
Oh Novi, you didn't either

So how come I still have their blood on the sidewalk and on my gun?
Poloniusz  5 | 969
27 May 2024   #72
I served 25 years for the triple murder of three faggots fvcking in front of my house. Now what?

Don't go to Israel. You won't find refuge there. Netanyahoo literally declared something similar to be an act of terrorism.

From an official Israeli government YouTube account:

PM Netanyahu: I ask you to stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in the LGBT community.

Zionists and Queers make for very strange bedfellows don't they?
Lazarus  3 | 364
27 May 2024   #73
I served 25 years for the triple murder of three faggots fvcking in front of my house. Now what?

Maybe you can live with Jim the rapist, his housemate moved in immediately after serving eight years. But he's also a registered sex offender and convicted nonce, while you are not, so perhaps you don't meet the minimum standards required to live in Jim the rapist's shack.
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
27 May 2024   #74
Zionists and Queers make for very strange bedfellows don't they?

Maybe, but not as bad as Islamists and Queers..... that is like turkeys looking forward to Christmas!!!
jon357  72 | 23528
27 May 2024   #75
What an odd thing to say.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8002
27 May 2024   #76
What an odd thing to say.

Only an odd person would think so.

But he's also a registered sex offender and convicted nonce,

Did your mail order bride from Ukraine know that you were one before she moved in with you ?
Did she know you are an alcoholic ?
Did she know you are a liar ?
Did she know you have a huge inferiority complex ?
Did she know you were eyeing her under aged daughter ?
Did she know you were in debt and owed money all over Warsaw ?
Dis she know about your past record of buggering little boys ?
Did she know you are bi o sexual ?
Did she know you were doing your "Peruvian Marching Powder" with ladies of the evening ?
Did she know that you were into "Prego lactating" women ?
Did she know that you are a worthless scum that offers society nothing besides taking up space ?
I bet she did when you beat her silly and she divorced you.
You are a waste of oxygen, face it.
jon357  72 | 23528
27 May 2024   #77
What a meltdown.

And the funny thing is that Jim will be on here all night. He do better to try and instill some values into his son, Little Stabby, now he's out of jail.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8002
27 May 2024   #78
What a meltdown.

Wasn't it though, 😋
B!tch slapped the Troll left and right and most of it is true and you know it.
Funny how you stick up for such a liar but I guess it's true that water seeks it's own level.

Jim will be on here all night.

Oh how diminishing joun, especially since you have been on here non-stop for the last18 hours. LMAO !
jon357  72 | 23528
27 May 2024   #79
Just a usual ranting meltdown full of made up bullshīt.
Lazarus  3 | 364
27 May 2024   #80
the funny thing is that Jim will be on here all night

But Jim the rapist would be here all night anyway. He's always here all night. And all day too. PF is literally his entire existence now. It's hilarious how much not being able to post here for five entire months must have hurt when he was locked up awaiting trial last year. Real pity he made bail.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8002
27 May 2024   #81
Just a usual ranting meltdown full of made up bullshīt.

We will let the members decide 😊
jon a serious question, is Lazarus really your sock puppet ?
Joker  2 | 2390
27 May 2024   #82
We will let the members decide

One of your biggest meltdowns I ever saw.... you asked.

What war did you serve in? Since its Memorial Day.

Why did you pussy out when Rich invited you for a cup of coffee? Were you afraid or embarrassed?
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
27 May 2024   #83
What an odd thing to say.


Why would gay people support Islam?

What a meltdown.


It's hilarious how much not being able to post here for five entire months must have hurt when he was locked up awaiting trial last year.

It is!

We will let the members decide

They already have.... a long time ago.... you are a good for nothing lying,toxic troll.
jon357  72 | 23528
27 May 2024   #84
support Islam?

Very few Muslims are Islamists, and in any case people tend to have what ever religion they're born into. And generally support it, whatever negative aspects there may be in any given culture.

And after all, why would someone live their lives according to the most conservative elements in society? Outside the countryside and closely-knit communities, few would bother trying.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8002
27 May 2024   #85
you are a good for nothing lying,toxic troll.

That makes me feel good to know just how bad I get under your slimy Limey skin.
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
27 May 2024   #86
slimy Limey skin.

Yet more unprovoked racism..... you really are a head case Jim!
OP johnny reb  49 | 8002
27 May 2024   #87
Yet more unprovoked

Really ? what do you call this

... you are a good for nothing lying,toxic troll.

Oops !

Yet more unprovoked racism..

I didn't know that slimy Limey was a race.
Perhaps maybe you could fill us in ya little Yorkshire yapper.
Go to your bed Limey, you are boring us.
Novichok  4 | 8580
27 May 2024   #88
Very few Muslims are Islamists,

70% of Gazans would do 10/7 again.
40% of Muslims in Dearborn, Michigan, would not report a planned 9/11-type event.
Fvck Muslims.
Joker  2 | 2390
28 May 2024   #89
Starting June 1, 2024 there will be a crackdown on the rules here.

The clock is running down for the June 1st crackdown!!!! So, what happens when nothing happens, Chicken Little?

Your reputation is on the line here since your created this thread and claim to have inside knowledge?

You could be further prosecuted under several other animal protection statutes - some of them federal.

Not to mention how he admitted to baiting deer to come to his front lawn, so he can shoot them.
Joker  2 | 2390
28 May 2024   #90
new Mod. that has a very low tolerance level for being ignored

Then why is he tolerating this stupid thread then?

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